to Top)
Sacharow, A.
On the Design of Optimisers for Surface Reconstruction
(Page 2195)
Saeedi, M.
Evolving Lucene Search Queries for Text Classification
(Page 1604)
Sakuma, J.
Uniform Sampling of Local Pareto-Optimal Solution Curves by Pareto Path Following and its Applications in Multi-objective GA
(Page 813)
A Genetic Algorithm for Privacy Preserving Combinatorial Optimization
(Page 1372)
Salcedo-Sanz, S.
A Hybrid Evolutionary Programming Algorithm for Spread Spectrum Radar Polyphase Codes Design
(Page 682)
Salhi, A.
An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Guided Mutation for a Complex Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
(Page 570)
Salmasi, N.
Bicriteria Two-Machine Flowshop Scheduling using Metaheuristics
(Page 909)
Salomon, R.
High Quality Offset Printing – An Evolutionary Approach
(Page 2053)
Samy, A.
Generating Classification Trees for Small Disjuncts using Incremental Gas
(Page 1507)
Sanchez, E.
Coupling EA and High-level Metrics for the Automatic Generation of Test Blocks for Peripheral Cores
(Page 1912)
Sankar, T.
Volatility Forecasting using Time Series Data Mining and Evolutionary Computation Techniques
(Page 2262)
Santana, R.
A Parallel Framework for Loopy Belief Propagation
(Page 2843)
to Top)
Sanza, C.
XCSF with Computed Continuous Action
(Page 1861)
Sastry, K.
Analyzing Probabilistic Models in Hierarchical BOA on Traps and Spin Glasses
(Page 523)
Towards Billion-Bit Optimization via a Parallel Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
(Page 577)
Population Sizing for Entropy-based Model Building in Discrete Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
(Page 601)
Let's Get Ready to Rumble Redux: Crossover Versus Mutation Head to Head on Exponentially Scaled Problems
(Page 1380)
Empirical Analysis of Ideal Recombination on Random Decomposable Problems
(Page 1388)
Do not Match, Inherit: Fitness Surrogates for Genetics-Based Machine Learning Techniques
(Page 1798)
Modeling XCS in Class Imbalances: Population Size and Parameter Settings
(Page 1838)
Modeling Selection Pressure in XCS for Proportionate and Tournament Selection
(Page 1846)
Substructural Surrogates for Learning Decomposable Classification Problems: Implementation and First Results
(Page 2875)
Automated Alphabet Reduction Method with Evolutionary Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction
(Page 346)
Sato, Y.
Analysis of Noisy Time-series Signals with GA Involving Viral Infection with Tropism
(Page 1396)
Scarlatos, L. L.
Genetic Parameter Tuning for Reliable Segmentation of Colored Visual Tags
(Page 1525)
Scheidt, D.
Using Genetic Algorithms for Naval Subsystem Damage Assessment and Design Improvements
(Page 2114)
Schillaci, M.
Coupling EA and High-level Metrics for the Automatic Generation of Test Blocks for Peripheral Cores
(Page 1912)
Schmeck, H.
Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization on Computer Grids
(Page 869)
to Top)
Schmidt, M.
Comparison of Tree and Graph Encodings as Function of Problem Complexity
(Page 1674)
Learning Noise
(Page 1680)
Schoenauer, M.
Robust Multi-Cellular Developmental Design
(Page 982)
Autonomous Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 1506)
Ensemble Learning for Free with Evolutionary Algorithms?
(Page 1782)
Exploring Selection Mechanisms for an Agent-Based Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 2801)
Schonfeld, J.
A Study of Mutational Robustness as the Product of Evolutionary Computation
(Page 1404)
Schuetze, O.
Convergence of Stochastic Search Algorithms to Gap-Free Pareto Front Approximations
(Page 892)
Schulenburg, S.
Collective Behavior Based Hierarchical XCS
(Page 2695)
Portfolio Allocation using XCS Experts in Technical Analysis, Market Conditions and Options Market
(Page 2965)
Schut, M. C.
Collective Specialization in Multi-Rover Systems
(Page 342)
Schwarz, J.
Migration of Probabilistic Models for Island-Based Bivariate EDA Algorithm
(Page 631)
Sebag, M.
Ensemble Learning for Free with Evolutionary Algorithms?
(Page 1782)
Segura, C.
