to Top)
Abido, M. A.
Two-Level of Nondominated Solutions Approach to Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 726)
Abraham, A.
Kernel Based Automatic Clustering Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
(Page 2)
Achiche, S.
Genetically Generated Double-Level Fuzzy Controller with a Fuzzy Adjustment Strategy
(Page 1880)
Adamatzky, A.
Towards the Coevolution of Cellular Automata Controllers for Chemical Computing with the B-Z Reaction
(Page 472)
Adra, S. F.
An Informed Convergence Accelerator for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimiser
(Page 734)
to Top)
Affenzeller, M.
Aspects of Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Evolution
(Page 2595)
Agapitos, A.
Evolving Controllers for Simulated Car Racing using Object Oriented Genetic Programming
(Page 1543)
Aggarwal, V.
COSMO: A Correlation Sensitive Mutation Operator for Multi-Objective Optimization
(Page 741)
A Doubly Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Network Coding
(Page 1272)
Agogino, A.
Evolving Distributed Agents for Managing Air Traffic
(Page 1888)
Aguilar-Ruiz, J. S.
A Multi-Objective Approach to Discover Biclusters in Microarray Data
(Page 385)
Aguirre, H.
An Evolutionary Multiobjective Approach to Design Highly Non-linear Boolean Functions
(Page 749)
Ahn, C. W.
Multiobjective Real-coded Bayesian Optimization Algorithm Revisited: Diversity Preservation
(Page 593)
Aickelin, U.
Dendritic Cells for SYN Scan Detection
(Page 49)
Alba, E.
ACOhg: Dealing with Huge Graphs
(Page 10)
ACO vs EAs for Solving a Real-World Frequency Assignment Problem in GSM Networks
(Page 94)
A Comparison of PSO and GA Approaches for Gene Selection and Classification of Microarray Data
(Page 427)
Optimal Design of Ad Hoc Injection Networks by Using Genetic Algorithms
(Page 2256)
Optimal Antenna Placement Using a New Multi-Objective CHC Algorithm
(Page 876)
Using Metaheuristic Algorithms Remotely via ROS
(Page 1510)
Alcocer-Yamanaka, V.
Incremental Refinement of Solutions for Multiple Objective Optimization Problems
(Page 910)
to Top)
Alfonseca, M.
Automatic Generation of Benchmarks for Plagiarism Detection Tools using Grammatical Evolution
(Page 2253)
Alharbi, A.
The Defined Cliffs Variant in Dynamic Environments: A Case Study Using the Shaky Ladder Hyperplane-Defined Functions
(Page 1158)
Al-Sakran, S. H.
Automated Synthesis of a Fixed-Length Loaded Symmetric Dipole Antenna Whose Gain Exceeds That of a Commercial Antenna and Matches the Theoretical Maximum
(Page 2074)
Alves, R. T.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
Anastasiadis, A. D.
Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimizer with Nonextensive Schedule
(Page 168)
Ando, S.
Heuristic Speciation for Evolving Neural Network Ensemble
(Page 1766)
Andreae, P.
Another Investigation on Tournament Selection: modelling and visualisation
(Page 1468)
An Analysis of Constructive Crossover and Selection Pressure in Genetic Programming
(Page 1739)
Antoniol, G.
Automatic Mutation Test Input Data Generation via Ant Colony
(Page 1074)
Antonsson, E. K.
Growth and Development of Continuous Structures
(Page 1064)
Araujo, L.
A Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Modelling and Prediction of Activity in Document Streams
(Page 1896)
Arnold, D. V.
On the Use of Evolution Strategies for Optimising Certain Positive Definite Quadratic Forms
(Page 634)
Atif, K.
A Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for the Dynamic Cell Formation Problem
(Page 1502)
to Top)
Au, C.-K.
Guided Mutations in Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms for Function Optimization
(Page 488)
Auger, A.
Continuous Lunches are Free!
(Page 916)
Avigad, G.
Concept-based Multi-objective Problems and Their Solution by EC
(Page 2865)
Ayari, K.
Automatic Mutation Test Input Data Generation via Ant Colony
(Page 1074)
Azzini, A.
