to Top)
da Silva, I. N.
Evolutionary Approach to Protein Structure Prediction with Hydrophobic Interactions
(Page 425)
D'Ambrosio, D. B.
A Novel Generative Encoding for Exploiting Neural Network Sensor and Output Geometry
(Page 974)
Danoy, G.
Optimal Design of Ad Hoc Injection Networks by Using Genetic Algorithms
(Page 2256)
Darwish, N.
Generating Classification Trees for Small Disjuncts using Incremental Gas
(Page 1507)
Das, S.
Kernel Based Automatic Clustering Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
(Page 2)
A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for Estimating Parameter Confidence Regions
(Page 70)
Procreating V-detectors for Nonself Recognition: An Application to Anomaly Detection in Power Systems
(Page 261)
Multi-Objective Hybrid PSO Using a Σ-Fuzzy Dominance
(Page 853)
Discovering Structures in Gene Regulatory Networks Using Genetic Programming and Particle Swarms
(Page 1750)
A Multi-objective Approach for the Prediction of Loan Defaults
(Page 2129)
Dascalu, S.
XCS for Adaptive User-Interfaces
(Page 1876)
Interactive Evolution of XUL User Interfaces
(Page 2151)
de Abreu, B. T.
Generalized Extremal Optimization: An Attractive Alternative for Test Data Generation
(Page 1138)
de Boer, F.
The Role of Speciation in Spatial Coevolutionary Function Approximation
(Page 2437)
de Freitas, A. A.
The Effectiveness of Dynamic Ant Colony Tuning
(Page 170)
de Jong, E.
Introductory Tutorial on Coevolution
(Page 3133)
Objective Fitness Correlation: Evaluating coevolutionary evaluation
(Page 440)
A Comparison of Evaluation Methods in Coevolution
(Page 479)
De Jong, K.
Evolutionary Computation: A Unified Approach
(Page 3158)
to Top)
de Lacy Costello, B.
Towards the Coevolution of Cellular Automata Controllers for Chemical Computing with the B-Z Reaction
(Page 472)
de Lima, T. W.
Evolutionary Approach to Protein Structure Prediction with Hydrophobic Interactions
(Page 425)
de Lima Neto, F. B.
Simulations of Egoistic and Altruistic Behaviors using the Vidya Multiagent System Platform
(Page 2927)
de Melo, V. V.
Improving Global Numerical Optimization using a Search-space Reduction Algorithm
(Page 1195)
De Nardi, R.
Nonlinear Dynamics Modelling for Controller Evolution
(Page 324)
De Smedt, P. J.
Limiting Code Growth to Improve Robustness in Tree-based Genetic Programming
(Page 1763)
de Sousa, F. L.
Generalized Extremal Optimization: An Attractive Alternative for Test Data Generation
(Page 1138)
de Souza Coelho, L.
Clustering Gene Expression Data via Mining Ensembles of Classification Rules Evolved Using MOSES
(Page 407)
Understanding Microarray Data through Applying Competent Program Evolution
(Page 430)
de Souza Pita, M. R.
Simulations of Egoistic and Altruistic Behaviors using the Vidya Multiagent System Platform
(Page 2927)
de Vega, F. F.
Is the Island Model Fault Tolerant?
(Page 1519)
Dynamic Populations and Length Evolution: Key Factors for Analyzing Fault Tolerance on Parallel Genetic Programming
(Page 1752)
Electronic Synthesis using Genetic Algorithms for Automatic Music Transcription
(Page 1959)
A Novel Approach to Automatic Music Transcription Using Electronic Synthesis and Genetic Algorithms
(Page 2915)
to Top)
Deb, K.
Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization and Decision-Making using Reference Direction Method
(Page 781)
Evolutionary Practical Optimization
(Page 3093)
Tutorial on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization GECCO 2007
(Page 3792)
Self-Adaptive Simulated Binary Crossover for Real-Parameter Optimization
(Page 1187)
Decraene, J.
