Genetic Programming Bibliography entries for Riccardo Poli

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GP coauthors/coeditors: Mohamed Bahy Bader-El-Den, Shaheen Fatima, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Marc Schoenauer, Terence C Fogarty, Stefano Cagnoni, Luca Citi, Caterina Cinel, Kalyanmoy Deb, Hans-Georg Beyer, Edmund Burke, Paul Darwen, Dipankar Dasgupta, Dario Floreano, James A Foster, Mark Harman, Owen Holland, Pier Luca Lanzi, Lee Spector, Andrea G B Tettamanzi, Dirk Thierens, Andrew M Tyrrell, Cecilia Di Chio, William B Langdon, Stephen Dignum, Edgar Galvan Lopez, Carlos Artemio Coello Coello, Katya Rodriguez-Vazquez, Ahmed Kattan, Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon, Mario Graff Guerrero, Juan J Flores, Thomas D Haynes, Una-May O'Reilly, Justinian Rosca, Bradley E Johanson, Mohammed Al-Mulla, Francisco Sepulveda, Alexandros Agapitos, Robert E Keller, Behrooz Koohestani, John Koza, Terence Soule, Peter Nordin, Erick Cantu-Paz, K Mathias, Rajkumar Roy, Lawrence David Davis, K Balakrishnan, Vasant Honavar, Guenter Rudolph, Joachim Wegener, Larry Bull, Mitchell A Potter, Alan C Schultz, Julian F Miller, Natasha Jonoska, Thiemo Krink, Christopher R Stephens, Peter Martin, Nicholas Freitag McPhee, Jonathan E Rowe, Ellery Fussell Crane, Sara E Lahr, Alberto Moraglio, Rolv Seehuus, Jonathan Page, Alden H Wright, John R Woodward, Leonardo Vanneschi, Mathew Salvaris, Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol, Marcos Ivan Quintana-Hernandez, Ela Claridge, Amr Mohamed Mahmoud Khairat Radi, Gunther R Raidl, Franz Rothlauf, Giovanni Squillero, Rolf Drechsler, Thomas Stuetzle, Mauro Birattari, Clare Bates Congdon, Martin Middendorf, Christian Blum, Carlos Cotta, Peter A N Bosman, Joern Grahl, Joshua D Knowles, David W Corne, Kenneth O Stanley, Jano I van Hemert, Tom Lenaerts, Marc Ebner, Jaume Bacardit, Massimiliano Di Penta, Benjamin Doerr, Thomas Jansen, Enrique Alba, Conor Ryan, Maarten Keijzer, Edward P K Tsang, Ernesto Costa, Josh C Bongard, Jurgen Branke, John A Clark, Dave Cliff, Tim Kovacs, Sanjeev Kumar, Jason H Moore, Frank Neumann, Martin Pelikan, Kumara Sastry, Richard A Watson, Ingo Wegener,

Genetic Programming Articles by Riccardo Poli

  1. Behrooz Koohestani and Riccardo Poli. Addressing the envelope reduction of sparse matrices using a genetic programming system. Computational Optimization and Applications, 60(3):789-814, 2015. details

  2. Behrooz Koohestani and Riccardo Poli. Evolving an Improved Algorithm for Envelope Reduction Using a Hyper-Heuristic Approach. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(4):543-558, 2014. details

  3. Mario Graff and Riccardo Poli and Juan J. Flores. Models of Performance of Evolutionary Program Induction Algorithms Based on Indicators of Problem Difficulty. Evolutionary Computation, 21(4):533-560, 2013. details

  4. Riccardo Poli and Mathew Salvaris and Caterina Cinel. A genetic programming approach to the evolution of brain-computer interfaces for 2-D mouse-pointer control. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 13(3):377-405, 2012. Special issue on selected papers from the 2011 European conference on genetic programming. details

  5. Ahmed Kattan and Riccardo Poli. Evolution of human-competitive lossless compression algorithms with GP-zip2. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 12(4):335-364, 2012. details

  6. Edgar Galvan-Lopez and Riccardo Poli and Ahmed Kattan and Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon. Neutrality in Evolutionary Algorithms... What do we know?. Evolving Systems, 2(3):145-163, 2011. details

  7. Riccardo Poli and Leonardo Vanneschi and William B. Langdon and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. Theoretical Results in Genetic Programming: The next ten years?. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 11(3/4):285-320, 2010. Tenth Anniversary Issue: Progress in Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. details

  8. Julian F. Miller and Riccardo Poli. Editorial to tenth anniversary issue on progress in genetic programming and evolvable machines. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 11(3/4):247-250, 2010. Editorial: Tenth Anniversary Issue: Progress in Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. details

  9. Mario Graff and Riccardo Poli. Practical performance models of algorithms in evolutionary program induction and other domains. Artificial Intelligence, 174(15):1254-1276, 2010. details

  10. Mohamed Bahy Bader-El-Den and Riccardo Poli and Shaheen Fatima. Evolving timetabling heuristics using a grammar-based genetic programming hyper-heuristic framework. Memetic Computing, 1(3):205-219, 2009. details

  11. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Luca Citi and Ellery Crane. Memory with Memory in Genetic Programming. Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications, 2009. Article ID 570606. details

  12. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli and W. Banzhaf. An Eigen Analysis of the GP Community. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 9(3):171-182, 2008. details

  13. William B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli. Mapping Non-conventional Extensions of Genetic Programming. Natural Computing, 7:21-43, 2008. Invited contribution to special issue on Unconventional computing. details

  14. Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Parameter Mapping: A genetic programming approach to function optimization. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, 12(1):29-45, 2008. details

  15. W. B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli. Evolving Problems to Learn about Particle Swarm Optimisers and other Search Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 11(5):561-578, 2007. details