Parallel Skeleton for Multi-Objective Optimization
(Page 906)
Sekaj, I.
Controller Design Based on Genetic Programming
(Page 2265)
to Top)
Sekanina, L.
Reducing the Number of Transistors in Digital Circuits Using Gate-Level Evolutionary Design
(Page 245)
Evolvable Hardware
(Page 3627)
Senda, T.
Multiobjective Clustering with Automatic k-determination for Large-scale Data: Scalable automatic determination of the number of clusters
(Page 861)
Sendhoff, B.
Global Multiobjective Optimization via Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Biased Initialization and Crossover
(Page 617)
A Study on Metamodeling Techniques, Ensembles, and Multi-Surrogates in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 1288)
Seppi, K. D.
MRPSO: MapReduce Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 177)
Sezerman, O. U.
Evolutionary Selection of Minimum Number of Features for Classification of Gene Expression Data Using Genetic Algorithms
(Page 401)
Shackelford, M. R. N.
Implementation Issues for an Interactive Evolutionary Computation System
(Page 2933)
Shafiq, M. Z.
Extended Thymus Action for Reducing False Positives in AIS Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems
(Page 182)
Shafti, L. S.
MDL-based Fitness for Feature Construction
(Page 1875)
Shah, S. I.
A Particle Swarm Algorithm for Symbols Detection in Wideband Spatial Multiplexing Systems
(Page 63)
Shakya, S.
An Application of EDA and GA to Dynamic Pricing
(Page 585)
Shankar, A.
XCS for Adaptive User-Interfaces
(Page 1876)
to Top)
Shapiro, J. L.
Addressing Sampling Errors and Diversity Loss in UMDA
(Page 508)
Parameter Cross-validation and Early-Stopping in Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm
(Page 632)
Sharma, D.
Finding Interesting Things: Population-based Adaptive Parameter Sweeping
(Page 86)
Sharman, K. C.
Configuring an Evolutionary Tool for the Inventory and Transportation Problem
(Page 1975)
Shaw, M.
Using DNA to Generate 3D Organic Art Forms
(Page 429)
Shayani, H.
A More Bio-plausible Approach to the Evolutionary Inference of Finite State Machines
(Page 2937)
Shimada, K.
Genetic Network Programming with Parallel Processing for Association Rule Mining in Large and Dense Databases
(Page 1512)
Association Rule Mining for Continuous Attributes using Genetic Network Programming
(Page 1758)
Shir, O. M.
Performance Analysis of Niching Algorithms Based on Derandomized-ES Variants
(Page 705)
The Second Harmonic Generation Case-Study as a Gateway for ES to Quantum Control Problems
(Page 713)
On the Scalability of Evolution Strategies in the Optimization of Dynamic Molecular Alignment
(Page 2266)
Shirakawa, S.
Graph Structured Program Evolution
(Page 1686)
Shmygelska, A.
An Extremal Optimization Search Method for the Protein Folding Problem: the Go-Model Example
(Page 2572)
to Top)
Shouraki, B.
Symbiotic Tabu Search
(Page 1515)
Shouraki, S. B.
An Artificial Immune System with Partially Specified Antibodies
(Page 57)
Simőes, A.
VMEA: Studies on Replacing Strategies and Diversity in Dynamic Environments
(Page 1530)
Singh, P. K.
On Quality Performance of Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms for Biobjective Minimum Spanning Trees
(Page 2259)
Skutella, M.
Evolutionary Algorithms and Matroid Optimization Problems
(Page 947)
Smith, D. K.
Some Novel Locality Results for the Blob Code Spanning Tree Representation
(Page 1320)
Smith, J. E.
Credit Assignment in Adaptive Memetic Algorithms
(Page 1412)
Smith, M.
Improving the Human Readability of Features Constructed by Genetic Programming
(Page 1694)
Smith, R. E.
Why Is Parity Hard for Estimation of Distribution Algorithms?
(Page 624)
Fused, Multi-Spectral Automatic Target Recognition with XCS
(Page 1874)
MILCS: A Mutual Information Learning Classifier System
(Page 1877)
MILCS: A Mutual Information Learning Classifier System
(Page 2945)
Smits, G.
Industrial Evolutionary Computing
(Page 3297)
to Top)
Snyman, J. A.