Quality Time Tradeoff Operator for Designing Efficient Multi Level Genetic Algorithms
(Page 1527)
DeHaas, D.
Feature Selection and Classification in Noisy Epistatic Problems using a Hybrid Evolutionary Approach
(Page 1872)
del Cerro, J.
Two Adaptive Mutation Operators for Optima Tracking in Dynamic Optimization Problems with Evolution Strategies
(Page 697)
Delbem, A. C. B.
Evolutionary Approach to Protein Structure Prediction with Hydrophobic Interactions
(Page 425)
Improving Global Numerical Optimization using a Search-space Reduction Algorithm
(Page 1195)
Delgado, M.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
Demeler, B.
Parsimonious Regularization using Genetic Algorithms Applied to the Analysis of Analytical Ultracentrifugation Experiments
(Page 361)
Demir, G. N.
Graph-based Sequence Clustering through Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Web Recommender Systems
(Page 1943)
Deschaine, L. M.
Discrimination of Munitions and Explosives of Concern at F.E. Warren AFB using Linear Genetic Programming
(Page 1999)
Devert, A.
Robust Multi-Cellular Developmental Design
(Page 982)
Di Chio, C.
EcoPS - A Particle Swarm Algorithm to Model Group-Foraging
(Page 230)
Geometric Particle Swarm Optimisation on Binary and Real Spaces: from Theory to Practice
(Page 2659)
Di Chio, P.
EcoPS - A Particle Swarm Algorithm to Model Group-Foraging
(Page 230)
Di Penta, M.
Search-based Testing of Service Level Agreements
(Page 1090)
to Top)
Dignum, S.
Generalisation of the Limiting Distributioin of Program Sizes in Tree-based Genetic Programming and Analysis of its Effects on Bloat
(Page 1588)
Diosan, L.
Best SubTree Genetic Programming
(Page 1667)
Genetically Designed Multiple-Kernels for Improving the SVM Performance
(Page 1873)
Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 2442)
Observing the Swarm Behavior during Its Evolutionary Design
(Page 2667)
DiPaola, S.
Incorporating Characteristics of Human Creativity into an Evolutionary Art Algorithm
(Page 2450)
Divina, F.
A Multi-Objective Approach to Discover Biclusters in Microarray Data
(Page 385)
Doerr, B.
On the Runtime Analysis of the 1-ANT ACO Algorithm
(Page 33)
Adjacency List Matchings — An Ideal Genotype for Cycle Covers
(Page 1203)
Doherty, D.
A Phenotypic Analysis of GP-Evolved Team Behaviours
(Page 1951)
Dong, H.
Genetic Algorithms for Large Join Query Optimization
(Page 1211)
dos Reis, G. M. J.
Electronic Synthesis using Genetic Algorithms for Automatic Music Transcription
(Page 1959)
A Novel Approach to Automatic Music Transcription Using Electronic Synthesis and Genetic Algorithms
(Page 2915)
Downing, K. L.
Supplementing Evolutionary Developmental Systems with Abstract Models of Neurogenesis
(Page 990)
Dragoni, M.
Evolutionary Algorithms for Reasoning in Fuzzy Description Logics with Fuzzy Quantifiers
(Page 1967)
Drugowitsch, J.
A Principled Foundation for LCS
(Page 2675)
Mixing Independent Classifiers
(Page 1596)
Drzadzewski, G.
The Effects of Solution Density in the Search Space on Finding Spatially Robust Solutions
(Page 1505)
Duarte, S. R.
A Novel Ab-initio Genetic-Based Approach for Protein Folding Prediction
(Page 393)
Duke, J.
Using an Evolutionary Agent-Based Simulation to Explore Hedging Pressure in Futures Markets
(Page 2257)
Dumas, L.
How Genetic Algorithms Can Improve a Pacemaker Efficiency
(Page 2681)
Dumercy, L.