  16. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Backward-chaining Evolutionary Algorithms. Artificial Intelligence, 170(11):953-982, 2006. details

  17. Marcos I. Quintana and Riccardo Poli and Ela Claridge. Morphological algorithm design for binary images using genetic programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 7(1):81-102, 2006. details

  18. Stefano Cagnoni and Riccardo Poli. Genetic and evolutionary Computation. Intelligenza Artificiale, 3(1/2):94-101, 2006. details

  19. Riccardo Poli and Christopher R. Stephens. The Building Block Basis for Genetic Programming and Variable-length Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, 1(2):183-197, 2005. Invited paper. details

  20. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Jonathan E. Rowe. Exact Schema Theory and Markov Chain Models for Genetic Programming and Variable-length Genetic Algorithms with Homologous Crossover. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 5(1):31-70, 2004. details

  21. Riccardo Poli and Stefano Cagnoni. Editorial. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 2003(8):733-739, 2003. details

  22. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. General Schema theory for genetic programming with subtree-swapping crossover: Part II. Evolutionary Computation, 11(2):169-206, 2003. details

  23. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. General Schema theory for genetic programming with subtree-swapping crossover: Part I. Evolutionary Computation, 11(1):53-66, 2003. details

  24. Riccardo Poli. Bookshelf Foundations of Generic Programing. Wyvern, 2002. details

  25. Riccardo Poli. Exact Schema Theory for Genetic Programming and Variable-Length Genetic Algorithms with One-Point Crossover. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2(2):123-163, 2001. details

  26. Riccardo Poli and Jonathan Page. Solving High-Order Boolean Parity Problems with Smooth Uniform Crossover, Sub-Machine Code GP and Demes. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 1(1/2):37-56, 2000. details

  27. Joao C. F. Pujol and Riccardo Poli. EuroGP'98: Conference Report. EvoNews, 7:9, 1998. details

  28. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with One-point Crossover and Point Mutation. Evolutionary Computation, 6(3):231-252, 1998. details

  29. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. EvoGP Report Summary. EvoNews, 1998. details

  30. Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Evolution of the Topology and the Weights of Neural Networks using Genetic Programming with a Dual Representation. Applied Intelligence, 8:73-84, 1998. details

Genetic Programming Books by Riccardo Poli

Genetic Programming Conference proceedings edited by Riccardo Poli

  1. Guenther Raidl and Franz Rothlauf and Giovanni Squillero and Rolf Drechsler and Thomas Stuetzle and Mauro Birattari and Clare Bates Congdon and Martin Middendorf and Christian Blum and Carlos Cotta and Peter Bosman and Joern Grahl and Joshua Knowles and David Corne and Hans-Georg Beyer and Ken Stanley and Julian F. Miller and Jano van Hemert and Tom Lenaerts and Marc Ebner and Jaume Bacardit and Michael O'Neill and Massimiliano Di Penta and Benjamin Doerr and Thomas Jansen and Riccardo Poli and Enrique Alba editors, GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. Montreal, ACM, 2009. details

  2. Dirk Thierens and Hans-Georg Beyer and Josh Bongard and Jurgen Branke and John Andrew Clark and Dave Cliff and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Tim Kovacs and Sanjeev Kumar and Julian F. Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Riccardo Poli and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Owen Stanley and Thomas Stutzle and Richard A Watson and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO 2007: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. London, UK, ACM Press, 2007. details

  3. Kalyanmoy Deb and Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Hans-Georg Beyer and Edmund Burke and Paul Darwen and Dipankar Dasgupta and Dario Floreano and James Foster and Mark Harman and Owen Holland and Pier Luca Lanzi and Lee Spector and Andrea Tettamanzi and Dirk Thierens and Andy Tyrrell editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO-2004, Part II. Volume 3103 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seattle, WA, USA, Springer-Verlag, 2004. details

  4. Kalyanmoy Deb and Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Hans-Georg Beyer and Edmund Burke and Paul Darwen and Dipankar Dasgupta and Dario Floreano and James Foster and Mark Harman and Owen Holland and Pier Luca Lanzi and Lee Spector and Andrea Tettamanzi and Dirk Thierens and Andy Tyrrell editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO-2004, Part I. Volume 3102 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seattle, WA, USA, Springer-Verlag, 2004. details

  5. Conor Ryan and Terence Soule and Maarten Keijzer and Edward Tsang and Riccardo Poli and Ernesto Costa editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference, EuroGP 2003. Volume 2610 of LNCS, Essex, UK, Springer-Verlag, 2003. details

  6. W. B. Langdon and E. Cant\'u-Paz and K. Mathias and R. Roy and D. Davis and R. Poli and K. Balakrishnan and V. Honavar and G. Rudolph and J. Wegener and L. Bull and M. A. Potter and A. C. Schultz and J. F. Miller and E. Burke and N. Jonoska editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. New York, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002. details

  7. Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and William B. Langdon and Julian F. Miller and Peter Nordin and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2000. Volume 1802 of LNCS, Edinburgh, Springer-Verlag, 2000. details

  8. Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99. Volume 1598 of LNCS, Goteborg, Sweden, Springer-Verlag, 1999. details

  9. W. B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and Terry Fogarty editors, Late-Breaking Papers of EuroGP-99. Goteborg, Sweden, 1999. details

  10. Thomas Haynes and William B. Langdon and Una-May O'Reilly and Riccardo Poli and Justinian Rosca editors, Foundations of Genetic Programming. Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. details

  11. Wolfgang Banzhaf and Riccardo Poli and Marc Schoenauer and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming. Volume 1391 of LNCS, Paris, Springer-Verlag, 1998. details