A Strongly Interacting Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization Method
(Page 183)
Solano, M.
Towards an Optimal Restart Strategy for Genetic Programming
(Page 1757)
Solari, S.
An Approach to Analyze the Evolution of Symbolic Conditions in Learning Classifier Systems
(Page 2795)
Sommer, G.
A Common Genetic Encoding for Both Direct and Indirect Encoding of Networks
(Page 1029)
Sondahl, F.
Evolution of Non-Uniform Cellular Automata using a Genetic Algorithm: Diversity and Computation
(Page 1531)
Sorensen, H.
The Effects of Lifetime Learning on the Diversity and Fitness of Populations
(Page 337)
Self-adaptation of Cultural Learning Parameters
(Page 338)
Sřrensen, T.
Genetically Generated Double-Level Fuzzy Controller with a Fuzzy Adjustment Strategy
(Page 1880)
Soule, T.
Stochastic Training of a Biologically Plausible Spino-neuromuscular System Model
(Page 253)
Novel Ways of Improving Cooperation and Performance in Ensemble Classifiers
(Page 1708)
Spector, L.
Division Blocks and the Open-Ended Evolution of Development, Form, and Behavior
(Page 316)
Unwitting Distributed Genetic Programming via Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
(Page 1628)
Quantum Computing: A Tutorial
(Page 3645)
Spezzano, G.
StreamGP: Tracking Evolving GP Ensembles in Distributed Data Streams using Fractal Dimension
(Page 1751)
to Top)
Squillero, G.
Coupling EA and High-level Metrics for the Automatic Generation of Test Blocks for Peripheral Cores
(Page 1912)
Stanley, K.
Generating Large-Scale Neural Networks Through Discovering Geometric Regularities
(Page 997)
Introductory Tutorial on Coevolution
(Page 3133)
Stanley, K. O.
A Novel Generative Encoding for Exploiting Neural Network Sensor and Output Geometry
(Page 974)
Stanoyevitch, A.
Homogeneous Genetic Algorithms
(Page 1532)
Stepney, S.
Using Feedback to Regulate Gene Expression in a Developmental Control Architecture
(Page 966)
Stewart, R.
An Analysis of the Events of Population Structure on Scalable Multiobjective Optimization Problems
(Page 845)
Stewart, R. L.
Swarming with Logic
(Page 184)
Stoean, C.
Disburdening the Species Conservation Evolutionary Algorithm of Arguing with Radii
(Page 1420)
Stoean, R.
Disburdening the Species Conservation Evolutionary Algorithm of Arguing with Radii
(Page 1420)
Stone, C.
Towards the Coevolution of Cellular Automata Controllers for Chemical Computing with the B-Z Reaction
(Page 472)
Stor, K.
Feature Selection and Classification in Noisy Epistatic Problems using a Hybrid Evolutionary Approach
(Page 1872)
to Top)
Stout, M.
Automated Alphabet Reduction Method with Evolutionary Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction
(Page 346)
Sudholt, D.
On the Runtime Analysis of the 1-ANT ACO Algorithm
(Page 33)
Suganthan, P. N.
A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem
(Page 158)
Sullivan, J.
Modelling Danger and Anergy in Artificial Immune Systems
(Page 26)
A Destructive Evolutionary Process: A Pilot Implementation
(Page 2167)
Sullivan, K.
Evolving Kernels for Support Vector Machine Classification
(Page 1702)
Sun, L.-M.
A Genetic Algorithm for Resident Physician Scheduling Problem
(Page 2203)
Sun, Z.
Extended Probe Method for Linkage Discovery over High-cardinality Alphabets
(Page 1484)
Matrix Interpretation of Generalized Embedded Landscape
(Page 1540)
Sutivong, D.
A Synthesis of Optimal Stopping Time in Compact Genetic Algorithm Based on Real Options Approach
(Page 630)
Sutton, A. M.
Differential Evolution and Non-separability: Using selective pressure to focus search
(Page 1428)
Swift, S.
Efficiency Updates for the Restricted Growth Function GA for Grouping Problems
(Page 1536)
An Improved Restricted Growth Function Genetic Algorithm for the Consensus Clustering of Retinal Nerve Fibre Data
(Page 2174)
to Top)
Taboada, K.
Association Rule Mining for Continuous Attributes using Genetic Network Programming
(Page 1758)
Taha, F.
