to Top)
Paechter, B.
Solving Optimal Pump Control Problem Using Max-Min Ant System
(Page 176)
Pahwa, A.
Procreating V-detectors for Nonself Recognition: An Application to Anomaly Detection in Power Systems
(Page 261)
Páleník, T.
Controller Design Based on Genetic Programming
(Page 2265)
Pallez, D.
Eye-Tracking Evolutionary Algorithm to Minimize User Fatigue in IEC Applied to Interactive One-Max Problem
(Page 2883)
Palmer, P.
Distribution Replacement: How survival of the worst can out perform survival of the fittest
(Page 1444)
Pan, Q.-K.
A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem
(Page 126)
A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem
(Page 158)
Pang, W.
Modified Clonal Selection Algorithm for Learning Qualitative Compartmental Models of Metabolic Systems
(Page 2887)
Papaspyrou, A.
Exploring the Behavior of Building Blocks for Multi-Objective Variation Operator Design using Predator-Prey Dynamics
(Page 805)
Paradiso, A.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
Parmee, I. C.
Supporting Free-Form Design Using a Component based Representation: An Overview
(Page 2821)
Evolutionary Design Search, Exploration and Optimisation
(Page 3508)
Patton, R. M.
Discovering Event Evidence Amid Massive, Dynamic Datasets
(Page 2895)
Paulden, T.
Some Novel Locality Results for the Blob Code Spanning Tree Representation
(Page 1320)
to Top)
Payne, J. L.
Takeover Times on Scale-Free Topologies
(Page 308)
Why Your Mates Shouldn't Date
(Page 1528)
Using Pair Approximations to Predict Takeover Dynamics in Spatially Structured Populations
(Page 2557)
Pecuchet, J. P.
Genetically Designed Multiple-Kernels for Improving the SVM Performance
(Page 1873)
Peifa, J.
Cross Entropy and Adaptive Variance Scaling in Continuous EDA
(Page 609)
Pelikan, M.
Analyzing Probabilistic Models in Hierarchical BOA on Traps and Spin Glasses
(Page 523)
Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms on Minimum Vertex Cover for Random Graphs
(Page 547)
Order or Not: Does Parallelization of Model Building in hBOA Affect Its Scalability?
(Page 555)
Population Sizing for Entropy-based Model Building in Discrete Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
(Page 601)
Obtaining Ground States of Ising Spin Glasses via Optimizing Bonds Instead of Spins
(Page 628)
Dependency Trees, Permutations, and Quadratic Assignment Problem
(Page 629)
Empirical Analysis of Ideal Recombination on Random Decomposable Problems
(Page 1388)
Probabilistic Model-Building Genetic Algorithms
(Page 3537)
Pellegrini, P.
Quick-and-dirty Ant Colony Optimization
(Page 178)
Pennachin, C.
Clustering Gene Expression Data via Mining Ensembles of Classification Rules Evolved Using MOSES
(Page 407)
Understanding Microarray Data through Applying Competent Program Evolution
(Page 430)
Pereira, F. B.
Niching Techniques: a Study on the Cluster Geometry Optimization Problem
(Page 1524)
Pérez, E.
MDL-based Fitness for Feature Construction
(Page 1875)
to Top)
Perez-Bellido, A. M.
A Hybrid Evolutionary Programming Algorithm for Spread Spectrum Radar Polyphase Codes Design
(Page 682)
Perkácz, J.
Controller Design Based on Genetic Programming
(Page 2265)
Peterson, G. L.
Genetic Evolution of Hierarchical Behavior Structures
(Page 1731)
An Artificial Immune System-Inspired Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm with Application to the Detection of Distributed Computer Network Intrusions
(Page 2717)
Peterson, M. R.
Targeted Filter Evolution for Improved Image Reconstruction Resolution
(Page 2137)
A Satellite Image Set for the Evolution of Image Transforms for Defense Applications
(Page 2901)
Petrovic, P.
Strengths and Weaknesses of FSA Representation
(Page 723)
Pfeiffer, J.
Analysis of Greedy Heuristics and Weight-Coded EAs for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems and Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions
(Page 1529)
Philemotte, C.
A Gestalt Genetic Algorithm: Less details for better search
(Page 1328)
Philippides, A.
Bee SLAM: A probabilistic framework for studying orientation flights in bees and wasps
(Page 334)
Piccand, S.
Scalability of Particle Swarm Algorithms
(Page 179)
Pinngern, O.
Towards Clustering with XCS
(Page 1854)
to Top)
Pinzón, Y. J.