  12. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon and Marc Schoenauer and Terry Fogarty and Wolfgang Banzhaf editors, Late Breaking Papers at EuroGP'98: the First European Workshop on Genetic Programming. Paris, France, 1998. details

Genetic Programming conference papers by Riccardo Poli

  1. Riccardo Poli. Coarse graining the Dynamics of Evolutionary Algorithms. In Radomil Matousek editor, 19th International Conference on Soft Computing, MENDEL 2013, Brno, Czech Republic, 2013. Invited keynote. details

  2. Behrooz Koohestani and Riccardo Poli. A Genetic Programming Approach for Evolving Highly-Competitive General Algorithms for Envelope Reduction in Sparse Matrices. In Carlos A. Coello Coello and Vincenzo Cutello and Kalyanmoy Deb and Stephanie Forrest and Giuseppe Nicosia and Mario Pavone editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, PPSN XII (part 2), volume 7492, pages 287-296, Taormina, Italy, 2012. Springer. details

  3. Behrooz Koohestani and Riccardo Poli. On the application of Genetic Programming to the envelope reduction problem. In Maria Fasli editor, 4th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, pages 53-58, University of Essex, UK, 2012. IEEE. details

  4. Riccardo Poli and Mathew Salvaris and Caterina Cinel. Evolutionary Synthesis of a Trajectory Integrator for an Analogue Brain-Computer Interface Mouse. In Cecilia Di Chio and Stefano Cagnoni and Carlos Cotta and Marc Ebner and Aniko Ekart and Anna I Esparcia-Alcazar and Juan J. Merelo and Ferrante Neri and Mike Preuss and Hendrik Richter and Julian Togelius and Georgios N. Yannakakis editors, Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoApplications 2011: EvoCOMPLEX, EvoGAMES, EvoIASP, EvoINTELLIGENCE, EvoNUM, EvoSTOC, volume 6624, pages 214-223, Turin, Italy, 2011. Springer Verlag. details

  5. Mario Graff and Riccardo Poli. Performance Models for Evolutionary Program Induction Algorithms based on Problem Difficulty Indicators. In Sara Silva and James A. Foster and Miguel Nicolau and Mario Giacobini and Penousal Machado editors, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2011, volume 6621, pages 118-129, Turin, Italy, 2011. Springer Verlag. details

  6. Riccardo Poli and Caterina Cinel and Luca Citi and Mathew Salvaris. A genetic programming approach to detecting artifact-generating eye movements from EEG in the absence of electro-oculogram. In 5th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER 2011), pages 416-421, Cancun, Mexico, 2011. details

  7. Riccardo Poli and Mathew Salvaris and Caterina Cinel. Evolution of a Brain-Computer Interface Mouse via Genetic Programming. In Sara Silva and James A. Foster and Miguel Nicolau and Mario Giacobini and Penousal Machado editors, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2011, volume 6621, pages 203-214, Turin, Italy, 2011. Springer Verlag. details

  8. Behrooz Koohestani and Riccardo Poli. A Hyper-Heuristic Approach to Evolving Algorithms for Bandwidth Reduction Based on Genetic Programming. In Max Bramer and Miltos Petridis and Lars Nolle editors, Proceedings of the 31st SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, AI-2011, pages 93-106, Cambridge, England, 2011. Springer. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII, Incorporating Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XIX. details

  9. Riccardo Poli. Genetic programming theory. In Una-May O'Reilly editor, GECCO 2010 Advanced tutorials, pages 2473-2502, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2010. ACM. details

  10. Riccardo Poli. Solution-Locked Averages and Solution-Time Binning in Genetic Programming. In Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcazar and Aniko Ekart and Sara Silva and Stephen Dignum and A. Sima Uyar editors, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2010, volume 6021, pages 208-219, Istanbul, 2010. Springer. details

  11. Behrooz Koohestani and Riccardo Poli. A Genetic Programming Approach to the Matrix Bandwidth-Minimization Problem. In Robert Schaefer and Carlos Cotta and Joanna Kolodziej and Guenter Rudolph editors, PPSN 2010 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature, volume 6239, pages 482-491, Krakow, Poland, 2010. Springer. details

  12. Ahmed Kattan and Riccardo Poli. Evolutionary synthesis of lossless compression algorithms with GP-zip3. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 2010. IEEE Press. details

  13. Ahmed Kattan and Edgar Galvan-Lopez and Riccardo Poli and Michael O'Neill. GP-Fileprints: File Types Detection Using Genetic Programming. In Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcazar and Aniko Ekart and Sara Silva and Stephen Dignum and A. Sima Uyar editors, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2010, volume 6021, pages 134-145, Istanbul, 2010. Springer. details

  14. Ahmed Kattan and Alexandros Agapitos and Riccardo Poli. Unsupervised Problem Decomposition using Genetic Programming. In Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcazar and Aniko Ekart and Sara Silva and Stephen Dignum and A. Sima Uyar editors, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2010, volume 6021, pages 122-133, Istanbul, 2010. Springer. details

  15. Stephen Dignum and Riccardo Poli. Sub-Tree Swapping Crossover and Arity Histogram Distributions. In Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcazar and Aniko Ekart and Sara Silva and Stephen Dignum and A. Sima Uyar editors, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2010, volume 6021, pages 38-49, Istanbul, 2010. Springer. details

  16. Riccardo Poli and Mario Graff and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. Free lunches for function and program induction. In FOGA '09: Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGEVO workshop on Foundations of genetic algorithms, pages 183-194, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2009. ACM. details