Multi-objective Optimization Tool for a Free Structure Analog Circuits Design Using Genetic Algorithms and Incorporating Parasitics
(Page 2527)
Tahera, K.
Adopting Dynamic Operators in a Genetic Algorithm
(Page 1533)
Takagi, H.
The Effect of User Interaction Mechanisms in Multi-objective IGA
(Page 2629)
Talbi, E.-G.
A Comparison of PSO and GA Approaches for Gene Selection and Classification of Microarray Data
(Page 427)
Convergence of Stochastic Search Algorithms to Gap-Free Pareto Front Approximations
(Page 892)
Tamee, K.
Towards Clustering with XCS
(Page 1854)
Tantar, E.
Convergence of Stochastic Search Algorithms to Gap-Free Pareto Front Approximations
(Page 892)
Tardieu, S.
Cascaded Generic XCS to Learn about Reminding Preferences
(Page 2923)
Tasgetiren, M. F.
A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem
(Page 126)
A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem
(Page 158)
Tauritz, D. R.
SNDL-MOEA: Stored Non-Domination Level MOEA
(Page 837)
Tavares, J.
Niching Techniques: a Study on the Cluster Geometry Optimization Problem
(Page 1524)
to Top)
Tay, J. C.
Using Evolutionary Computation and Local Search for Solving Multi-objective Flexible Job Shop Problems
(Page 821)
Tay, S.-H. V.
Automated Red Teaming: A Proposed Framework for Military Application
(Page 1936)
ten Hagen, M. A.
Autonomous Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 1506)
Tengg, A.
An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Task Allocation in Distributed Embedded Systems
(Page 1534)
Terashima-Marín, H.
Comparing Two Models to Generate Hyper-heuristics for the 2D-Regular Bin-Packing Problem
(Page 2182)
On the Relativity in the Assessment of Blind Optimization Algorithms and the Problem-Algorithm Coevolution
(Page 1436)
Tettamanzi, A. G. B.
Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction with a Dipeptide-assembly Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 424)
Evolutionary Algorithms for Reasoning in Fuzzy Description Logics with Fuzzy Quantifiers
(Page 1967)
Automated Trading on Financial Instruments with Evolved Neural Networks
(Page 2252)
Teytaud, O.
Continuous Lunches are Free!
(Page 916)
DCMA, Yet Another Derandomization in Covariance-Matrix-Adaptation
(Page 955)
Thangavelu, R.
An Online Implementable Differential Evolution Tuned Optimal Guidance Law
(Page 2190)
Theile, M.
Stability in the Self-Organized Evolution of Networks
(Page 931)
to Top)
Thierens, D.
Adaptive Variance Scaling in Continuous Multi-Objective Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms
(Page 500)
Thomason, R.
Novel Ways of Improving Cooperation and Performance in Ensemble Classifiers
(Page 1708)
Ting, C.-K.
Multi-Parent Extension of Edge Recombination
(Page 1535)
An Effective Genetic Algorithm for Improving Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime
(Page 2260)
Tiwari, A.
An Experimental Evaluation of Genetic Process Mining
(Page 2268)
Todd, S.
Using DNA to Generate 3D Organic Art Forms
(Page 429)
Togelius, J.
Geometric Particle Swarm Optimization for the Sudoku Puzzle
(Page 118)
Nonlinear Dynamics Modelling for Controller Evolution
(Page 324)
Towards Understanding the Effects of Neutrality on the Sudoku Problem
(Page 1509)
Evolving Controllers for Simulated Car Racing using Object Oriented Genetic Programming
(Page 1543)
Toledo-Suárez, C. D.
On the Relativity in the Assessment of Blind Optimization Algorithms and the Problem-Algorithm Coevolution
(Page 1436)
Tomassini, M.
The Genetic Programming Collaboration Network and Its Communities
(Page 1643)
Multi-Optimization Improves Genetic Programming Generalization Ability
(Page 1759)
Ensemble Learning for Free with Evolutionary Algorithms?
(Page 1782)
Evolutionary Games: The Darwin Connection
(Page 3675)
Tommasi, S.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
to Top)
Torabi, S. A.
A Hybrid GA for a Supply Chain Production Planning Problem
(Page 2045)
Torrecillas, J.
