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Real-World Applications: Papers


Genetically Generated Double-Level Fuzzy Controller with a Fuzzy Adjustment Strategy (Page 1880)
S. Achiche (Technical University of Denmark)
W. Wei (Technical University of Denmark)
Z. Fan (Technical University of Denmark)
A. Ozkil (Technical University of Denmark)
T. Sørensen (Technical University of Denmark)
J. Wang (United Technologies Research Center)
E. Goodman (Michigan State University)

Evolving Distributed Agents for Managing Air Traffic (Page 1888)
A. Agogino (University of Southern California & NASA Ames Research Center)
K. Tumer (Oregon State University)

A Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Modelling and Prediction of Activity in Document Streams (Page 1896)
L. Araujo (Universidad Nacional a Distancia)
J. J. Merelo (Universidad de Granada)

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Multiobjective Network Design for Realistic Traffic Models (Page 1904)
N. Banerjee (University of Massachusetts)
R. Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)

Coupling EA and High-level Metrics for the Automatic Generation of Test Blocks for Peripheral Cores (Page 1912)
L. Bolzani (Politechnico di Torino)
E. Sanchez (Politechnico di Torino)
M. Schillaci (Politechnico di Torino)
G. Squillero (Politechnico di Torino)

Real-Coded ECGA for Economic Dispatch (Page 1920)
C.-H. Chen (National Chiao Tung University)
Y.-p. Chen (National Chiao Tung University)

Simultaneous Optimization of Production Planning and Inspection Planning for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (Page 1928)
J.-H. Chen (Chung-Hua University)

Automated Red Teaming: A Proposed Framework for Military Application (Page 1936)
C. S. Choo (DSO National Laboratories)
C. L. Chua (DSO National Laboratories)
S.-H. V. Tay (Defence Science and Technology Agency)

Graph-based Sequence Clustering through Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Web Recommender Systems (Page 1943)
G. N. Demir (Istanbul Technical University)
A. S. Uyar (Istanbul Technical University)
S. Oguducu (Istanbul Technical University)

A Phenotypic Analysis of GP-Evolved Team Behaviours (Page 1951)
D. Doherty (National University of Ireland Galway)
C. O'Riordan (National University of Ireland Galway)

Electronic Synthesis using Genetic Algorithms for Automatic Music Transcription (Page 1959)
G. M. J. dos Reis (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria)
F. F. de Vega (University of Extremadura)

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Evolutionary Algorithms for Reasoning in Fuzzy Description Logics with Fuzzy Quantifiers (Page 1967)
M. Dragoni (Università degli Studi di Milano)
A. G. B. Tettamanzi (Università degli Studi di Milano)

Configuring an Evolutionary Tool for the Inventory and Transportation Problem (Page 1975)
A. I. Esparcia-Alcazar (Instituto Technologico de Informatica)
L. Lluch-Revert (Instituto Technologico de Informatica)
K. C. Sharman (Instituto Technologico de Informatica)
M. Cardos (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia)
J. J. Merelo (Universidad de Granada)

Option Pricing Model Calibration using a Real-valued Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm (Page 1983)
K. Fan (University College Dublin)
A. Brabazon (University College Dublin)
C. O'Sullivan (University College Dublin)
M. O'Neill (University College Dublin)

Self-Adaptive Ant Colony Optimisation Applied to Function Allocation in Vehicle Networks (Page 1991)
M. Förster (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
B. Bickel (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
B. Hardung (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
G. Kókai (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Discrimination of Munitions and Explosives of Concern at F.E. Warren AFB using Linear Genetic Programming (Page 1999)
F. D. Francone (RML Technologies Inc. and Chalmers University of Technology)
L. M. Deschaine (Science Applications Int. Corp. and Chalmers University of Technology)
J. J. Warren (Science Applications International Corporation)

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Genetic Optimization for Yacht Design (Page 2007)
P. Geremia (ESTECO srl)
M. Poian (ESTECO srl)
S. Poles (ESTECO srl)

Defining Implicit Objective Functions for Design Problems (Page 2013)
S. Hanna (University College London)

Revisiting the Personal Satellite Assistant: Neuroevolution with a Modified Enforced Sub-Populations Algorithm (Page 2021)
B. A. Høverstad (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Characteristic Determination for Solid State Devices with Evolutionary Computation: A Case Study (Page 2029)
P.-C. Hung (National Chiao Tung University)
Y.-p. Chen (National Chiao Tung University)
H. W. Zan (National Chiao Tung University)

An Evolutionary Approach to Collective Communication Scheduling (Page 2037)
J. Jaroš (Brno University of Technology)
M. Ohlídal (Brno University of Technology)
V. Dvořák (Brno University of Technology)

A Hybrid GA for a Supply Chain Production Planning Problem (Page 2045)
M. Jenabi (Amirkabir University of Technology)
S. A. Torabi (University of Tehran)
S. A. Mansouri (King's College London)

High Quality Offset Printing – An Evolutionary Approach (Page 2053)
R. Joost (University of Rostock)
R. Salomon (University of Rostock)

Variable Selection for Wind Power Prediction using Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 2059)
R. Jursa (ISET e. V.)