  17. Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Ellery Fussell Crane and Sara E. Lahr and Riccardo Poli. Developmental plasticity in linear genetic programming. In Guenther Raidl and Franz Rothlauf and Giovanni Squillero and Rolf Drechsler and Thomas Stuetzle and Mauro Birattari and Clare Bates Congdon and Martin Middendorf and Christian Blum and Carlos Cotta and Peter Bosman and Joern Grahl and Joshua Knowles and David Corne and Hans-Georg Beyer and Ken Stanley and Julian F. Miller and Jano van Hemert and Tom Lenaerts and Marc Ebner and Jaume Bacardit and Michael O'Neill and Massimiliano Di Penta and Benjamin Doerr and Thomas Jansen and Riccardo Poli and Enrique Alba editors, GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1019-1026, Montreal, 2009. ACM. Nominated for best paper award in the GP track. details

  18. Ahmed Kattan and Mohammed Al-Mulla and Francisco Sepulveda and Riccardo Poli. Detecting Localised Muscle Fatigue during Isometric Contraction using Genetic Programming. In Agostinho Rosa editor, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC 2009), pages 292-297, Madeira, Portugal, 2009. details

  19. Riccardo Poli and Mario Graff. There is a Free Lunch for Hyper-Heuristics, Genetic Programming and Computer Scientists. In Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Alberto Moraglio and Ivanoe De Falco and Marc Ebner editors, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2009, volume 5481, pages 195-207, Tuebingen, 2009. Springer. details

  20. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas McPhee and Luca Citi and Ellery Crane. Memory with Memory in Tree-based Genetic Programming. In Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Alberto Moraglio and Ivanoe De Falco and Marc Ebner editors, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2009, volume 5481, pages 25-36, Tuebingen, 2009. Springer. details

  21. Ahmed Kattan and Riccardo Poli. Genetic-Programming Based Prediction of Data Compression Saving. In Pierre Collet and Nicolas Monmarche and Pierrick Legrand and Marc Schoenauer and Evelyne Lutton editors, 9th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2009, volume 5975, pages 182-193, Strasbourg, France, 2009. Springer. Revised Selected Papers. details

  22. Mario Graff and Riccardo Poli. Automatic Creation of Taxonomies of Genetic Programming Systems. In Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Alberto Moraglio and Ivanoe De Falco and Marc Ebner editors, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2009, volume 5481, pages 145-158, Tuebingen, 2009. Springer. details

  23. Edgar Galvan Lopez and Riccardo Poli. An Empirical Investigation of How Degree Neutrality Affects GP Search. In Arturo Hern\'andez Aguirre and Ra\'ul Monroy Borja and Carlos A. Reyes Garc\'\ia editors, MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings, volume 5845, pages 728-739, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2009. Springer. details

  24. Riccardo Poli and Mario Graff. Free lunches for neural network search. In Guenther Raidl and Franz Rothlauf and Giovanni Squillero and Rolf Drechsler and Thomas Stuetzle and Mauro Birattari and Clare Bates Congdon and Martin Middendorf and Christian Blum and Carlos Cotta and Peter Bosman and Joern Grahl and Joshua Knowles and David Corne and Hans-Georg Beyer and Ken Stanley and Julian F. Miller and Jano van Hemert and Tom Lenaerts and Marc Ebner and Jaume Bacardit and Michael O'Neill and Massimiliano Di Penta and Benjamin Doerr and Thomas Jansen and Riccardo Poli and Enrique Alba editors, GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1291-1298, Montreal, 2009. ACM. details

  25. Mohamed Bader El Den and Riccardo Poli. Grammar-Based Genetic Programming for Timetabling. In Andy Tyrrell editor, 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 2532-2539, Trondheim, Norway, 2009. IEEE Press. details

  26. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. A Linear Estimation-of-Distribution GP System. In Michael O'Neill and Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Anna Isabel Esparcia Alcazar and Ivanoe De Falco and Antonio Della Cioppa and Ernesto Tarantino editors, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2008, volume 4971, pages 206-217, Naples, 2008. Springer. details

  27. Ahmad Kattan and Riccardo Poli. Evolutionary Lossless Compression with GP-ZIP. In Jun Wang editor, 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 2468-2472, Hong Kong, 2008. IEEE Press. details

  28. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas McPhee. Parsimony Pressure Made Easy. In Maarten Keijzer and Giuliano Antoniol and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Nikolaus Hansen and John H. Holmes and Gregory S. Hornby and Daniel Howard and James Kennedy and Sanjeev Kumar and Fernando G. Lobo and Julian Francis Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Jordan Pollack and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Stanley and Adrian Stoica and El-Ghazali Talbi and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1267-1274, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. ACM. details

  29. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas F. McPhee and Leonardo Vanneschi. The impact of population size on code growth in GP: analysis and empirical validation. In Maarten Keijzer and Giuliano Antoniol and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Nikolaus Hansen and John H. Holmes and Gregory S. Hornby and Daniel Howard and James Kennedy and Sanjeev Kumar and Fernando G. Lobo and Julian Francis Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Jordan Pollack and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Stanley and Adrian Stoica and El-Ghazali Talbi and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1275-1282, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. ACM. details

  30. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Leonardo Vanneschi. Elitism reduces bloat in genetic programming. In Maarten Keijzer and Giuliano Antoniol and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Nikolaus Hansen and John H. Holmes and Gregory S. Hornby and Daniel Howard and James Kennedy and Sanjeev Kumar and Fernando G. Lobo and Julian Francis Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Jordan Pollack and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Stanley and Adrian Stoica and El-Ghazali Talbi and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1343-1344, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. ACM. details

  31. Riccardo Poli. Genetic programming theory. In Marc Ebner and Mike Cattolico and Jano van Hemert and Steven Gustafson and Laurence D. Merkle and Frank W. Moore and Clare Bates Congdon and Christopher D. Clack and Frank W. Moore and William Rand and Sevan G. Ficici and Rick Riolo and Jaume Bacardit and Ester Bernado-Mansilla and Martin V. Butz and Stephen L. Smith and Stefano Cagnoni and Mark Hauschild and Martin Pelikan and Kumara Sastry editors, GECCO-2008 tutorials, pages 2559-2588, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. ACM. details