Balancing Safety and Speed in the Military Path Finding Problem: Analysis of Different ACO Algorithms
(Page 2859)
Toth, R.
Towards the Coevolution of Cellular Automata Controllers for Chemical Computing with the B-Z Reaction
(Page 472)
Tran, T. H.
XCSF with Computed Continuous Action
(Page 1861)
Tratt, L.
Pareto Optimal Search Based Refactoring at the Design Level
(Page 1106)
Trendelenburg, S.
Synthesis of Analog Filters on an Evolvable Hardware Platform using a Genetic Algorithm
(Page 190)
Tricas, F.
Browser-based Distributed Evolutionary Computation: Performance and Scaling Behavior
(Page 2851)
Trifonov, I.
Using Genetic Algorithms for Naval Subsystem Damage Assessment and Design Improvements
(Page 2114)
Tripp, H.
Distribution Replacement: How survival of the worst can out perform survival of the fittest
(Page 1444)
to Top)
Tsang, E.
Global Multiobjective Optimization via Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Biased Initialization and Crossover
(Page 617)
Tsukamoto, N.
Effects of the Use of Non-Geometric Binary Crossover on Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
(Page 829)
Tsutsui, S.
Dependency Trees, Permutations, and Quadratic Assignment Problem
(Page 629)
Tucker, A.
Efficiency Updates for the Restricted Growth Function GA for Grouping Problems
(Page 1536)
An Improved Restricted Growth Function Genetic Algorithm for the Consensus Clustering of Retinal Nerve Fibre Data
(Page 2174)
Tufail, M.
Genetic Algorithms for Water Quality Management in an Urban Watershed
(Page 2267)
Tumer, K.
Evolving Distributed Agents for Managing Air Traffic
(Page 1888)
Turk, R.
Adaptive Markov Recombination Genetic Engineering with Active Partial Solution Preservation
(Page 1516)
Turner, C. J.
An Experimental Evaluation of Genetic Process Mining
(Page 2268)
Tuson, A. L.
Binary Particle Swarm Optimization–A Forma Analysis Approach
(Page 172)
Enhanced Forma Analysis of Permutation Problems
(Page 923)
Tyrrell, A. M.
An Evolutionary Platform for Developing Next-Generation Electronic Circuits
(Page 2483)
Evolution of Adult Male Oral Tract Shapes for Close and Open Vowels
(Page 2751)
Tzes, A.
Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimizer with Nonextensive Schedule
(Page 168)
to Top)
Uresti-Charre, E.
On the Relativity in the Assessment of Blind Optimization Algorithms and the Problem-Algorithm Coevolution
(Page 1436)
Uroukov, I. S.
Initial Results from the use of Learning Classifier Systems to Control In Vitro Neuronal Networks
(Page 369)
Urquhart, N.
Carbon-Friendly Travel Plan Construction Using an Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 2269)
Uy, N. Q.
PSO with Randomized Low-Discrepancy Sequences
(Page 173)
Uyar, A. S.
Graph-based Sequence Clustering through Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Web Recommender Systems
(Page 1943)
Experimental Analysis of Binary Differential Evolution in Dynamic Environments
(Page 2509)
Valdes, J. J.
Computational Intelligence Techniques: A Study of Scleroderma Skin Disease
(Page 2580)
Exploring Medical Data using Visual Spaces with Genetic Programming and Implicit Functional Mappings
(Page 2953)
Valenzuela-Rendón, M.
On the Relativity in the Assessment of Blind Optimization Algorithms and the Problem-Algorithm Coevolution
(Page 1436)
Comparing Two Models to Generate Hyper-heuristics for the 2D-Regular Bin-Packing Problem
(Page 2183)
Valero-Cuevas, F. J.
Growing Form-Filling Tensegrity Structures using Map L-Systems
(Page 1063)
to Top)
van het Schip, R. C.
Autonomous Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 1506)
van Krevelen, D. W. F.
Autonomous Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 1506)
van Steen, M.
Peer-to-Peer Evolutionary Algorithms with Adaptive Autononous Selection
(Page 1460)
Vanneschi, L.
Fitness-Proportional Negative Slope Coefficient as a Hardness Measure for Genetic Algorithms
(Page 1335)
Multi-Optimization Improves Genetic Programming Generalization Ability
(Page 1759)
Fitness Landscapes and Problem Hardness in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3690)
Verel, S.