A Novel Ab-initio Genetic-Based Approach for Protein Folding Prediction
(Page 393)
Pizzuti, C.
StreamGP: Tracking Evolving GP Ensembles in Distributed Data Streams using Fractal Dimension
(Page 1751)
Poian, M.
Genetic Optimization for Yacht Design
(Page 2007)
Poladian, L.
Evolutionary Design of Single-Mode Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibres using an Artificial Embryogeny Representation
(Page 2549)
Poles, S.
Genetic Optimization for Yacht Design
(Page 2007)
Poli, R.
Exact Analysis of the Sampling Distribution for the Canonical Particle Swarm Optimiser and its Convergence during Stagnation
(Page 134)
Markov Chain Models of Bare-Bones Particle Swarm Optimizers
(Page 142)
EcoPS - A Particle Swarm Algorithm to Model Group-Foraging
(Page 230)
Fitness-Proportional Negative Slope Coefficient as a Hardness Measure for Genetic Algorithms
(Page 1335)
How and Why a Bit-Wise Neutrality With and Without Locality Affects Evolutionary Search
(Page 1508)
Linear Selection
(Page 1513)
Generalisation of the Limiting Distributioin of Program Sizes in Tree-based Genetic Programming and Analysis of its Effects on Bloat
(Page 1588)
A GP-Based Hyper-Heuristic Framework for Evolving 3-SAT Heuristics
(Page 1749)
Linear Genetic Programming of Metaheuristics
(Page 1753)
Geometric Particle Swarm Optimisation on Binary and Real Spaces: from Theory to Practice
(Page 2659)
On the Moments of the Sampling Distribution of Particle Swarm Optimisers
(Page 2907)
Genetic Programming Theory
(Page 3563)
Pollack, J. B.
Thoughts on Solution Concepts
(Page 434)
Portilla-Figueras, A.
A Hybrid Evolutionary Programming Algorithm for Spread Spectrum Radar Polyphase Codes Design
(Page 682)
to Top)
Poík, P.
Estimation of Fitness Landscape Contours in EAs
(Page 562)
Posthoff, C.
Earthquake Classifying Neural Networks Trained with Random Dynamic Neighborhood PSOs
(Page 110)
Potok, T. E.
Discovering Event Evidence Amid Massive, Dynamic Datasets
(Page 2895)
Powell, D.
A NSGA-II, Web-Enabled, Parallel Optimization Framework for NLP and MINLP
(Page 2145)
Powers, S. T.
Preliminary Investigations into the Evolution of Cooperative Strategies in a Minimally Spatial Model
(Page 343)
Pradeep, S.
An Online Implementable Differential Evolution Tuned Optimal Guidance Law
(Page 2190)
Prasad, T. D.
Solving Optimal Pump Control Problem Using Max-Min Ant System
(Page 176)
Preuss, M.
Experimental Research in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3001)
Preuss, M.
Disburdening the Species Conservation Evolutionary Algorithm of Arguing with Radii
(Page 1420)
Priesterjahn, S.
An Evolutionary Online Adaptation Method for Modern Computer Games Based on Imitation
(Page 344)
Prugel-Bennett, A.
Finding Critical Backbone Structures with Genetic Algorithms
(Page 1343)
to Top)
Qiu, Q.
Hardware Acceleration of Multi-deme Genetic Algorithm for the Application of DNA Codeword Searching
(Page 1349)
Quan, N. T. M.
A Heuristic Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 174)
Quiroz, J. C.
Interactive Evolution of XUL User Interfaces
(Page 2151)
to Top)
Radecker, M.
Multi-Objective Univariate Marginal Distribution Optimisation of Mixed Analogue-Digital Signal Circuits
(Page 2242)
Radi, A.
Genetic Programming Approach for Positron Collisions with Alkali-metal Atom
(Page 1756)
Raich, A.
Interactive Multi-Objective Design of Long-Span Trusses
(Page 902)
Ramakrishna, R. S.
Multiobjective Real-coded Bayesian Optimization Algorithm Revisited: Diversity Preservation
(Page 593)
Ramirez, R.
Inducing a Generative Expressive Performance Model using a Sequential-Covering Genetic Algorithm
(Page 2159)
Ramos, V.
Binary Ant Algorithm
(Page 41)
Rand, W.
Evolution of Non-Uniform Cellular Automata using a Genetic Algorithm: Diversity and Computation
(Page 1531)
A Spatial Model of the Red Queen Effect
(Page 490)
The Defined Cliffs Variant in Dynamic Environments: A Case Study Using the Shaky Ladder Hyperplane-Defined Functions
(Page 1158)
Rashid, M.
