to Top)
Poutré, H.
Learning and Anticipation in Online Dynamic Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms: The Stochastic Case
(Page 1165)
Lai, C.-C.
An Effective Genetic Algorithm for Improving Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime
(Page 2260)
Lakhotia, K.
A Multi-Objective Approach to Search-Based Test Data Generation
(Page 1098)
Lam, H. T.
A Heuristic Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 174)
Lamont, G. B.
Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Designing Capacitated Network Centric Communications—Track: Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
(Page 905)
Targeted Filter Evolution for Improved Image Reconstruction Resolution
(Page 2137)
An Artificial Immune System-Inspired Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm with Application to the Detection of Distributed Computer Network Intrusions
(Page 2717)
A Satellite Image Set for the Evolution of Image Transforms for Defense Applications
(Page 2901)
to Top)
Lampinen, J.
An Extended Mutation Concept for the Local Selection Based Differential Evolution Algorithm
(Page 689)
Lanchares, J.
Is the Island Model Fault Tolerant?
(Page 1519)
Is the Island Model Fault Tolerant?
(Page 2737)
Landa Becerra, R.
Epsilon-Constraint with an Efficient Cultured Differential Evolution
(Page 2787)
Langdon, B.
Genetic Programming Theory
(Page 3563)
Langdon, W. B.
Markov Chain Models of Bare-Bones Particle Swarm Optimizers
(Page 142)
The Genetic Programming Collaboration Network and Its Communities
(Page 1643)
Lange, R.
Using Code Metric Histograms and Genetic Algorithms to Perform Author Identification for Software Forensics
(Page 2082)
to Top)
Lanzi, P. L.
Support Vector Regression for Classifier Prediction
(Page 1806)
Empirical Analysis of Generalization and Learning in XCS with Gradient Descent
(Page 1814)
Classifier Systems that Compute Action Mappings
(Page 1822)
Modeling Selection Pressure in XCS for Proportionate and Tournament Selection
(Page 1846)
An Approach to Analyze the Evolution of Symbolic Conditions in Learning Classifier Systems
(Page 2795)
Laredo, J. L. J.
Exploring Selection Mechanisms for an Agent-Based Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 2801)
Balancing Safety and Speed in the Military Path Finding Problem: Analysis of Different ACO Algorithms
(Page 2859)
Distributed Evolutionary Computation for Fun and Profit
(Page 3251)
Browser-based Distributed Evolutionary Computation: Performance and Scaling Behavior
(Page 2851)
Large, M. C. J.
Evolutionary Design of Single-Mode Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibres using an Artificial Embryogeny Representation
(Page 2549)
Latham, W.
Using DNA to Generate 3D Organic Art Forms
(Page 429)
Lau, K. W.
Peptide Detectability Following ESI Mass Spectrometry: Prediction using Genetic Programming
(Page 2219)
Laumanns, M.
Convergence of Stochastic Search Algorithms to Gap-Free Pareto Front Approximations
(Page 892)
Laury, Jr., J. D.
Order or Not: Does Parallelization of Model Building in hBOA Affect Its Scalability?
(Page 555)
Lavagna, M. R.
Multi-Objective PSO for Interplanetary Trajectory Design
(Page 175)
Lazovic, D.
Sex and Death: Towards Biologically Inspired Heuristics for Constraint Handling
(Page 666)
to Top)
Le Martelot, E.
A Systematic Computation Platform for the Modelling and Analysis of Processes with Natural Characteristics
(Page 2809)
Lee, J.-W.
An Evolutionary Keystroke Authentication Based on Ellipsoidal Hypothesis Space
(Page 2090)
Lee, K.-H.
TFBS Identification by Position- and Consensus-led Genetic Algorithm with Local Filtering
(Page 377)
Leitão, T.
Niching Techniques: a Study on the Cluster Geometry Optimization Problem
(Page 1524)
León, C.
Parallel Skeleton for Multi-Objective Optimization
(Page 906)
Lepping, J.
Exploring the Behavior of Building Blocks for Multi-Objective Variation Operator Design using Predator-Prey Dynamics
(Page 805)
Leung, H.-F.
Guided Mutations in Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms for Function Optimization
(Page 488)
Leung, K.-S.