  32. Nicholas F. McPhee and Riccardo Poli. Memory with memory: Soft assignment in Genetic Programming. In Maarten Keijzer and Giuliano Antoniol and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Nikolaus Hansen and John H. Holmes and Gregory S. Hornby and Daniel Howard and James Kennedy and Sanjeev Kumar and Fernando G. Lobo and Julian Francis Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Jordan Pollack and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Stanley and Adrian Stoica and El-Ghazali Talbi and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1235-1242, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. ACM. details

  33. R. Keller and R. Poli. Toward Subheuristic Search. In Jun Wang editor, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 3148-3155, Hong Kong, 2008. IEEE Press. details

  34. Robert E. Keller and Riccardo Poli. Self-Adaptive Hyperheuristic and Greedy Search. In Jun Wang editor, 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 3801-3808, Hong Kong, 2008. IEEE Press. details

  35. Ahmed Kattan and Riccardo Poli. Evolutionary lossless compression with GP-ZIP*. In Maarten Keijzer and Giuliano Antoniol and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Nikolaus Hansen and John H. Holmes and Gregory S. Hornby and Daniel Howard and James Kennedy and Sanjeev Kumar and Fernando G. Lobo and Julian Francis Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Jordan Pollack and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Stanley and Adrian Stoica and El-Ghazali Talbi and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 1211-1218, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. ACM. details

  36. Mario Graff and Riccardo Poli. Practical Model of Genetic Programming's Performance on Rational Symbolic Regression Problems. In Michael O'Neill and Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Anna Isabel Esparcia Alcazar and Ivanoe De Falco and Antonio Della Cioppa and Ernesto Tarantino editors, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2008, volume 4971, pages 122-133, Naples, 2008. Springer. details

  37. Edgar Galvan-Lopez and Stephen Dignum and Riccardo Poli. The Effects of Constant Neutrality on Performance and Problem Hardness in GP. In Michael O'Neill and Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Anna Isabel Esparcia Alcazar and Ivanoe De Falco and Antonio Della Cioppa and Ernesto Tarantino editors, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2008, volume 4971, pages 312-324, Naples, 2008. Springer. details

  38. Stephen Dignum and Riccardo Poli. Crossover, Sampling, Bloat and the Harmful Effects of Size Limits. In Michael O'Neill and Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Anna Isabel Esparcia Alcazar and Ivanoe De Falco and Antonio Della Cioppa and Ernesto Tarantino editors, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2008, volume 4971, pages 158-169, Naples, 2008. Springer. details

  39. Stephen Dignum and Riccardo Poli. Operator Equalisation and Bloat Free GP. In Michael O'Neill and Leonardo Vanneschi and Steven Gustafson and Anna Isabel Esparcia Alcazar and Ivanoe De Falco and Antonio Della Cioppa and Ernesto Tarantino editors, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming, EuroGP 2008, volume 4971, pages 110-121, Naples, 2008. Springer. details

  40. Stephen Dignum and Riccardo Poli. Sub-Tree Swapping Crossover, Allele Diffusion and GP Convergence. In Gunter Rudolph and Thomas Jansen and Simon Lucas and Carlo Poloni and Nicola Beume editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN X, volume 5199, pages 368-377, Dortmund, 2008. Springer. details

  41. Mohamed Bader-El-Den and Riccardo Poli. Evolving Heuristics with Genetic Programming. In Maarten Keijzer and Giuliano Antoniol and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Nikolaus Hansen and John H. Holmes and Gregory S. Hornby and Daniel Howard and James Kennedy and Sanjeev Kumar and Fernando G. Lobo and Julian Francis Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Jordan Pollack and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Stanley and Adrian Stoica and El-Ghazali Talbi and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, pages 601-602, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2008. ACM. details

  42. Mohamed Bahy Bader-El-Den and Riccardo Poli. Inc*: An Incremental Approach for Improving Local Search Heuristics. In Jano I. van Hemert and Carlos Cotta editors, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference, Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, EvoCOP, volume 4972, pages 194-205, Naples, Italy, 2008. Springer. details

  43. Mohamed Bader-El-Den and Riccardo Poli. Analysis and Extension of the Inc* on the Satisfiability Testing Problem. In Jun Wang editor, 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 3342-3349, Hong Kong, 2008. IEEE. details

  44. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon and Stephen Dignum. On the Limiting Distribution of Program Sizes in Tree-based Genetic Programming. In Marc Ebner and Michael O'Neill and Anik\'o Ek\'art and Leonardo Vanneschi and Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alc\'azar editors, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 4445, pages 193-204, Valencia, Spain, 2007. Springer. Best paper award. details

  45. Robert E. Keller and Riccardo Poli. Cost-benefit investigation of a Genetic-Programming Hyperheuristic. In Nicolas Monmarche and El-Ghazali Talbi and Pierre Collet and Marc Schoenauer and Evelyne Lutton editors, Evolution Artificielle, 8th International Conference, volume 4926, pages 13-24, Tours, France, 2007. Springer. Revised Selected Papers. details

  46. Alberto Moraglio and Cecilia Di Chio and Riccardo Poli. Geometric Particle Swarm Optimization. In Marc Ebner and Michael O'Neill and Anik\'o Ek\'art and Leonardo Vanneschi and Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alc\'azar editors, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 4445, pages 125-136, Valencia, Spain, 2007. Springer. details