Eye-Tracking Evolutionary Algorithm to Minimize User Fatigue in IEC Applied to Interactive One-Max Problem
(Page 2883)
to Top)
Dumitrescu, D.
Collaborative Evolutionary Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization
(Page 1511)
A New Collaborative Evolutionary-Swarm Optimization Technique
(Page 2817)
Guided Hyperplane Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 884)
Overcoming Hierarchical Difficulty by Hill-Climbing the Building Block Structure
(Page 1256)
A New Evolutionary Model for Detecting Multiple Optima
(Page 1296)
Disburdening the Species Conservation Evolutionary Algorithm of Arguing with Radii
(Page 1420)
Durillo, J. J.
Optimal Antenna Placement Using a New Multi-Objective CHC Algorithm
(Page 876)
Dürr, P.
Center of Mass Encoding: A Self-Adaptive Representation with Adjustable Redundancy for Real-Valued Parameters
(Page 1304)
Duthen, Y.
Use of a Genetic Algorithm to Evolve an Extended Artificial Regulatory Network for Cell Pattern Generation
(Page 1062)
XCSF with Computed Continuous Action
(Page 1861)
Dvořák, V.
An Evolutionary Approach to Collective Communication Scheduling
(Page 2037)
to Top)
Ebecken, N. F. F.
Suppression Based Immune Mechanism to Find a Representative Training Set in Data Classification Tasks
(Page 171)
Ebner, M.
Estimating the Spectral Sensitivity of a Digital Sensor using Calibration Targets
(Page 642)
Edgington, M.
A Common Genetic Encoding for Both Direct and Indirect Encoding of Networks
(Page 1029)
Edwards, H.
The Reliability of Confidence Intervals for Computational Effort Comparisons
(Page 1716)
"Success Effort" for Performance Comparisons
(Page 1760)
Eiben, A. E.
Balancing Quality and Quantity in Evolving Agent Systems
(Page 335)
Collective Specialization in Multi-Rover Systems
(Page 342)
Variance Reduction in Meta-EDA
(Page 627)
Peer-to-Peer Evolutionary Algorithms with Adaptive Autononous Selection
(Page 1460)
Autonomous Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 1506)
Exploring Selection Mechanisms for an Agent-Based Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 2801)
Ekárt, A.
Evolution of Lace Knitting Stitch Patterns by Genetic Programming
(Page 2457)
El Alaoui, L.
How Genetic Algorithms Can Improve a Pacemaker Efficiency
(Page 2681)
El-Bakry, S. Y.
Genetic Programming Approach for Positron Collisions with Alkali-metal Atom
(Page 1756)
to Top)
Ellabaan, M. M. H.
Activation Energy-Based Simulation for Self-Assembly of Multi-Shape Tiles
(Page 2462)
Ellin, D. M.
Analysing Evolvable Cell Design for Optimisation of Routing Options
(Page 2687)
Engelbrecht, A. P.
Particle Swarm Optimization: An Introduction and Its Developments
(Page 3391)
Eom, J.-H.
Evolutionary Hypernetwork Models for Aptamer-Based Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis
(Page 2709)
Eppstein, M. J.
Takeover Times on Scale-Free Topologies
(Page 308)
Why Your Mates Shouldn't Date
(Page 1528)
Feature Selection and Classification in Noisy Epistatic Problems using a Hybrid Evolutionary Approach
(Page 1872)
Using Pair Approximations to Predict Takeover Dynamics in Spatially Structured Populations
(Page 2557)
Ernst, R.
Efficient Priority Optimization in Complex Distributed Embedded Systems through Search Space Adaptation
(Page 1517)
Espanet, C,
A Self-adaptive Multiagent Evolutionary Algorithm for Electrical Machine Design
(Page 1250)
Esparcia-Alcazar, A. I.
Configuring an Evolutionary Tool for the Inventory and Transportation Problem
(Page 1975)
Esposito, G.
Search-based Testing of Service Level Agreements
(Page 1090)
Estévez, N. S.