TFBS Identification by Position- and Consensus-led Genetic Algorithm with Local Filtering
(Page 377)
Leymarie, F. F.
Using DNA to Generate 3D Organic Art Forms
(Page 429)
Li, R.
Hybrid Coevolutionary Algorithms vs. SVM Algorithms
(Page 456)
On the Number of Subpopulations in Coevolutionary Computation: A Database Application
(Page 489)
Li, X.
Informative Performance Metrics for Dynamic Optimisation Problems
(Page 18)
A Multimodal Particle Swarm Optimizer Based on Fitness Euclidean-distance Ratio
(Page 78)
Performance Measures and Particle Swarm Methods for Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization Problems
(Page 906)
Particle Swarm Optimization: An Introduction and Its Developments
(Page 3391)
Li, Z.
A Framework of Quantum-inspired Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms and its Convergence Condition
(Page 908)
Learning Building Block Structure from Crossover Failure
(Page 1280)
to Top)
Liang, Y.
Genetic Algorithms for Large Join Query Optimization
(Page 1211)
Liang, Y.-C.
A Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem
(Page 126)
Liaskos, K.
Investigating Data-Flow Coverage of Classes Using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 1140)
Lichodzijewski, P.
Pareto-Coevolutionary Genetic Programming for Problem Decomposition in Multi-Class Classification
(Page 464)
Lim, D.
A Study on Metamodeling Techniques, Ensembles, and Multi-Surrogates in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 1288)
Lima, C. F.
Analyzing Probabilistic Models in Hierarchical BOA on Traps and Spin Glasses
(Page 523)
Lipinski, P.
ECGA vs. BOA in Discovering Stock Market Trading Experts
(Page 531)
Lipson, H.
Dynamical Blueprints: Exploiting Levels of System-Environment Interaction
(Page 238)
Growing Form-Filling Tensegrity Structures using Map L-Systems
(Page 1063)
Comparison of Tree and Graph Encodings as Function of Problem Complexity
(Page 1674)
Learning Noise
(Page 1680)
to Top)
Liu, H.
Fitness Calculation Approach for Nested If-Else Construct in Evolutionary Testing
(Page 1141)
Liu, J.
A Multi-Objective Imaging Scheduling Approach for Earth Observing Satellites
(Page 2211)
Liu, L.
A Genetic Algorithm for Resident Physician Scheduling Problem
(Page 2203)
Liu, X.
Fitness Calculation Approach for Nested If-Else Construct in Evolutionary Testing
(Page 1141)
Llor, X.
Automated Alphabet Reduction Method with Evolutionary Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction
(Page 346)
Llorà, X.
Towards Billion-Bit Optimization via a Parallel Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
(Page 577)
Do not Match, Inherit: Fitness Surrogates for Genetics-Based Machine Learning Techniques
(Page 1798)
Towards Better than Human Capability in Diagnosing Prostate Cancer Using Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
(Page 2098)
Lluch-Revert, L.
Configuring an Evolutionary Tool for the Inventory and Transportation Problem
(Page 1975)
Lochert, P. B.
Adopting Dynamic Operators in a Genetic Algorithm
(Page 1533)
Lockett, A. J.
Evolving Explicit Opponent Models in Game Playing
(Page 2106)
to Top)
Lode, C.
Addressing Sampling Errors and Diversity Loss in UMDA
(Page 508)
Loiacono, D.
Support Vector Regression for Classifier Prediction
(Page 1806)
Classifier Systems that Compute Action Mappings
(Page 1822)
Lombraña-González, D.
Is the Island Model Fault Tolerant?
(Page 2737)
Looks, M.
Clustering Gene Expression Data via Mining Ensembles of Classification Rules Evolved Using MOSES
(Page 407)
Understanding Microarray Data through Applying Competent Program Evolution
(Page 430)
Scalable Estimation-of-Distribution Program Evolution
(Page 539)
Meta-Optimizing Semantic Evolutionary Search
(Page 626)
On the Behavioral Diversity of Random Programs
(Page 1636)
López-Ibáñez, M.
Solving Optimal Pump Control Problem Using Max-Min Ant System
(Page 176)
Lotto, R. B.