Automated Trading on Financial Instruments with Evolved Neural Networks
(Page 2252)
to Top)
Babb, B.
Evolved Transforms Surpass the FBI Wavelet for Improved Fingerprint Compression and Reconstruction
(Page 2603)
Bacardit, J.
Automated Alphabet Reduction Method with Evolutionary Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction
(Page 346)
Baccino, T.
Eye-Tracking Evolutionary Algorithm to Minimize User Fatigue in IEC Applied to Interactive One-Max Problem
(Page 2883)
Bäck, T.
Performance Analysis of Niching Algorithms Based on Derandomized-ES Variants
(Page 705)
The Second Harmonic Generation Case-Study as a Gateway for ES to Quantum Control Problems
(Page 705)
On the Scalability of Evolution Strategies in the Optimization of Dynamic Molecular Alignment
(Page 2266)
Baddeley, B.
Bee SLAM: A probabilistic framework for studying orientation flights in bees and wasps
(Page 334)
Bader-El-Den, M.
A GP-Based Hyper-Heuristic Framework for Evolving 3-SAT Heuristics
(Page 1749)
Badran, K. M. S.
The Roles of Diversity Preservation and Mutation in Preventing Population Collapse in Multiobjective Genetic Programming
(Page 1551)
Bagi, L. B.
Transgenetic Algorithm: A New Evolutionary Perspective for Heuristics Design
(Page 2701)
Bai, Z.
Fitness Calculation Approach for Nested If-Else Construct in Evolutionary Testing
(Page 1141)
A Leader-based Parallel Cross Entropy Algorithm for MCP
(Page 2401)
Baig, A. R.
Honey Bee Foraging Algorithm for Multimodal & Dynamic Optimization Problems
(Page 169)
Bailey, B.
Interactive Multi-Objective Design of Long-Span Trusses
(Page 902)
Balan, G. C.
Finding Interesting Things: Population-based Adaptive Parameter Sweeping
(Page 86)
Bandte, O.
Using Genetic Algorithms for Naval Subsystem Damage Assessment and Design Improvements
(Page 2114)
Banerjee, N.
Multiobjective Network Design for Realistic Traffic Models
(Page 1904)
to Top)
Banzhaf, W.
Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming
(Page 1021)
Barbosa, H. J. C.
Suppression Based Immune Mechanism to Find a Representative Training Set in Data Classification Tasks
(Page 171)
Barney, N.
Towards Human-Human-Computer Interaction for Biologically-Inspired Problem-Solving in Human Genetics
(Page 432)
Barrientos, A.
Two Adaptive Mutation Operators for Optima Tracking in Dynamic Optimization Problems with Evolution Strategies
(Page 697)
Barry, A. M.
Mixing Independent Classifiers
(Page 1596)
A Principled Foundation for LCS
(Page 2675)
Barton, A. J.
Computational Intelligence Techniques: A Study of Scleroderma Skin Disease
(Page 2580)
Exploring Medical Data using Visual Spaces with Genetic Programming and Implicit Functional Mappings
(Page 2953)
Bartz-Beielstein, T.
Experimental Research in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3001)
Bazzoli, A.
Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction with a Dipeptide-assembly Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 424)
Becerra, D. C.
A Novel Ab-initio Genetic-Based Approach for Protein Folding Prediction
(Page 393)
Becerra, R. L.
Alternative Techniques to Solve Hard Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
(Page 757)
Becker, J.
Synthesis of Analog Filters on an Evolvable Hardware Platform using a Genetic Algorithm
(Page 190)
Begovic, J.
Evolutionary Music Composer Integrating Formal Grammar
(Page 2519)
Bekker, J. A.
Balancing Quality and Quantity in Evolving Agent Systems
(Page 335)
to Top)
Bel-Enguix, G.
Agent-Environment Interaction in a Multi-Agent System: A Formal Model
(Page 2607)
Bengoetxea, E.
A Parallel Framework for Loopy Belief Propagation
(Page 2843)
Benmohamed, M.
Cluster-based Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits using Improved Multi-Expression Programming
(Page 2475)
Bentley, P. J.