Dynamical Blueprints: Exploiting Levels of System-Environment Interaction
(Page 238)
Eyers, C.
Peptide Detectability Following ESI Mass Spectrometry: Prediction using Genetic Programming
(Page 2219)
to Top)
Faccioli, R. A.
Evolutionary Approach to Protein Structure Prediction with Hydrophobic Interactions
(Page 425)
Fan, K.
Option Pricing Model Calibration using a Real-valued Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 1983)
Fan, Z.
Genetically Generated Double-Level Fuzzy Controller with a Fuzzy Adjustment Strategy
(Page 1880)
Farley, A. M.
Choice and Development
(Page 2468)
Farooq, M.
Vulnerability Analysis and Security Framework (BeeSec) for Nature Inspired MANET Routing Protocols
(Page 102)
Extended Thymus Action for Reducing False Positives in AIS Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems
(Page 182)
Fayek, M.
Generating Classification Trees for Small Disjuncts using Incremental Gas
(Page 1507)
Fdez-Riverola, F.
A Platform for the Selection of Genes in DNA Microarray Data using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 415)
Feather, M. S.
Optimizing the V&V Process for Critical Systems
(Page 1139)
Featherstone, A. M.
A Multi-objective Approach for the Prediction of Loan Defaults
(Page 2129)
to Top)
Federson, F. M.
Improving Global Numerical Optimization using a Search-space Reduction Algorithm
(Page 1195)
Feinstein, M.
Division Blocks and the Open-Ended Evolution of Development, Form, and Behavior
(Page 316)
Felty, A.
An Abstraction-Based Genetic Programming System
(Page 2415)
Fernandes, C. M.
Binary Ant Algorithm
(Page 41)
Fernández, A. J.
A Memetic Algorithm for the Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequence Problem
(Page 1226)
Fernández-de Vega, F.
Is the Island Model Fault Tolerant?
(Page 2737)
Fernando, C.
Hebbian Learning by a Simple Gene Circuit
(Page 426)
Ferreira, J. C.
Methodology to Select Solutions from the Pareto-Optimal Set: A Comparative Study
(Page 789)
Ficici, S. G.
Advanced Tutorial on Coevolution
(Page 3172)
to Top)
Figueredo, G. P.
Suppression Based Immune Mechanism to Find a Representative Training Set in Data Classification Tasks
(Page 171)
Fleming, P. J.
An Informed Convergence Accelerator for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimiser
(Page 734)
Flockton, S. J.
Analysing Evolvable Cell Design for Optimisation of Routing Options
(Page 2687)
Floreano, D.
Center of Mass Encoding: A Self-Adaptive Representation with Adjustable Redundancy for Real-Valued Parameters
(Page 1304)
Folino, G.
StreamGP: Tracking Evolving GP Ensembles in Distributed Data Streams using Fractal Dimension
(Page 1751)
Fonseca, C. M.
Methodology to Select Solutions from the Pareto-Optimal Set: A Comparative Study
(Page 789)
On the Roles of Redundancy and Neutrality in Evolutionary Optimization: An Experimental Study
(Page 1504)
A Unified Model of Optimisation Problems
(Page 1537)
Foo, S.
Evolutionary Computation-based Kernel Optimal Component Analysis for Pattern Recognition
(Page 2258)
Förster, M.
Self-Adaptive Ant Colony Optimisation Applied to Function Allocation in Vehicle Networks
(Page 1991)
to Top)
Franc, V.
Estimation of Fitness Landscape Contours in EAs
(Page 562)
Francone, F. D.
Discrimination of Munitions and Explosives of Concern at F.E. Warren AFB using Linear Genetic Programming
(Page 1999)
Freitas, A.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
Particle Swarm and Bayesian Networks Applied to Attribute Selection for Protein Functional Classification
(Page 2651)
Friedrich, T.
Do Additional Objectives Make a Problem Harder?
(Page 765)
Approximating Covering Problems by Randomized Search Heuristics Using Multi-Objective Models
(Page 797)
Rigorous Analyses of Simple Diversity Mechanisms
(Page 1219)
Frietas, A. A.