A Systematic Computation Platform for the Modelling and Analysis of Processes with Natural Characteristics
(Page 2809)
Evolutionary Benefits of Evolvable Component Integration
(Page 2825)
Louis, S. J.
XCS for Adaptive User-Interfaces
(Page 1876)
Interactive Evolution of XUL User Interfaces
(Page 2151)
Lourenço, N.
Automatic Analog IC Layout Generation Based on an Evolutionary Computation Approach
(Page 2261)
to Top)
Lozano, J. A.
A Parallel Framework for Loopy Belief Propagation
(Page 2843)
Lucas, S.
Towards Understanding the Effects of Neutrality on the Sudoku Problem
(Page 1509)
Lucas, S. M.
Nonlinear Dynamics Modelling for Controller Evolution
(Page 324)
Evolving Controllers for Simulated Car Racing using Object Oriented Genetic Programming
(Page 1543)
Luke, S.
Finding Interesting Things: Population-based Adaptive Parameter Sweeping
(Page 86)
Evolving Kernels for Support Vector Machine Classification
(Page 1702)
Luna, F.
ACO vs EAs for Solving a Real-World Frequency Assignment Problem in GSM Networks
(Page 94)
Optimal Antenna Placement Using a New Multi-Objective CHC Algorithm
(Page 876)
Lunacek, M.
Reducing the Space-Time Complexity of the CMA-ES
(Page 658)
Differential Evolution and Non-separability: Using selective pressure to focus search
(Page 1428)
Lung, R.
Guided Hyperplane Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 884)
A New Evolutionary Model for Detecting Multiple Optima
(Page 1296)
Lung, R. I.
A New Collaborative Evolutionary-Swarm Optimization Technique
(Page 2817)
Lupión, J.
Browser-based Distributed Evolutionary Computation: Performance and Scaling Behavior
(Page 2851)
Luthi, L.
The Genetic Programming Collaboration Network and Its Communities
(Page 1643)
Lv, Q.
A Leader-based Parallel Cross Entropy Algorithm for MCP
(Page 2401)
to Top)
Ma, I.
Volatility Forecasting using Time Series Data Mining and Evolutionary Computation Techniques
(Page 2262)
Mabu, S.
Effects of Passenger's Arrival Distribution to Double-deck Elevator Group Supervisory Control Systems using Genetic Network Programming
(Page 1476)
Trading Rules on Stock Markets Using Genetic Network Programming with Sarsa Learning
(Page 1503)
Genetic Network Programming with Parallel Processing for Association Rule Mining in Large and Dense Databases
(Page 1512)
Association Rule Mining for Continuous Attributes using Genetic Network Programming
(Page 1758)
Genetic Network Programming with Actor-Critic and Its Application to Stock Trading Model
(Page 2263)
Machwe, A.
Supporting Free-Form Design Using a Component based Representation: An Overview
(Page 2821)
Magoulas, G. D.
Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimizer with Nonextensive Schedule
(Page 168)
Maia, P.
A Platform for the Selection of Genes in DNA Microarray Data using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 415)
Majeed, H.
Context-Aware Mutation: A Modular, Context Aware Mutation Operator for Genetic Programming
(Page 1651)
On the Constructiveness of Context-Aware Crossover
(Page 1659)
Malik, M. A.
Combining Bond-Graphs with Genetic Programming for Unified/Automated Design of Mechatronic or Multi Domain Dynamic Systems
(Page 2515)
Malkin, D.
Evolutionary Benefits of Evolvable Component Integration
(Page 2825)
Manassero, G.
Automated Synthesis of a Fixed-Length Loaded Symmetric Dipole Antenna Whose Gain Exceeds That of a Commercial Antenna and Matches the Theoretical Maximum
(Page 2074)
Mancoridis, S.
Using Code Metric Histograms and Genetic Algorithms to Perform Author Identification for Software Forensics
(Page 2084)
Manoli, Y.
Synthesis of Analog Filters on an Evolvable Hardware Platform using a Genetic Algorithm
(Page 190)
to Top)
Manos, S.
Evolutionary Design of Single-Mode Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibres using an Artificial Embryogeny Representation
(Page 2549)
Mansilla, E. B.