Fitness Landscapes and Problem Hardness in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3690)
Vieira, C. C.
A Unified Model of Optimisation Problems
(Page 1537)
Vose, M. D.
No Free Lunch
(Page 3734)
Vrajitoru, D.
Hybrid Multiobjective Optimization Genetic Algorithms for Graph Drawing
(Page 912)
Vrakking, M. J. J.
On the Scalability of Evolution Strategies in the Optimization of Dynamic Molecular Alignment
(Page 2266)
to Top)
Wagner, S.
Aspects of Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Evolution
(Page 2595)
Wagner, T.
ICSPEA: Evolutionary Five-Axis Milling Path Optimisation
(Page 2122)
On the Design of Optimisers for Surface Reconstruction
(Page 2195)
Walker, J.
Scalability of Particle Swarm Algorithms
(Page 179)
Walker, J. A.
A New Crossover Technique for Cartesian Genetic Programming: Genetic Programming Track
(Page 1580)
Solving Real-valued Optimisation Problems using Cartesian Genetic Programming: Genetic Programming Track
(Page 1724)
Walker, M.
The Reliability of Confidence Intervals for Computational Effort Comparisons
(Page 1716)
"Success Effort" for Performance Comparisons
(Page 1760)
Wang, C.-W.
A Genetic Algorithm for Resident Physician Scheduling Problem
(Page 2203)
Wang, J.
Hybrid Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization Problem
(Page 185)
Genetically Generated Double-Level Fuzzy Controller with a Fuzzy Adjustment Strategy
(Page 1880)
A Multi-Objective Imaging Scheduling Approach for Earth Observing Satellites
(Page 2211)
Wang, L.
Fitness Calculation Approach for Nested If-Else Construct in Evolutionary Testing
(Page 1141)
Wappler, S.
Applying Particle Swarm Optimization to Software Testing
(Page 1121)
Ward, C.
Earthquake Classifying Neural Networks Trained with Random Dynamic Neighborhood PSOs
(Page 110)
to Top)
Warren, J. J.
Discrimination of Munitions and Explosives of Concern at F.E. Warren AFB using Linear Genetic Programming
(Page 1999)
Watkins, C.
The Channel Capacity of Evolution
(Page 964)
Watson, R. A.
Preliminary Investigations into the Evolution of Cooperative Strategies in a Minimally Spatial Model
(Page 343)
Variable Discrimination of Crossover Versus Mutation Using Parameterized Modular Structure
(Page 1312)
A Building-Block Royal Road Where Crossover is Provably Essential
(Page 1452)
Wedge, D. D.
Peptide Detectability Following ESI Mass Spectrometry: Prediction using Genetic Programming
(Page 2219)
Wegener, J.
Applying Particle Swarm Optimization to Software Testing
(Page 1121)
Wei, W.
Genetically Generated Double-Level Fuzzy Controller with a Fuzzy Adjustment Strategy
(Page 1880)
Weimer, A.
An Evolutionary Online Adaptation Method for Modern Computer Games Based on Imitation
(Page 344)
Welch, S. M.
A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for Estimating Parameter Confidence Regions
(Page 70)
Discovering Structures in Gene Regulatory Networks Using Genetic Programming and Particle Swarms
(Page 1750)
Multi-Objective Hybrid PSO Using a Σ-Fuzzy Dominance
(Page 853)
A Multi-objective Approach for the Prediction of Loan Defaults
(Page 2129)
Weyland, D.
Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem
(Page 939)
to Top)
Wheeler, A. M.
Evolutionary Music Composer Integrating Formal Grammar
(Page 2519)
White, B. C.
Towards Human-Human-Computer Interaction for Biologically-Inspired Problem-Solving in Human Genetics
(Page 432)
Whitley, D.
No Free Lunch
(Page 3734)
Whitley, L. D.
Differential Evolution and Non-separability: Using selective pressure to focus search
(Page 1428)
Wickramasinghe, W.
Peer-to-Peer Evolutionary Algorithms with Adaptive Autononous Selection
(Page 1460)
Wiegand, R. P.
Introductory Tutorial on Coevolution
(Page 3133)
Wieloch, B.