A Hybrid PSO/ACO Algorithm for Classification
(Page 2745)
Fu, C.-J.
A Genetic Algorithm for Resident Physician Scheduling Problem
(Page 2203)
Fuentes, O.
Using Evolution Strategies for Automatic Extraction of Parameters for Stellar Population Synthesis of Galaxy Spectra from SDSS
(Page 722)
Fujimoto, N.
Investigation of Mutation Operators for the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
(Page 625)
Fujita, Y.
Program Search with Simulated Annealing
(Page 1754)
Fuwa, Y.
An Evolutionary Multiobjective Approach to Design Highly Non-linear Boolean Functions
(Page 749)
to Top)
Gabora, L.
Incorporating Characteristics of Human Creativity into an Evolutionary Art Algorithm
(Page 2450)
Gabriel, P. H. R.
Evolutionary Approach to Protein Structure Prediction with Hydrophobic Interactions
(Page 425)
Gagné, C.
Ensemble Learning for Free with Evolutionary Algorithms?
(Page 1782)
Gajda, Z.
Reducing the Number of Transistors in Digital Circuits Using Gate-Level Evolutionary Design
(Page 245)
Gallardo, J. E.
A Memetic Algorithm for the Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequence Problem
(Page 1226)
Galvan-Lopez, E.
How and Why a Bit-Wise Neutrality With and Without Locality Affects Evolutionary Search
(Page 1508)
Towards Understanding the Effects of Neutrality on the Sudoku Problem
(Page 1509)
Gandhe, A.
Fused, Multi-Spectral Automatic Target Recognition with XCS
(Page 1874)
García, J.
A Cumulative Evidential Stopping Criterion for Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 911)
A Cumulative Evidential Stopping Criterion for Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 2835)
García-Nieto, J.
A Comparison of PSO and GA Approaches for Gene Selection and Classification of Microarray Data
(Page 427)
Using Metaheuristic Algorithms Remotely via ROS
(Page 1510)
to Top)
Garibay, O. O.
Analyzing the Effects of Module Encapsulation on Search Space Bias
(Page 1234)
Garway-Heath, D.
An Improved Restricted Growth Function Genetic Algorithm for the Consensus Clustering of Retinal Nerve Fibre Data
(Page 2174)
Gaskell, S. J.
Peptide Detectability Following ESI Mass Spectrometry: Prediction using Genetic Programming
(Page 2219)
Gaspar-Cunha, A.
Methodology to Select Solutions from the Pareto-Optimal Set: A Comparative Study
(Page 789)
Gauci, J.
Generating Large-Scale Neural Networks Through Discovering Geometric Regularities
(Page 997)
Gelly, S.
DCMA, Yet Another Derandomization in Covariance-Matrix-Adaptation
(Page 955)
Georgoulas, G.
Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimizer with Nonextensive Schedule
(Page 168)
Geremia, P.
Genetic Optimization for Yacht Design
(Page 2007)
Gershoff, M.
Collective Behavior Based Hierarchical XCS
(Page 2695)
Giacobini, M.
The Genetic Programming Collaboration Network and Its Communities
(Page 1643)
Glez-Peña, D.
A Platform for the Selection of Genes in DNA Microarray Data using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 415)
to Top)
Gloger, B.
An Experimental Analysis of Evolution Strategies and Particle Swarm Optimisers using Design of Experiments
(Page 674)
Goebels, A.
An Experimental Analysis of Evolution Strategies and Particle Swarm Optimisers using Design of Experiments
(Page 674)
Goertzel, B.
Clustering Gene Expression Data via Mining Ensembles of Classification Rules Evolved Using MOSES
(Page 407)
Understanding Microarray Data through Applying Competent Program Evolution
(Page 430)
Gog, A.
Collaborative Evolutionary Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization
(Page 1511)
Goldbarg, E. F. G.