Modeling Selection Pressure in XCS for Proportionate and Tournament Selection
(Page 1846)
Mansouri, S. A.
Bicriteria Two-Machine Flowshop Scheduling using Metaheuristics
(Page 909)
The Multi-Objective Next Release Problem
(Page 1129)
A Hybrid GA for a Supply Chain Production Planning Problem
(Page 2045)
Marelli, A.
Support Vector Regression for Classifier Prediction
(Page 1806)
Mariano-Romero, C.
Incremental Refinement of Solutions for Multiple Objective Optimization Problems
(Page 910)
Markon, S.
Effects of Passenger's Arrival Distribution to Double-deck Elevator Group Supervisory Control Systems using Genetic Network Programming
(Page 1476)
Marques, H.
Nonlinear Dynamics Modelling for Controller Evolution
(Page 324)
Marshall, J.
UCSpv: Principled Voting in UCS Rule Populations
(Page 1774)
Marshall, J. A. R.
Bayesian Estimation of Rule Accuracy in UCS
(Page 2831)
Marshall, P.
Targeted Filter Evolution for Improved Image Reconstruction Resolution
(Page 2137)
A Satellite Image Set for the Evolution of Image Transforms for Defense Applications
(Page 2901)
to Top)
Marshall, S.
Using Genetic Algorithms for Naval Subsystem Damage Assessment and Design Improvements
(Page 2114)
Martí, L.
A Cumulative Evidential Stopping Criterion for Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary
Algorithms (Workshop)
(Page 2835)
A Cumulative Evidential Stopping Criterion for Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 911)
Martins, E.
Generalized Extremal Optimization: An Attractive Alternative for Test Data Generation
(Page 1138)
Mastronardi, G.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
Matake, N.
Multiobjective Clustering with Automatic k-determination for Large-scale Data: Scalable automatic determination of the number of clusters
(Page 861)
Matesic, B.
Towards Better than Human Capability in Diagnosing Prostate Cancer Using Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
(Page 2098)
to Top)
Mattiussi, C.
Center of Mass Encoding: A Self-Adaptive Representation with Adjustable Redundancy for Real-Valued Parameters
(Page 1304)
Mayer, C. B.
The Effectiveness of Dynamic Ant Colony Tuning
(Page 170)
Mazhar, N.
Vulnerability Analysis and Security Framework (BeeSec) for Nature Inspired MANET Routing Protocols
(Page 102)
Mazza, V.
Search-based Testing of Service Level Agreements
(Page 1090)
Mbogho, A. J. W.
Genetic Parameter Tuning for Reliable Segmentation of Colored Visual Tags
(Page 1525)
McCall, J.
A Chain-Model Genetic Algorithm for Bayesian Network Structure Learning
(Page 1264)
Solving the MAXSAT Problem using a Multivariate EDA based on Markov Networks
(Page 2423)
McCormack, J.
Artificial Ecosystems for Creative Discovery
(Page 301)
McCubbin, C.
Using Genetic Algorithms for Naval Subsystem Damage Assessment and Design Improvements
(Page 2114)
McKay, R. I.
PSO with Randomized Low-Discrepancy Sequences
(Page 173)
McKinley, P. K.
Using Group Selection to Evolve Leadership in Populations of Self-Replicating Digital Organisms
(Page 293)
to Top)
McMinn, P.
A Multi-Objective Approach to Search-Based Test Data Generation
(Page 1098)
McMullin, B.
Quality Time Tradeoff Operator for Designing Efficient Multi Level Genetic Algorithms
(Page 1527)
McNabb, A. W.
MRPSO: MapReduce Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 177)
Médard, M.
A Doubly Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Network Coding
(Page 1272)
Mehnen, J.
ICSPEA: Evolutionary Five-Axis Milling Path Optimisation
(Page 2122)
Mehra, R.
Fused, Multi-Spectral Automatic Target Recognition with XCS
(Page 1874)
Mendes, R.
A Platform for the Selection of Genes in DNA Microarray Data using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 415)
Mendiburu, A.
A Parallel Framework for Loopy Belief Propagation
(Page 2843)
Menolascina, F.