Mining Breast Cancer Data with XCS (Page 2066)
F. Kharbat (Zarqa Private University)
L. Bull (University of the West of England)
M. Odeh (University of the West of England)

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Automated Synthesis of a Fixed-Length Loaded Symmetric Dipole Antenna Whose Gain Exceeds That of a Commercial Antenna and Matches the Theoretical Maximum (Page 2074)
J. R. Koza (Stanford University)
S. H. Al-Sakran (Genetic Programming Inc.)
L. W. Jones (Genetic Programming Inc.)
G. Manassero (Electrical Engineering Consultant)

Using Code Metric Histograms and Genetic Algorithms to Perform Author Identification for Software Forensics (Page 2082)
R. Lange (Drexel University)
S. Mancoridis (Drexel University)

An Evolutionary Keystroke Authentication Based on Ellipsoidal Hypothesis Space (Page 2090)
J.-W. Lee (Seoul National University)
S.-S. Choi (Seoul National University)
B.-R. Moon (Seoul National University)

Towards Better than Human Capability in Diagnosing Prostate Cancer Using Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging (Page 2098)
X. Llorà (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
R. Reddy (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
B. Matesic (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
R. Bhargava (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Evolving Explicit Opponent Models in Game Playing (Page 2106)
A. J. Lockett (The University of Texas at Austin)
C. L. Chen (The University of Texas at Austin)
R. Miikkulainen (The University of Texas at Austin)

Using Genetic Algorithms for Naval Subsystem Damage Assessment and Design Improvements (Page 2114)
C. McCubbin (Johns Hopkins University)
D. Scheidt (Johns Hopkins University)
O. Bandte (Icosystems Corporation)
S. Marshall (Johns Hopkins University)
I. Trifonov (Icosystems Corporation)

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ICSPEA: Evolutionary Five-Axis Milling Path Optimisation (Page 2122)
J. Mehnen (Cranfield University)
R. Roy (Cranfield University)
P. Kersting (University Dortmund)
T. Wagner (University Dortmund)

A Multi-objective Approach for the Prediction of Loan Defaults (Page 2129)
O. Odeh (Kansas State University)
P. Koduru (Kansas State University)
S. Das (Kansas State University)
A. M. Featherstone (Kansas State University)
S. M. Welsh (Kansas State University)

Targeted Filter Evolution for Improved Image Reconstruction Resolution (Page 2137)
M. R. Peterson (Wright State University)
G. B. Lamont (U. S. Air Force Institute of Technology)
F. Moore (University of Alaska)
P. Marshall (Wright Patterson Air Force Base)

A NSGA-II, Web-Enabled, Parallel Optimization Framework for NLP and MINLP (Page 2145)
D. Powell (Elon University)
J. Hollingsworth (Elon University)

Interactive Evolution of XUL User Interfaces (Page 2151)
J. C. Quiroz (University of Nevada)
S. J. Louis (University of Nevada)
S. M. Dascalu (University of Nevada)

Inducing a Generative Expressive Performance Model using a Sequential-Covering Genetic Algorithm (Page 2159)
R. Ramirez (Pompeu Fabra University)
A. Hazan (Pompeu Fabra University)

A Destructive Evolutionary Process: A Pilot Implementation (Page 2167)
J. Sullivan (Limerick Institute of Technology)
C. Ryan (University of Limerick)

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An Improved Restricted Growth Function Genetic Algorithm for the Consensus Clustering of Retinal Nerve Fibre Data (Page 2174)
S. Swift (Brunel University)
A. Tucker (Brunel University)
J. Crampton (University of London)
D. Garway-Heath (Moorfields Eye Hospital)

Comparing Two Models to Generate Hyper-heuristics for the 2D-Regular Bin-Packing Problem (Page 2182)
H. Terashima-Marín (ITESM-Intelligent Systems)
C. J. F. Zárate (ITESM-Intelligent Systems)
P. Ross (Napier University)
M. Valenzuela-Rendón (ITESM-Intelligent Systems)

An Online Implementable Differential Evolution Tuned Optimal Guidance Law (Page 2190)
R. Thangavelu (Indian Institute of Science)
S. Pradeep (Indian Institute of Science)

On the Design of Optimisers for Surface Reconstruction (Page 2195)
T. Wagner (University of Dortmund)
T. Michelitsch (University of Dortmund)
A. Sacharow (University of Dortmund)

A Genetic Algorithm for Resident Physician Scheduling Problem (Page 2203)
C.-W. Wang (National Taiwan University)
L.-M. Sun (Taipei Medical University Hospital)
M.-H. Jin (Institute for Information Industry)
C.-J. Fu (Taipei Medical University Hospital)
L. Liu (Taipei Medical University Hospital)
C.-H. Chan (National Taiwan University)
C.-Y. Kao (National Taiwan University)