A Systematic Computation Platform for the Modelling and Analysis of Processes with Natural Characteristics
(Page 2809)
A More Bio-plausible Approach to the Evolutionary Inference of Finite State Machines
(Page 2937)
Berlanga, A.
A Cumulative Evidential Stopping Criterion for Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 2835)
Bernadó- Mansilla, E.
Fuzzy-UCS: Preliminary Results
(Page 2871)
Substructural Surrogates for Learning Decomposable Classification Problems: Implementation and First Results
(Page 2875)
Modeling XCS in Class Imbalances: Population Size and Parameter Settings
(Page 1838)
Bersini, H.
A Gestalt Genetic Algorithm: Less details for better search
(Page 1328)
Bevilacqua, V.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
Bhanu, B.
Hybrid Coevolutionary Algorithms vs. SVM Algorithms
(Page 456)
On the Number of Subpopulations in Coevolutionary Computation: A Database Application
(Page 489)
Bhargava, R.
Towards Better than Human Capability in Diagnosing Prostate Cancer Using Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
(Page 2098)
Bhattacharya, M.
Expensive Optimization, Uncertain Environment: An EA-Based Solution
(Page 2407)
to Top)
Bickel, B.
Self-Adaptive Ant Colony Optimisation Applied to Function Allocation in Vehicle Networks
(Page 1991)
Binard, F.
An Abstraction-Based Genetic Programming System
(Page 2415)
Bird, S.
Informative Performance Metrics for Dynamic Optimisation Problems
(Page 18)
Bisogno, F.
Multi-Objective Univariate Marginal Distribution Optimisation of Mixed Analogue-Digital Signal Circuits
(Page 2242)
Blackwell, T.
Origin of Bursts
(Page 2613)
Understanding Particle Swarms through Simplification: A Study of Recombinant PSO
(Page 2621)
Bleuler, S.
Discrimination of Metabolic Flux Profiles Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 354)
Bloch, C.
A Self-adaptive Multiagent Evolutionary Algorithm for Electrical Machine Design
(Page 1250)
Blum, C.
ACO vs EAs for Solving a Real-World Frequency Assignment Problem in GSM Networks
(Page 94)
Bolzani, L.
Coupling EA and High-level Metrics for the Automatic Generation of Test Blocks for Peripheral Cores
(Page 1912)
Bongard, J.
Action-Selection and Crossover Strategies for Self-Modeling Machines
(Page 198)
Exploiting Multiple Robots to Accelerate Self-Modeling
(Page 214)
Borenstein, Y.
An Information Perspective on Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3021)
to Top)
Borgulya, I.
An EC-Memory Based Method for the Multi-Objective TSP
(Page 903)
Bosman, P. A. N.
SDR: A Better Trigger for Adaptive Variance Scaling in Normal EDAs
(Page 492)
Adaptive Variance Scaling in Continuous Multi-Objective Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms
(Page 500)
Convergence Phases, Variance Trajectories, and Runtime Analysis of Continuous EDAs
(Page 516)
Learning and Anticipation in Online Dynamic Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms: The Stochastic Case
(Page 1165)
Bouktif, S.
Automatic Mutation Test Input Data Generation via Ant Colony
(Page 1074)
Boulif, M.
A Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for the Dynamic Cell Formation Problem
(Page 1502)
Boullart, L.
Adaptive Strategies for a Semantically Driven Tree Optimizer to Control Code Growth
(Page 1762)
Limiting Code Growth to Improve Robustness in Tree-based Genetic Programming
(Page 1763)
Bouvry, P.
Optimal Design of Ad Hoc Injection Networks by Using Genetic Algorithms
(Page 2256)
Brabazon, A.
Option Pricing Model Calibration using a Real-valued Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 1983)
Adaptive Genetic Programming for Option Pricing
(Page 2588)
Branke, J.
Addressing Sampling Errors and Diversity Loss in UMDA
(Page 508)
Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization on Computer Grids
(Page 869)
Performance Measures and Particle Swarm Methods for Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization Problems
(Page 907)
Bratton, D.