Induction of Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Immune Systems in a CGH based ER Status Breast Cancer Characterization
(Page 431)
Merelo, J. J.
A Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Modelling and Prediction of Activity in Document Streams
(Page 1896)
Configuring an Evolutionary Tool for the Inventory and Transportation Problem
(Page 1975)
Exploring Selection Mechanisms for an Agent-Based Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 2801)
Balancing Safety and Speed in the Military Path Finding Problem: Analysis of Different ACO Algorithms
(Page 2859)
Complex Networks and Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3078)
Distributed Evolutionary Computation for Fun and Profit
(Page 3251)
Who is the Best Connected EC Researcher? Centrality Analysis of the Complex Network of Authors in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 1526)
Browser-based Distributed Evolutionary Computation: Performance and Scaling Behavior
(Page 2851)
to Top)
Messom, C.
The Reliability of Confidence Intervals for Computational Effort Comparisons
(Page 1716)
"Success Effort" for Performance Comparisons
(Page 1760)
Metzen, J. H.
A Common Genetic Encoding for Both Direct and Indirect Encoding of Networks
(Page 1029)
Meyer-Baese, A.
Evolutionary Computation-based Kernel Optimal Component Analysis for Pattern Recognition
(Page 2258)
Michelitsch, T.
On the Design of Optimisers for Surface Reconstruction
(Page 2195)
Mierswa, I.
Controlling Overfitting with Multi-Objective Support Vector Machines
(Page 1830)
Miikkulainen, R.
Acquiring Evolvability through Adaptive Representations
(Page 1045)
Evolving Explicit Opponent Models in Game Playing
(Page 2106)
Evolving Neural Networks
(Page 3415)
Miki, M.
Multiobjective Clustering with Automatic k-determination for Large-scale Data: Scalable automatic determination of the number of clusters
(Page 861)
Discussion of Parallel Model of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms on Heterogeneous Computational Resources
(Page 904)
Program Search with Simulated Annealing
(Page 1754)
Millan, C.
Balancing Safety and Speed in the Military Path Finding Problem: Analysis of Different ACO Algorithms
(Page 2859)
to Top)
Miller, J. F.
Coevolution of Intelligent Agents using Cartesian Genetic Programming
(Page 269)
Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming
(Page 1021)
A New Crossover Technique for Cartesian Genetic Programming: Genetic Programming Track
(Page 1580)
Solving Real-valued Optimisation Problems using Cartesian Genetic Programming: Genetic Programming Track
(Page 1724)
A Developmental Model of Neural Computation Using Cartesian Genetic Programming
(Page 2535)
Mills, R.
Variable Discrimination of Crossover Versus Mutation Using Parameterized Modular Structure
(Page 1312)
Minner, S.
Convergence Phases, Variance Trajectories, and Runtime Analysis of Continuous EDAs
(Page 516)
Miranda, G.
Parallel Skeleton for Multi-Objective Optimization
(Page 906)
Quality Time Tradeoff Operator for Designing Efficient Multi Level Genetic Algorithms
(Page 1527)
Mitsunori, M.
Genetic Multi-Step Search in Interpolation and Extrapolation Domain
(Page 1242)
Mohais, A. S.
Earthquake Classifying Neural Networks Trained with Random Dynamic Neighborhood PSOs
(Page 110)
Mohais, R.
Earthquake Classifying Neural Networks Trained with Random Dynamic Neighborhood PSOs
(Page 110)
to Top)
Molina, G.
Optimal Antenna Placement Using a New Multi-Objective CHC Algorithm
(Page 876)
Molina, J.
Alternative Techniques to Solve Hard Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
(Page 757)
Molina, J. M.
A Cumulative Evidential Stopping Criterion for Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 911)
A Cumulative Evidential Stopping Criterion for Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary
Algorithms (Workshop)
(Page 2835)
Monson, C. K.
MRPSO: MapReduce Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 177)
Moon, B.-R.
Overcoming Barriers by a Cluster-Moving Genetic Algorithm
(Page 1520)
Geometric Crossovers for Real-code Representation
(Page 1539)
An Evolutionary Keystroke Authentication Based on Ellipsoidal Hypothesis Space
(Page 2090)
Moore, F.