  47. Mohamed Bader-El-Den and Riccardo Poli. Generating SAT Local-Search Heuristics using a GP Hyper-Heuristic Framework. In Nicolas Monmarch\'e and El-Ghazali Talbi and Pierre Collet and Marc Schoenauer and Evelyne Lutton editors, Evolution Artificielle, 8th International Conference, volume 4926, pages 37-49, Tours, France, 2007. Springer. details

  48. Riccardo Poli and John Woodward and Edmund K. Burke. A Histogram-Matching Approach to the Evolution of Bin-Packing Strategies. In Dipti Srinivasan and Lipo Wang editors, 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 3500-3507, Singapore, 2007. IEEE Press. details

  49. Alberto Moraglio and Riccardo Poli. Inbreeding Properties of Geometric Crossover and Non-geometric Recombinations. In Christopher R. Stephens and Marc Toussaint and Darrell Whitley and Peter F. Stadler editors, Foundations of Genetic Algorithms, volume 4436, pages 1-14, Mexico City, 2007. Springer. Revised Selected Papers. details

  50. R. E. Keller and R. Poli. Linear Genetic Programming of Parsimonious Metaheuristics. In Dipti Srinivasan and Lipo Wang editors, 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 4508-4515, Singapore, 2007. IEEE Press. details

  51. R. E. Keller and R. Poli. Linear genetic programming of metaheuristics. In Dirk Thierens and Hans-Georg Beyer and Josh Bongard and Jurgen Branke and John Andrew Clark and Dave Cliff and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Tim Kovacs and Sanjeev Kumar and Julian F. Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Riccardo Poli and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Owen Stanley and Thomas Stutzle and Richard A Watson and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '07: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, volume 2, pages 1753-1753, London, 2007. ACM Press. details

  52. Mohamed Bahy Bader-El-Den and Riccardo Poli. A GP-based hyper-heuristic framework for evolving 3-SAT heuristics. In Dirk Thierens and Hans-Georg Beyer and Josh Bongard and Jurgen Branke and John Andrew Clark and Dave Cliff and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Tim Kovacs and Sanjeev Kumar and Julian F. Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Riccardo Poli and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Owen Stanley and Thomas Stutzle and Richard A Watson and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '07: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, volume 2, pages 1749-1749, London, 2007. ACM Press. details

  53. Stephen Dignum and Riccardo Poli. Generalisation of the limiting distribution of program sizes in tree-based genetic programming and analysis of its effects on bloat. In Dirk Thierens and Hans-Georg Beyer and Josh Bongard and Jurgen Branke and John Andrew Clark and Dave Cliff and Clare Bates Congdon and Kalyanmoy Deb and Benjamin Doerr and Tim Kovacs and Sanjeev Kumar and Julian F. Miller and Jason Moore and Frank Neumann and Martin Pelikan and Riccardo Poli and Kumara Sastry and Kenneth Owen Stanley and Thomas Stutzle and Richard A Watson and Ingo Wegener editors, GECCO '07: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, volume 2, pages 1588-1595, London, 2007. ACM Press. details

  54. R. Poli and A. H. Wright and N. F. McPhee and W. B. Langdon. Emergent Behaviour, Population-based Search and Low-pass Filtering. In 2006 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 395-402, Vancouver, 2006. details

  55. William B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli. On Turing complete T7 and MISC F--4 program fitness landscapes. In Dirk V. Arnold and Thomas Jansen and Michael D. Vose and Jonathan E. Rowe editors, Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2006. Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. $<$$>$ [date of citation: 2006-01-01]. details

  56. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. The Halting Probability in von~Neumann Architectures. In Pierre Collet and Marco Tomassini and Marc Ebner and Steven Gustafson and Anik\'o Ek\'art editors, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 3905, pages 225-237, Budapest, Hungary, 2006. Springer. details

  57. William B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli. Finding Social Landscapes for PSOs via Kernels. In Gary G. Yen and Lipo Wang and Piero Bonissone and Simon M. Lucas editors, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 6118-6125, Vancouver, 2006. IEEE Press. details

  58. Alberto Moraglio and Riccardo Poli and Rolv Seehuus. Geometric Crossover for Biological Sequences. In Pierre Collet and Marco Tomassini and Marc Ebner and Steven Gustafson and Anik\'o Ek\'art editors, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 3905, pages 121-132, Budapest, Hungary, 2006. Springer. details

  59. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Backward-chaining genetic programming. In Hans-Georg Beyer and Una-May O'Reilly and Dirk V. Arnold and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Christian Blum and Eric W. Bonabeau and Erick Cantu-Paz and Dipankar Dasgupta and Kalyanmoy Deb and James A. Foster and Edwin D. de Jong and Hod Lipson and Xavier Llora and Spiros Mancoridis and Martin Pelikan and Guenther R. Raidl and Terence Soule and Andy M. Tyrrell and Jean-Paul Watson and Eckart Zitzler editors, GECCO 2005: Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, volume 2, pages 1777-1778, Washington DC, USA, 2005. ACM Press. details

  60. Riccardo Poli. Tournament Selection, Iterated Coupon-Collection Problem, and Backward-Chaining Evolutionary Algorithms. In Alden H. Wright and Michael D. Vose and Kenneth A. De Jong and Lothar M. Schmitt editors, Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 8, volume 3469, pages 132-155, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan, 2005. Springer-Verlag. details

  61. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon and Owen Holland. Extending Particle Swarm Optimisation via Genetic Programming. In Maarten Keijzer and Andrea Tettamanzi and Pierre Collet and Jano I. van Hemert and Marco Tomassini editors, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Genetic Programming, volume 3447, pages 291-300, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2005. Springer. details

  62. Alberto Moraglio and Riccardo Poli. Geometric Landscape of Homologous Crossover for Syntactic Trees. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2005), volume 1, pages 427-434, Edinburgh, 2005. IEEE. details