Origin of Bursts
(Page 2613)
Understanding Particle Swarms through Simplification: A Study of Recombinant PSO
(Page 2621)
Bredeche, N.
Robust Multi-Cellular Developmental Design
(Page 982)
to Top)
Brintrup, A. M.
The Effect of User Interaction Mechanisms in Multi-objective IGA
(Page 2629)
Brockhoff, D.
Do Additional Objectives Make a Problem Harder?
(Page 765)
Brodu, N.
A Framework for the Emergence of Intra-Species Mutual Recognition Patterns
(Page 336)
Brookes, E. H.
Parsimonious Regularization using Genetic Algorithms Applied to the Analysis of Analytical Ultracentrifugation Experiments
(Page 361)
Broomhead, D.
Exact Analysis of the Sampling Distribution for the Canonical Particle Swarm Optimiser and its Convergence during Stagnation
(Page 134)
Brown, D.
Solving the MAXSAT Problem using a Multivariate EDA based on Markov Networks
(Page 2423)
Brown, G.
UCSpv: Principled Voting in UCS Rule Populations
(Page 1774)
Bayesian Estimation of Rule Accuracy in UCS
(Page 2831)
Browne, W.
Investigating Scaling of an Abstracted LCS Utilising Ternary and S-Expression Alphabets
(Page 2759)
Brownlee, A.
Solving the MAXSAT Problem using a Multivariate EDA based on Markov Networks
(Page 2423)
Brügger, S.
Sex and Death: Towards Biologically Inspired Heuristics for Constraint Handling
(Page 666)
Bruno, M.
Search-based Testing of Service Level Agreements
(Page 1090)
to Top)
Brust, M.
Optimal Design of Ad Hoc Injection Networks by Using Genetic Algorithms
(Page 2256)
Bryce, R. C.
One-Test-at-a-Time Heuristic Search for Interaction Test Suites
(Page 1082)
Bucci, A.
Thoughts on Solution Concepts
(Page 434)
Advanced Tutorial on Coevolution
(Page 3172)
Bull, L.
Towards the Coevolution of Cellular Automata Controllers for Chemical Computing with the B-Z Reaction
(Page 472)
On Lookahead and Latent Learning in Simple LCS
(Page 2633)
Toward a Better Understanding of Rule Initialisation and Deletion
(Page 2777)
Initial Results from the use of Learning Classifier Systems to Control In Vitro Neuronal Networks
(Page 369)
Improving the Human Readability of Features Constructed by Genetic Programming
(Page 1694)
Towards Clustering with XCS
(Page 1854)
Mining Breast Cancer Data with XCS
(Page 2066)
Bullinaria, J. A.
The Effect of Learning on Life History Evolution
(Page 222)
ExGA II: An Improved Exonic Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Knapsack Problem
(Page 1357)
A Genetic Algorithm with Exon Shuffling Crossover for Hard Bin Packing Problems
(Page 1365)
Burke, E. K.
Automatic Heuristic Generation with Genetic Programming: Evolving a Jack-of-all Trades or a Master of One
(Page 1559)
Burns, D.
Hardware Acceleration of Multi-deme Genetic Algorithm for the Application of DNA Codeword Searching
(Page 1349)
Butz, M. V.
Empirical Analysis of Generalization and Learning in XCS with Gradient Descent
(Page 1814)
Learning Classifier Systems
(Page 3035)
Buus, D. P.
SwarmArchitect: A Swarm Framework for Collaborative Construction
(Page 186)
Byrne, E.
Optimising the Flow of Experiments to a Robot Scientist with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 2429)
to Top)
Caballero, R.
Alternative Techniques to Solve Hard Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
(Page 757)
Cai, X.
Discovering Structures in Gene Regulatory Networks Using Genetic Programming and Particle Swarms
(Page 1750)
Campbell, A.
Learning and Exploiting Knowledge in Multi-Agent Task Allocation Problems
(Page 2637)
Canfora, G.
Search-based Testing of Service Level Agreements
(Page 1090)
Cardos, M.
Configuring an Evolutionary Tool for the Inventory and Transportation Problem
(Page 1975)
Casillas, J.