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A Multi-Objective Imaging Scheduling Approach for Earth Observing Satellites (Page 2211)
J. Wang (National University of Defense Technology)
N. Jing (National University of Defense Technology)
J. Liu (National University of Defense Technology)
H. Chen (Southwest Research Institute of Telecommunication)

Peptide Detectability Following ESI Mass Spectrometry: Prediction using Genetic Programming (Page 2219)
D. D. Wedge (The University of Manchester)
D. B. Kell (The University of Manchester)
S. J. Gaskell (The University of Manchester)
K. W. Lau (The University of Manchester)
S. J. Hubbard (The University of Manchester)
C. Eyers (The University of Manchester)

Diverse Committees Vote for Dependable Profits (Page 2226)
W. Yan (University College London)
C. D. Clack (University College London)

Evolving Robust GP Solutions for Hedge Fund Stock Selection in Emerging Markets (Page 2234)
W. Yan (University College London)
C. D. Clack (University College London)

Multi-Objective Univariate Marginal Distribution Optimisation of Mixed Analogue-Digital Signal Circuits (Page 2242)
L. Zinchenko (Fraunhofer IAIS)
M. Radecker (Fraunhofer IAIS)
F. Bisogno (Fraunhofer IAIS)

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Real-World Applications: Posters

Automated Trading on Financial Instruments with Evolved Neural Networks (Page 2252)
A. Azzini (University of Milan)
A. G. B. Tettamanzi (University of Milan)

Automatic Generation of Benchmarks for Plagiarism Detection Tools using Grammatical Evolution (Page 2253)
M. Cebrián (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
M. Alfonseca (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
A. Ortega (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Towards Models of User Preferences in Interactive Musical Evolution (Page 2254)
D. Costelloe (University of Limerick)
C. Ryan (University of Limerick)

Using Genetic Programming for Information Retrieval: Local and Global Query Expansion (Page 2255)
R. Cummins (National University of Ireland)
C. O'Riordan (National University of Ireland)

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Optimal Design of Ad Hoc Injection Networks by Using Genetic Algorithms (Page 2256)
G. Danoy (University of Luxembourg)
P. Bouvry (University of Luxembourg)
M. Brust (University of Luxembourg)
E. Alba (University of Malaga)

Using an Evolutionary Agent-Based Simulation to Explore Hedging Pressure in Futures Markets (Page 2257)
J. Duke (University College London)
C. D. Clack (University College London)

Evolutionary Computation-based Kernel Optimal Component Analysis for Pattern Recognition (Page 2258)
J. C. Isaacs (Florida State University)
S. Foo (Florida State University)
A. Meyer-Baese (Florida State University)

On Quality Performance of Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms for Biobjective Minimum Spanning Trees (Page 2259)
R. Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Kharapur)
P. K. Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Kharapur)

An Effective Genetic Algorithm for Improving Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime (Page 2260)
C.-C. Lai (National Chung Cheng University)
C.-K. Ting (National Chung Cheng University)
R.-S. Ko (National Chung Cheng University)

Automatic Analog IC Layout Generation Based on an Evolutionary Computation Approach (Page 2261)
N. Lourenço (Instituto de Telecomunicações)
N. Horta (Instituto de Telecomunicações)

Volatility Forecasting using Time Series Data Mining and Evolutionary Computation Techniques (Page 2262)
I. Ma (École de Technologie Supérieure)
T. Wong (École de Technologie Supérieure)
T. Sankar (École de Technologie Supérieure)

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Genetic Network Programming with Actor-Critic and Its Application to Stock Trading Model (Page 2263)
S. Mabu (Waseda University)
Y. Chen (Waseda University)
K. Hirasawa (Waseda University)
J. Hu (Waseda University)

Evolutionary Synthesis of Photographic Artwork Using Human Fitness Function Derived From Web-Based Social Networks (Page 2264)
D. Oranchak (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Controller Design Based on Genetic Programming (Page 2265)
I. Sekaj (Slovak University of Technology)
J. Perkácz (Slovak University of Technology)
T. Páleník (Slovak University of Technology)

On the Scalability of Evolution Strategies in the Optimization of Dynamic Molecular Alignment (Page 2266)
O. M. Shir (Leiden University)
T. Bäck (Leiden University)
M. J. J. Vrakking (FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics)

Genetic Algorithms for Water Quality Management in an Urban Watershed (Page 2267)
M. Tufail (University of Kentucky)
L. E. Ormsbee (University of Kentucky)

An Experimental Evaluation of Genetic Process Mining (Page 2268)
C. J. Turner (Cranfield University)
A. Tiwari (Cranfield University)

Carbon-Friendly Travel Plan Construction Using an Evolutionary Algorithm (Page 2269)
N. Urquhart (Napier University)