  63. W. B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli and Owen Holland and Thiemo Krink. Understanding Particle Swarm Optimisation by Evolving Problem Landscapes. In Luca Maria Gambardella and Payman Arabshahi and Alcherio Martinoli editors, Proceedings SIS 2005 IEEE Swarm Intelligence, pages 30-37, Pasadena, California, USA, 2005. IEEE. details

  64. William B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli. Evolving Problems to Learn about Particle Swarm and other Optimisers. In David Corne and Zbigniew Michalewicz and Marco Dorigo and Gusz Eiben and David Fogel and Carlos Fonseca and Garrison Greenwood and Tan Kay Chen and Guenther Raidl and Ali Zalzala and Simon Lucas and Ben Paechter and Jennifier Willies and Juan J. Merelo Guervos and Eugene Eberbach and Bob McKay and Alastair Channon and Ashutosh Tiwari and L. Gwenn Volkert and Dan Ashlock and Marc Schoenauer editors, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, volume 1, pages 81-88, Edinburgh, UK, 2005. IEEE Press. details

  65. William B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli. Evolutionary Solo Pong Players. In David Corne and Zbigniew Michalewicz and Marco Dorigo and Gusz Eiben and David Fogel and Carlos Fonseca and Garrison Greenwood and Tan Kay Chen and Guenther Raidl and Ali Zalzala and Simon Lucas and Ben Paechter and Jennifier Willies and Juan J. Merelo Guervos and Eugene Eberbach and Bob McKay and Alastair Channon and Ashutosh Tiwari and L. Gwenn Volkert and Dan Ashlock and Marc Schoenauer editors, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, volume 3, pages 2621-2628, Edinburgh, UK, 2005. IEEE Press. details

  66. Riccardo Poli and Cecilia Di Chio and William B. Langdon. Exploring extended particle swarms: a genetic programming approach. In Hans-Georg Beyer and Una-May O'Reilly and Dirk V. Arnold and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Christian Blum and Eric W. Bonabeau and Erick Cantu-Paz and Dipankar Dasgupta and Kalyanmoy Deb and James A. Foster and Edwin D. de Jong and Hod Lipson and Xavier Llora and Spiros Mancoridis and Martin Pelikan and Guenther R. Raidl and Terence Soule and Andy M. Tyrrell and Jean-Paul Watson and Eckart Zitzler editors, GECCO 2005: Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, volume 1, pages 169-176, Washington DC, USA, 2005. ACM Press. details

  67. Edgar Galvan Lopez and Katya Rodriguez Vazquez and Riccardo Poli. Beneficial Aspects of Neutrality in GP. In Franz Rothlauf editor, Late breaking paper at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'2005), Washington, D.C., USA, 2005. details

  68. Cecilia Di Chio and Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Evolution of Force-Generating Equations for PSO using GP. In Sara Manzoni and Matteo Palmonari and Fabio Sartori editors, AI*IA Workshop on Evolutionary Computation, Evoluzionistico GSICE05, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy, 2005. details

  69. Joao C. F. Pujol and Riccardo Poli. A Highly Efficient Function Optimization with Genetic Programming. In Maarten Keijzer editor, Late Breaking Papers at the 2004 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2004. details

  70. Riccardo Poli and Christopher R. Stephens. Constrained Molecular Dynamics as a Search and Optimization Tool. In Maarten Keijzer and Una-May O'Reilly and Simon M. Lucas and Ernesto Costa and Terence Soule editors, Genetic Programming 7th European Conference, EuroGP 2004, Proceedings, volume 3003, pages 150-161, Coimbra, Portugal, 2004. Springer-Verlag. details

  71. Alberto Moraglio and Riccardo Poli. Topological Interpretation of Crossover. In Kalyanmoy Deb and Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Hans-Georg Beyer and Edmund Burke and Paul Darwen and Dipankar Dasgupta and Dario Floreano and James Foster and Mark Harman and Owen Holland and Pier Luca Lanzi and Lee Spector and Andrea Tettamanzi and Dirk Thierens and Andy Tyrrell editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO-2004, Part I, volume 3102, pages 1377-1388, Seattle, WA, USA, 2004. Springer-Verlag. details

  72. Edgar Galvan Lopez and Riccardo Poli and Carlos A. Coello Coello. Reusing Code in Genetic Programming. In Maarten Keijzer and Una-May O'Reilly and Simon M. Lucas and Ernesto Costa and Terence Soule editors, Genetic Programming 7th European Conference, EuroGP 2004, Proceedings, volume 3003, pages 359-368, Coimbra, Portugal, 2004. Springer-Verlag. details

  73. Stephen Dignum and Riccardo Poli. Multi-agent Foreign Exchange Market Modelling Via GP. In Kalyanmoy Deb and Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Hans-Georg Beyer and Edmund Burke and Paul Darwen and Dipankar Dasgupta and Dario Floreano and James Foster and Mark Harman and Owen Holland and Pier Luca Lanzi and Lee Spector and Andrea Tettamanzi and Dirk Thierens and Andy Tyrrell editors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO-2004, Part I, volume 3102, pages 255-256, Seattle, WA, USA, 2004. Springer-Verlag. details

  74. Joao C. F. Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Optimization via Parameter Mapping with Genetic Programming. In Xin Yao and Edmund Burke and Jose A. Lozano and Jim Smith and Juan J. Merelo-Guerv\'os and John A. Bullinaria and Jonathan Rowe and Peter Ti\vno Ata Kab\'an and Hans-Paul Schwefel editors, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN VIII, volume 3242, pages 382-390, Birmingham, UK, 2004. Springer-Verlag. details