Targeted Filter Evolution for Improved Image Reconstruction Resolution
(Page 2137)
A Satellite Image Set for the Evolution of Image Transforms for Defense Applications
(Page 2901)
Moore, J. H.
Towards Human-Human-Computer Interaction for Biologically-Inspired Problem-Solving in Human Genetics
(Page 432)
Moore, J. H.
(Page 3435)
Mora, A. M.
Exploring Selection Mechanisms for an Agent-Based Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 2801)
Balancing Safety and Speed in the Military Path Finding Problem: Analysis of Different ACO Algorithms
(Page 2859)
Moraga, C.
Cluster-based Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits using Improved Multi-Expression Programming
(Page 2475)
to Top)
Mora-García, A.
Browser-based Distributed Evolutionary Computation: Performance and Scaling Behavior
(Page 2851)
Moraglio, A.
Geometric Particle Swarm Optimization for the Sudoku Puzzle
(Page 118)
Linear Selection
(Page 1513)
Geometric Crossovers for Real-code Representation
(Page 1539)
Geometric Particle Swarm Optimisation on Binary and Real Spaces: from Theory to Practice
(Page 2659)
Morales, E. F.
Incremental Refinement of Solutions for Multiple Objective Optimization Problems
(Page 910)
Moretti, E.
Quick-and-dirty Ant Colony Optimization
(Page 178)
Moshaiov, A.
Concept-based Multi-objective Problems and Their Solution by EC
(Page 2865)
Mostaghim, S.
Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization on Computer Grids
(Page 869)
Mudado, M.
Clustering Gene Expression Data via Mining Ensembles of Classification Rules Evolved Using MOSES
(Page 407)
Understanding Microarray Data through Applying Competent Program Evolution
(Page 430)
Mukre, P.
Hardware Acceleration of Multi-deme Genetic Algorithm for the Application of DNA Codeword Searching
(Page 1349)
Mumford, C. L.
Single Vehicle Pickup and Delivery with Time Windows: Made to Measure Genetic Encoding and Operators
(Page 2489)
Muntean, O.
Genetically Designed Heuristics for the Bin Packing Problem
(Page 2869)
Best SubTree Genetic Programming
(Page 1667)
Murphy, G.
Seeding Methods for Run Transferable Libraries
(Page 1755)
to Top)
Naeem, M.
A Particle Swarm Algorithm for Symbols Detection in Wideband Spatial Multiplexing Systems
(Page 63)
Nagao, T.
Graph Structured Program Evolution
(Page 1686)
Nannen, V.
Variance Reduction in Meta-EDA
(Page 627)
Narayanan, A.
Gene Finding and Rule Discovery With a Multi-Objective Neural-Genetic Hybrid
(Page 428)
Nebro, A. J.
Optimal Antenna Placement Using a New Multi-Objective CHC Algorithm
(Page 876)
Neumann, F.
On the Runtime Analysis of the 1-ANT ACO Algorithm
(Page 33)
Do Additional Objectives Make a Problem Harder?
(Page 765)
Approximating Covering Problems by Randomized Search Heuristics Using Multi-Objective Models
(Page 797)
Rigorous Analyses of Simple Diversity Mechanisms
(Page 1219)
Computational Complexity and Evolutionary Computation
(Page 3225)
Newcombe, R.
Nonlinear Dynamics Modelling for Controller Evolution
(Page 324)
Nguyen, D. T.
XCSF with Computed Continuous Action
(Page 1861)
Nikolaevna, P. N.
A Heuristic Particle Swarm Optimization
(Page 174)
Nino, F.
Keyword Extraction Using an Artificial Immune System
(Page 181)
Nino, F.
A Novel Ab-initio Genetic-Based Approach for Protein Folding Prediction
(Page 393)
Nitschke, G. S.
Collective Specialization in Multi-Rover Systems
(Page 342)
Nojima, Y.
Effects of the Use of Non-Geometric Binary Crossover on Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
(Page 829)
to Top)
Očenášek, J.
Migration of Probabilistic Models for Island-Based Bivariate EDA Algorithm
(Page 631)
Odeh, M.
Mining Breast Cancer Data with XCS
(Page 2066)
Odeh, O.