Transgenetic Algorithm: A New Evolutionary Perspective for Heuristics Design
(Page 2701)
Goldbarg, M. C.
Transgenetic Algorithm: A New Evolutionary Perspective for Heuristics Design
(Page 2701)
Goldberg, D. E.
Towards Billion-Bit Optimization via a Parallel Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
(Page 577)
Population Sizing for Entropy-based Model Building in Discrete Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
(Page 601)
Substructural Surrogates for Learning Decomposable Classification Problems: Implementation and First Results
(Page 2875)
Let's Get Ready to Rumble Redux: Crossover Versus Mutation Head to Head on Exponentially Scaled Problems
(Page 1380)
Empirical Analysis of Ideal Recombination on Random Decomposable Problems
(Page 1388)
Do not Match, Inherit: Fitness Surrogates for Genetics-Based Machine Learning Techniques
(Page 1798)
Empirical Analysis of Generalization and Learning in XCS with Gradient Descent
(Page 1814)
Modeling XCS in Class Imbalances: Population Size and Parameter Settings
(Page 1838)
Modeling Selection Pressure in XCS for Proportionate and Tournament Selection
(Page 1846)
to Top)
Gomez, J. C.
Using Evolution Strategies for Automatic Extraction of Parameters for Stellar Population Synthesis of Galaxy Spectra from SDSS
(Page 722)
Gong, T.
Binary Particle Swarm Optimization–A Forma Analysis Approach
(Page 172)
Enhanced Forma Analysis of Permutation Problems
(Page 923)
Gonzales, E.
Genetic Network Programming with Parallel Processing for Association Rule Mining in Large and Dense Databases
(Page 1512)
Gonzalez, D. L.
Is the Island Model Fault Tolerant?
(Page 1519)
Dynamic Populations and Length Evolution: Key Factors for Analyzing Fault Tolerance on Parallel Genetic Programming
(Page 1752)
Goodman, E.
Genetically Generated Double-Level Fuzzy Controller with a Fuzzy Adjustment Strategy
(Page 1880)
Goodman, E. D.
Learning Building Block Structure from Crossover Failure
(Page 1280)
Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
(Page 3205)
Goto, R.
Analysis of Noisy Time-series Signals with GA Involving Viral Infection with Tropism
(Page 1396)
Gotshall, S.
Stochastic Training of a Biologically Plausible Spino-neuromuscular System Model
(Page 253)
Graff, M.
Linear Selection
(Page 1513)
Graham, L.
A Simple Genetic Algorithm for Reducible Complexity
(Page 1514)
Graham, S. R.
Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Designing Capacitated Network Centric Communications—Track: Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
(Page 905)
Grahl, J.
SDR: A Better Trigger for Adaptive Variance Scaling in Normal EDAs
(Page 492)
Convergence Phases, Variance Trajectories, and Runtime Analysis of Continuous EDAs
(Page 516)
to Top)
Grajdeanu, A.
Methods for Open-box Analysis in Artificial Development
(Page 1005)
Greensmith, J.
Dendritic Cells for SYN Scan Detection
(Page 49)
Griffin, I.
An Informed Convergence Accelerator for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimiser
(Page 734)
Griffioen, A. R.
Balancing Quality and Quantity in Evolving Agent Systems
(Page 335)
Grimme, C.
Exploring the Behavior of Building Blocks for Multi-Objective Variation Operator Design using Predator-Prey Dynamics
(Page 805)
Groenwold, A. A.
Reference Frame and Scale Invariant Real-parameter Genetic and Differential Evolution Algorithms
(Page 1538)
Grogono, P.
Environment as a Spatial Constraint on the Growth of Structural Form
(Page 1037)
Guerin, F.
Learning Dynamic Models of Compartment Systems by Combining Symbolic Regression with Fuzzy Vector Envisionment
(Page 2769)
Gui, M.
Procreating V-detectors for Nonself Recognition: An Application to Anomaly Detection in Power Systems
(Page 261)