Genetic Programming for Cross-Task Knowledge Sharing
(Page 1620)
Knowledge Reuse in Genetic Programming Applied to Visual Learning
(Page 1790)
Wilensky, U.
A Spatial Model of the Red Queen Effect
(Page 490)
Wilke, D. N.
Reference Frame and Scale Invariant Real-parameter Genetic and Differential Evolution Algorithms
(Page 1538)
Wilkerson, R. W.
SNDL-MOEA: Stored Non-Domination Level MOEA
(Page 837)
Williams, P. D.
An Artificial Immune System-Inspired Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm with Application to the Detection of Distributed Computer Network Intrusions
(Page 2717)
to Top)
Wilson, G.
Learning Recursive Programs with Cooperative Coevaluation of Genetic Code Mapping and Genotype
(Page 1053)
Windisch, A.
Applying Particle Swarm Optimization to Software Testing
(Page 1121)
Wineberg, M.
The Effects of Solution Density in the Search Space on Finding Spatially Robust Solutions
(Page 1505)
An Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3765)
Winkler, S.
Aspects of Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Evolution
(Page 2595)
Wisdom, A.
Evolutionary Music Composer Integrating Formal Grammar
(Page 2519)
Witt, C.
On the Runtime Analysis of the 1-ANT ACO Algorithm
(Page 33)
Approximating Covering Problems by Randomized Search Heuristics Using Multi-Objective Models
(Page 797)
Wolk, M. H.
GAINS: Genetic Algorithms for Increasing Net Sales of a Mobile Reverse Demand Communication System
(Page 2961)
Wong, P.
Numerical-Node Building Block Analysis of Genetic Programming with Simplification
(Page 1761)
Wong, S. Y.
Portfolio Allocation using XCS Experts in Technical Analysis, Market Conditions and Options Market
(Page 2965)
to Top)
Wong, T.
Volatility Forecasting using Time Series Data Mining and Evolutionary Computation Techniques
(Page 2262)
Wood, D. H.
On Repair by Binary Interpolation: A Genetic Operator Having Offspring at a Constraint Transition
(Page 1522)
Wood, M.
Investigating Data-Flow Coverage of Classes Using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 1140)
Woodward, J.
Automatic Heuristic Generation with Genetic Programming: Evolving a Jack-of-all Trades or a Master of One
(Page 1559)
Woolley, B. G.
Genetic Evolution of Hierarchical Behavior Structures
(Page 1731)
Worden, E. W.
Genetically Programmed Learning Classifier System Description and Results
(Page 2729)
Woźniak, P.
Dimensionality Reduction in Evolutionary Multiobjective Design: Case Study
(Page 913)
Wu, A. S.
Analyzing the Effects of Module Encapsulation on Search Space Bias
(Page 1234)
Learning and Exploiting Knowledge in Multi-Agent Task Allocation Problems
(Page )
Wu, H.
Parameter Cross-validation and Early-Stopping in Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm
(Page 632)
Wu, Q.
Hardware Acceleration of Multi-deme Genetic Algorithm for the Application of DNA Codeword Searching
(Page 1349)
Wyns, B.
Adaptive Strategies for a Semantically Driven Tree Optimizer to Control Code Growth
(Page 1762)
Wyns, B.
Limiting Code Growth to Improve Robustness in Tree-based Genetic Programming
(Page 1763)
to Top)
Xiaomin, S.
Cross Entropy and Adaptive Variance Scaling in Continuous EDA
(Page 609)
Xie, H.
Another Investigation on Tournament Selection: modelling and visualisation
(Page 1468)
An Analysis of Constructive Crossover and Selection Pressure in Genetic Programming
(Page 1739)
to Top)
Yamada, S.
Cascaded Generic XCS to Learn about Reminding Preferences
(Page 2923)
Yan, W.
Diverse Committees Vote for Dependable Profits
(Page 2226)
Evolving Robust GP Solutions for Hedge Fund Stock Selection in Emerging Markets
(Page 2234)
Yasuda, Y.
Analysis of Noisy Time-series Signals with GA Involving Viral Infection with Tropism
(Page 1396)
Yeniterzi, R.
Evolutionary Selection of Minimum Number of Features for Classification of Gene Expression Data Using Genetic Algorithms
(Page 401)
Yeniterzi, S.