A Multi-objective Approach for the Prediction of Loan Defaults
(Page 2129)
Ofria, C. A.
Using Group Selection to Evolve Leadership in Populations of Self-Replicating Digital Organisms
(Page 293)
Ogino, S.
Graph Structured Program Evolution
(Page 1686)
Oguducu, S.
Graph-based Sequence Clustering through Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Web Recommender Systems
(Page 1943)
Ohara, K.
Effects of the Use of Non-Geometric Binary Crossover on Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
(Page 829)
Ohlídal, M.
An Evolutionary Approach to Collective Communication Scheduling
(Page 2037)
Okabe, T.
Self-Adaptive Simulated Binary Crossover for Real-Parameter Optimization
(Page 1187)
to Top)
Okazaki, H.
An Evolutionary Multiobjective Approach to Design Highly Non-linear Boolean Functions
(Page 749)
O'Keeffe, M.
Getting the Most from Search-Based Refactoring
(Page 1114)
Olague, G.
Evolutionary Computer Vision
(Page 3458)
Oliveira, F.
An Application of EDA and GA to Dynamic Pricing
(Page 585)
Oltean, M.
Best SubTree Genetic Programming
(Page 1667)
Genetically Designed Multiple-Kernels for Improving the SVM Performance
(Page 1873)
Evolving Evolutionary Algorithms using Evolutionary Algorithms
(Page 2442)
Observing the Swarm Behavior during Its Evolutionary Design
(Page 2667)
Scalability of Particle Swarm Algorithms
(Page 179)
Option Pricing Model Calibration using a Real-valued Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 1983)
Ong, Y.-S.
A Study on Metamodeling Techniques, Ensembles, and Multi-Surrogates in Evolutionary Computation
(Page 1288)
Oppacher, F.
A Simple Genetic Algorithm for Reducible Complexity
(Page 1514)
Solving the Artificial Ant on the Santa Fe Trail Problem in 20,696 Fitness Evaluations
(Page 1574)
Discovering Rules in the Poker Hand Dataset
(Page 1870)
Oranchak, D.
Evolutionary Synthesis of Photographic Artwork Using Human Fitness Function Derived From Web-Based Social Networks
(Page 2264)
Orchard, R.
Exploring Medical Data using Visual Spaces with Genetic Programming and Implicit Functional Mappings
(Page 2953)
O'Reilly, U.-M.
COSMO: A Correlation Sensitive Mutation Operator for Multi-Objective Optimization
(Page 741)
A Doubly Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Network Coding
(Page 1272)
to Top)
O'Riordan, C.
The Effects of Lifetime Learning on the Diversity and Fitness of Populations
(Page 337)
Self-adaptation of Cultural Learning Parameters
(Page 338)
A Phenotypic Analysis of GP-Evolved Team Behaviours
(Page 1951)
Using Genetic Programming for Information Retrieval: Local and Global Query Expansion
(Page 2255)
Ormsbee, L. E.
Genetic Algorithms for Water Quality Management in an Urban Watershed
(Page 2267)
Orriols-Puig, A.
Modeling XCS in Class Imbalances: Population Size and Parameter Settings
(Page 1838)
Modeling Selection Pressure in XCS for Proportionate and Tournament Selection
(Page 1846)
Fuzzy-UCS: Preliminary Results
(Page 2871)
Substructural Surrogates for Learning Decomposable Classification Problems: Implementation and First Results
(Page 2875)
Ortega, A.
Automatic Generation of Benchmarks for Plagiarism Detection Tools using Grammatical Evolution
(Page 2253)
Ortiz-Garcia, E. G.
A Hybrid Evolutionary Programming Algorithm for Spread Spectrum Radar Polyphase Codes Design
(Page 682)
O'Sullivan, C.
Option Pricing Model Calibration using a Real-valued Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
(Page 1983)
Adaptive Genetic Programming for Option Pricing
(Page 2588)
Ottino-Loffler, J.
A Spatial Model of the Red Queen Effect
(Page 490)
Owusu, G.
An Application of EDA and GA to Dynamic Pricing
(Page 585)
Ozkil, A.
Genetically Generated Double-Level Fuzzy Controller with a Fuzzy Adjustment Strategy
(Page 1880)