Fuzzy-UCS: Preliminary Results
(Page 2871)
Castillo, P. A.
Exploring Selection Mechanisms for an Agent-Based Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 2801)
Balancing Safety and Speed in the Military Path Finding Problem: Analysis of Different ACO Algorithms
(Page 2859)
Cattral, R.
Discovering Rules in the Poker Hand Dataset
(Page 1870)
Cayzer, S.
Modelling Danger and Anergy in Artificial Immune Systems
(Page 26)
Cebrián, M.
Automatic Generation of Benchmarks for Plagiarism Detection Tools using Grammatical Evolution
(Page 2253)
Cetinkaya, A.
Regular Expression Generation through Grammatical Evolution
(Page 2643)
Chamagne, D.
A Self-adaptive Multiagent Evolutionary Algorithm for Electrical Machine Design
(Page 1250)
Chan, C.-H.
A Genetic Algorithm for Resident Physician Scheduling Problem
(Page 2203)
Chan, T.-M.
TFBS Identification by Position- and Consensus-led Genetic Algorithm with Local Filtering
(Page 377)
Chatonnay, P.
A Self-adaptive Multiagent Evolutionary Algorithm for Electrical Machine Design
(Page 1250)
to Top)
Chavoya, A.
Use of a Genetic Algorithm to Evolve an Extended Artificial Regulatory Network for Cell Pattern Generation
(Page 1062)
Chen, C. L.
Evolving Explicit Opponent Models in Game Playing
(Page 2106)
Chen, C.-H.
Real-Coded ECGA for Economic Dispatch
(Page 1920)
Chen, C.-M.
Particle Swarm Guided Evolution Strategy
(Page 650)
Chen, H.
A Multi-Objective Imaging Scheduling Approach for Earth Observing Satellites
(Page 2211)
Chen, H.-W.
Introducing Fault Tolerance to XCS
(Page 1871)
Chen, J.-H.
Simultaneous Optimization of Production Planning and Inspection Planning for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
(Page 1928)
Chen, Y.
Trading Rules on Stock Markets Using Genetic Network Programming with Sarsa Learning
(Page 1503)
GARS: An Improved Genetic Algorithm with Reserve Selection for Global Optimization
(Page 1173)
Genetic Network Programming with Actor-Critic and Its Application to Stock Trading Model
(Page 2263)
Chen, Y.-p.
Particle Swarm Guided Evolution Strategy
(Page 650)
Introducing Fault Tolerance to XCS
(Page 1871)
Real-Coded ECGA for Economic Dispatch
(Page 1920)
Characteristic Determination for Solid State Devices with Evolutionary Computation: A Case Study
(Page 2029)
Chiarappa, P.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
Chicano, F.
ACOhg: Dealing with Huge Graphs
(Page 10)
Optimal Antenna Placement Using a New Multi-Objective CHC Algorithm
(Page 876)
Finding Safety Errors with ACO
(Page 1066)
Using Metaheuristic Algorithms Remotely via ROS
(Page 1510)
Chiotis, T.
Nonlinearity Linkage Detection for Financial Times Series Analysis
(Page 1179)
Chitty, D. M.
A Data Parallel Approach to Genetic Programming Using Programmable Graphics Hardware
(Page 1566)
Choi, S.-S.
An Evolutionary Keystroke Authentication Based on Ellipsoidal Hypothesis Space
(Page 2090)
to Top)
Chongstitvatana, P.
A Synthesis of Optimal Stopping Time in Compact Genetic Algorithm Based on Real Options Approach
(Page 630)
Choo, C. S.
Automated Red Teaming: A Proposed Framework for Military Application
(Page 1936)
Christensen, S.
A Simple Genetic Algorithm for Reducible Complexity
(Page 1514)
Solving the Artificial Ant on the Santa Fe Trail Problem in 20,696 Fitness Evaluations
(Page 1574)
An Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3765)
Chua, C. L.
Automated Red Teaming: A Proposed Framework for Military Application
(Page 1936)
Chunyan, M.