Evolutionary Selection of Minimum Number of Features for Classification of Gene Expression Data Using Genetic Algorithms
(Page 401)
to Top)
Yin, Z.
Adaptive Genetic Programming for Option Pricing
(Page 2588)
Yo, T.-S.
A Comparison of Evaluation Methods in Coevolution
(Page 479)
Yogev, O.
Growth and Development of Continuous Structures
(Page 1064)
Yoon, Y.
Geometric Crossovers for Real-code Representation
(Page 1539)
Yoshii, K.
Discussion of Parallel Model of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms on Heterogeneous Computational Resources
(Page 904)
Yu, L.
Effects of Passenger's Arrival Distribution to Double-deck Elevator Group Supervisory Control Systems using Genetic Network Programming
(Page 1476)
Yu, S.
GARS: An Improved Genetic Algorithm with Reserve Selection for Global Optimization
(Page 1173)
Yu, S.-H.
Fused, Multi-Spectral Automatic Target Recognition with XCS
(Page 1874)
Yu, T.
Program Evolvability under Environmental Variations and Neutrality
(Page 2973)
Yu, T.-L.
Population Sizing for Entropy-based Model Building in Discrete Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
(Page 601)
Do not Match, Inherit: Fitness Surrogates for Genetics-Based Machine Learning Techniques
(Page 1798)
Yunpeng, C.
Cross Entropy and Adaptive Variance Scaling in Continuous EDA
(Page 609)
to Top)
Zan, H. W.
Characteristic Determination for Solid State Devices with Evolutionary Computation: A Case Study
(Page 2029)
Zárate, C. J. F.
Comparing Two Models to Generate Hyper-heuristics for the 2D-Regular Bin-Packing Problem
(Page 2182)
Zhang, B.-T.
Evolutionary Hypernetwork Models for Aptamer-Based Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis
(Page 2709)
Zhang, M.
Fitness Calculation Approach for Nested If-Else Construct in Evolutionary Testing
(Page 1141)
Another Investigation on Tournament Selection: modelling and visualisation
(Page 1468)
An Analysis of Constructive Crossover and Selection Pressure in Genetic Programming
(Page 1739)
Numerical-Node Building Block Analysis of Genetic Programming with Simplification
(Page 1761)
Zhang, Q.
An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Guided Mutation for a Complex Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
(Page 570)
Global Multiobjective Optimization via Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Biased Initialization and Crossover
(Page 617)
Zhang, Y.
The Multi-Objective Next Release Problem
(Page 1129)
SwarmArchitect: A Swarm Framework for Collaborative Construction
(Page 186)
Zhiqi, S.
Fuzzy Cognitive Map Learning Based on Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 339)
Zhong, Y.
Robust Scheduling Method Based on Workflow Simulation Model and Biological Immune Principle
(Page 187)
Zhou, A.
Global Multiobjective Optimization via Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Biased Initialization and Crossover
(Page 617)
Zhou, J.
Effects of Passenger's Arrival Distribution to Double-deck Elevator Group Supervisory Control Systems using Genetic Network Programming
(Page 1476)
Zhou, S.
Extended Probe Method for Linkage Discovery over High-cardinality Alphabets
(Page 1484)
Matrix Interpretation of Generalized Embedded Landscape
(Page 1540)
to Top)
Zhou, Y.
A Comparison of GAs using Penalizing Infeasible Solutions and Repairing Infeasible Solutions on Restrictive Capacity Knapsack Problem
(Page 1518)
Hybrid Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization Problem
(Page 185)
Zhu, X.
Fitness Calculation Approach for Nested If-Else Construct in Evolutionary Testing
(Page 1141)
Žilinskas, A.
Parallel Genetic Algorithm: Assessment of Performance in Multidimensional Scaling
(Page 1492)
Žilinskas, J.
Parallel Genetic Algorithm: Assessment of Performance in Multidimensional Scaling
(Page 1492)
Zinchenko, L.
Multi-Objective Univariate Marginal Distribution Optimisation of Mixed Analogue-Digital Signal Circuits
(Page 2242)
Zitzler, E.
Discrimination of Metabolic Flux Profiles Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 354)
Do Additional Objectives Make a Problem Harder?
(Page 765)
Tutorial on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
(Page 3792)
Zuo, X.
Robust Scheduling Method Based on Workflow Simulation Model and Biological Immune Principle
(Page 187)