Honey Bee Foraging Algorithm for Multimodal & Dynamic Optimization Problems
(Page 169)
Reddy, R.
Towards Better than Human Capability in Diagnosing Prostate Cancer Using Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
(Page 2098)
to Top)
Reichel, J.
Evolutionary Algorithms and Matroid Optimization Problems
(Page 947)
Reisinger, J.
Acquiring Evolvability through Adaptive Representations
(Page 1045)
Ricalde, E.
A GP Neutral Function for the Artificial Ant Problem
(Page 2565)
Richard, N.
Cascaded Generic XCS to Learn about Reminding Preferences
(Page 2923)
Richardson, J.
Optimizing the V&V Process for Critical Systems
(Page 1139)
Rickert, C.
Feature Selection and Classification in Noisy Epistatic Problems using a Hybrid Evolutionary Approach
(Page 1872)
Ridge, E.
Analyzing Heuristic Performance with Response Surface Models: Prediction, Optimization and Robustness
(Page 150)
Screening the Parameters Affecting Heuristic Performance
(Page 180)
Rieffel, J.
Growing Form-Filling Tensegrity Structures using Map L-Systems
(Page 1063)
Rimcharoen, S.
A Synthesis of Optimal Stopping Time in Compact Genetic Algorithm Based on Real Options Approach
(Page 630)
Rinner, B.
An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation in Distributed Embedded Systems
(Page 1534)
Riolo, R.
The Defined Cliffs Variant in Dynamic Environments: A Case Study Using the Shaky Ladder Hyperplane-Defined Functions
(Page 1158)
to Top)
Rocca, S.
An Approach to Analyze the Evolution of Symbolic Conditions in Learning Classifier Systems
(Page 2795)
Rocha, M.
A Platform for the Selection of Genes in DNA Microarray Data using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 415)
Rochat, D.
Multi-Optimization Improves Genetic Programming Generalization Ability
(Page 1759)
Rockett, P. I.
Evolving Controllers for Simulated Car Racing using Object Oriented Genetic Programming
(Page 1551)
Rodriguez, J. A. V.
An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Guided Mutation for a Complex Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
(Page 570)
Rodríguez-Vázquez, K.
A GP Neutral Function for the Artificial Ant Problem
(Page 2565)
Rogozan, A.
Genetically Designed Multiple-Kernels for Improving the SVM Performance
(Page 1873)
Rohlfshagen, P.
ExGA II: An Improved Exonic Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Knapsack Problem
(Page 1357)
A Genetic Algorithm with Exon Shuffling Crossover for Hard Bin Packing Problems
(Page 1365)
Romero, A.
Keyword Extraction Using an Artificial Immune System
(Page 181)
Rönkkönen, J.
An Extended Mutation Concept for the Local Selection Based Differential Evolution Algorithm
(Page 689)
Roper, M.
Investigating Data-Flow Coverage of Classes Using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 1140)
to Top)
Rosa, A. C.
Binary Ant Algorithm
(Page 41)
Ross, P.
Comparing Two Models to Generate Hyper-heuristics for the 2D-Regular Bin-Packing Problem
(Page 2182)
Rossi, C.
Two Adaptive Mutation Operators for Optima Tracking in Dynamic Optimization Problems with Evolution Strategies
(Page 697)
Rotar, C.
Guided Hyperplane Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 884)
Rothlauf, F.
SDR: A Better Trigger for Adaptive Variance Scaling in Normal EDAs
(Page 492)
Analysis of Greedy Heuristics and Weight-Coded EAs for Multidimensional Knapsack Problems and Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions
(Page 1529)
Rowe, J.
Hebbian Learning by a Simple Gene Circuit
(Page 426)
Rowe, J. E.
Genetic Algorithm Theory
(Page 3585)
Roy, R.
ICSPEA: Evolutionary Five-Axis Milling Path Optimisation
(Page 2122)
Rudolph, G.
A Framework of Quantum-inspired Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms and its Convergence Condition
(Page 908)
Ryan, C.
Context-Aware Mutation: A Modular, Context Aware Mutation Operator for Genetic Programming
(Page 1651)
On the Constructiveness of Context-Aware Crossover
(Page 1659)
Seeding Methods for Run Transferable Libraries
(Page 1755)
A Destructive Evolutionary Process: A Pilot Implementation
(Page 2167)
Towards Models of User Preferences in Interactive Musical Evolution
(Page 2254)
Gecco 2007 Grammatical Evolution Tutorial
(Page 3609)