Fuzzy Cognitive Map Learning Based on Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 339)
Cinneide, M. O.
Getting the Most from Search-Based Refactoring
(Page 1114)
Clack, C. D.
Nonlinearity Linkage Detection for Financial Times Series Analysis
(Page 1179)
Diverse Committees Vote for Dependable Profits
(Page 2226)
Evolving Robust GP Solutions for Hedge Fund Stock Selection in Emerging Markets
(Page 2234)
Using an Evolutionary Agent-Based Simulation to Explore Hedging Pressure in Futures Markets
(Page 2257)
Clarke, T.
Using Feedback to Regulate Gene Expression in a Developmental Control Architecture
(Page 966)
Clegg, J.
A New Crossover Technique for Cartesian Genetic Programming: Genetic Programming Track
(Page 1580)
Clegg, K.
Using Feedback to Regulate Gene Expression in a Developmental Control Architecture
(Page 966)
to Top)
Coello, C. A. C.
Alternative Techniques to Solve Hard Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
(Page 757)
Convergence of Stochastic Search Algorithms to Gap-Free Pareto Front Approximations
(Page 892)
Epsilon-Constraint with an Efficient Cultured Differential Evolution
(Page 2787)
Constraint-Handling Techniques used with Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 3057)
Coffin, D.
Why Is Parity Hard for Estimation of Distribution Algorithms?
(Page 624)
Coghill, G. M.
Learning Dynamic Models of Compartment Systems by Combining Symbolic Regression with Fuzzy Vector Envisionment
(Page 2769)
Modified Clonal Selection Algorithm for Learning Qualitative Compartmental Models of Metabolic Systems
(Page 2887)
Colbourn, C. J.
One-Test-at-a-Time Heuristic Search for Interaction Test Suites
(Page 1082)
Collard, P.
Eye-Tracking Evolutionary Algorithm to Minimize User Fatigue in IEC Applied to Interactive One-Max Problem
(Page 2883)
Colombo, G.
Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction with a Dipeptide-assembly Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 424)
Contreras, E. B.
A Biologically Inspired Solution for an Evolved Simulated Agent
(Page 206)
Cook, T.
GAUGUIN: Generating Art Using Genetic Algorithms and User Input Naturally
(Page 2647)
Cooper, C.
Evolution of Adult Male Oral Tract Shapes for Close and Open Vowels
(Page 2751)
Cordero H., J.
SwarmArchitect: A Swarm Framework for Collaborative Construction
(Page 186)
to Top)
Corne, D.
Techniques for Highly Multiobjective Optimisation: Some Nondominated Points are Better than Others
(Page 773)
Correa, E. S.
Particle Swarm and Bayesian Networks Applied to Attribute Selection for Protein Functional Classification
(Page 2651)
Correia, M. B.
On the Roles of Redundancy and Neutrality in Evolutionary Optimization: An Experimental Study
(Page 1504)
Costa, E.
Niching Techniques: a Study on the Cluster Geometry Optimization Problem
(Page 1524)
VMEA: Studies on Replacing Strategies and Diversity in Dynamic Environments
(Page 1530)
Costelloe, D.
Towards Models of User Preferences in Interactive Musical Evolution
(Page 2254)
Cotta, C.
A Memetic Algorithm for the Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequence Problem
(Page 1226)
Who is the Best Connected EC Researcher? Centrality Analysis of the Complex Network of Authors in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 1526)
Complex Networks and Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3078)
Craig, J.
Feature Selection and Classification in Noisy Epistatic Problems using a Hybrid Evolutionary Approach
(Page 1872)
Crampton, J.
Efficiency Updates for the Restricted Growth Function GA for Grouping Problems
(Page 1536)
An Improved Restricted Growth Function Genetic Algorithm for the Consensus Clustering of Retinal Nerve Fibre Data
(Page 2174)
Cummins, R.
Using Genetic Programming for Information Retrieval: Local and Global Query Expansion
(Page 2255)
Curran, D.
The Effects of Lifetime Learning on the Diversity and Fitness of Populations
(Page 337)
Self-adaptation of Cultural Learning Parameters
(Page 338)