  75. Riccardo Poli. A Simple but Theoretically-motivated Method to Control Bloat in Genetic Programming. In Conor Ryan and Terence Soule and Maarten Keijzer and Edward Tsang and Riccardo Poli and Ernesto Costa editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2003, volume 2610, pages 204-217, Essex, 2003. Springer-Verlag. details

  76. Marcos I. Quintana and Riccardo Poli and Ela Claridge. On Two Approaches to Image Processing Algorithm Design for Binary Images using GP. In G\"unther R. Raidl and Stefano Cagnoni and Juan Jes\'us Romero Cardalda and David W. Corne and Jens Gottlieb and Agn\`es Guillot and Emma Hart and Colin G. Johnson and Elena Marchiori and Jean-Arcady Meyer and Martin Middendorf editors, Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops2003: EvoBIO, EvoCOP, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, EvoROB, EvoSTIM, volume 2611, pages 422-431, University of Essex, England, UK, 2003. Springer-Verlag. details

  77. Marcos I. Quintana and R. Poli and E. Claridge. Genetic programming for mathematical morphology algorithm design on binary images. In M. Sasikumar and J. Hedge and M. Khavita editors, Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the International Conference KBCS-2002, pages 161-171, Mumbai, India, 2002. Vikas. Paper selected for a fast track review for publication in the Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Science. details

  78. Riccardo Poli and Christopher R. Stephens and Alden H. Wright and Jonathan E. Rowe. On The Search Biases Of Homologuous Crossover In Linear Genetic Programming And Variable-length Genetic Algorithms. In W. B. Langdon and E. Cant\'u-Paz and K. Mathias and R. Roy and D. Davis and R. Poli and K. Balakrishnan and V. Honavar and G. Rudolph and J. Wegener and L. Bull and M. A. Potter and A. C. Schultz and J. F. Miller and E. Burke and N. Jonoska editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 868-876, New York, 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. details

  79. Riccardo Poli and Christopher R. Stephens and Alden H. Wright and Jonathan E. Rowe. A schema theory based extension of Geiringer's theorem for linear GP and variable length GAs under homologous crossover. In Kenneth A. De Jong and Riccardo Poli and Jonathan E. Rowe editors, Foundations of Genetic Algorithms VII, pages 45-62, Torremolinos, Spain, 2002. Morgan Kaufmann. Published 2003. details

  80. Riccardo Poli and Jonathan E. Rowe and Christopher R. Stephens and Alden H. Wright. Allele Diffusion in Linear Genetic Programming and Variable-Length Genetic Algorithms with Subtree Crossover. In James A. Foster and Evelyne Lutton and Julian Miller and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference, EuroGP 2002, volume 2278, pages 212-227, Kinsale, Ireland, 2002. Springer-Verlag. details

  81. Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Riccardo Poli. Using Schema Theory To Explore Interactions Of Multiple Operators. In W. B. Langdon and E. Cant\'u-Paz and K. Mathias and R. Roy and D. Davis and R. Poli and K. Balakrishnan and V. Honavar and G. Rudolph and J. Wegener and L. Bull and M. A. Potter and A. C. Schultz and J. F. Miller and E. Burke and N. Jonoska editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 853-860, New York, 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. details

  82. Peter Martin and Riccardo Poli. Crossover Operators For a Hardware Implementation Of GP Using FPGAs and Handel-C. In W. B. Langdon and E. Cant\'u-Paz and K. Mathias and R. Roy and D. Davis and R. Poli and K. Balakrishnan and V. Honavar and G. Rudolph and J. Wegener and L. Bull and M. A. Potter and A. C. Schultz and J. F. Miller and E. Burke and N. Jonoska editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 845-852, New York, 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. details

  83. Christopher R. Stephens and Riccardo Poli and Alden H. Wright and Jonathan E. Rowe. Exact Results From A Coarse Grained Formulation Of The Dynamics Of Variable-length Genetic Algorithms. In W. B. Langdon and E. Cant\'u-Paz and K. Mathias and R. Roy and D. Davis and R. Poli and K. Balakrishnan and V. Honavar and G. Rudolph and J. Wegener and L. Bull and M. A. Potter and A. C. Schultz and J. F. Miller and E. Burke and N. Jonoska editors, GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pages 578-585, New York, 2002. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. details

  84. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. Exact Schema Theory for GP and Variable-length GAs with Homologous Crossover. In Lee Spector and Erik D. Goodman and Annie Wu and W. B. Langdon and Hans-Michael Voigt and Mitsuo Gen and Sandip Sen and Marco Dorigo and Shahram Pezeshk and Max H. Garzon and Edmund Burke editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2001), pages 104-111, San Francisco, California, USA, 2001. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  85. Riccardo Poli and Chris Stephens. Dynamics of Evolutionary Algorithms: A Panel Discussion. In Chris Stephens and Riccardo Poli editors, Dynamics of Evolutionary Algorithms, page 334, San Francisco, California, USA, 2001. details

  86. Riccardo Poli. General Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with Subtree-Swapping Crossover. In Julian F. Miller and Marco Tomassini and Pier Luca Lanzi and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi and William B. Langdon editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2001, volume 2038, pages 143-159, Lake Como, Italy, 2001. Springer-Verlag. details

  87. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. Exact Schema Theorems for GP with One-Point and Standard Crossover Operating on Linear Structures and their Application to the Study of the Evolution of Size. In Julian F. Miller and Marco Tomassini and Pier Luca Lanzi and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi and William B. Langdon editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2001, volume 2038, pages 126-142, Lake Como, Italy, 2001. Springer-Verlag. details

  88. Riccardo Poli and Jonathan E. Rowe and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. Markov Chain Models for GP and Variable-length GAs with Homologous Crossover. In Lee Spector and Erik D. Goodman and Annie Wu and W. B. Langdon and Hans-Michael Voigt and Mitsuo Gen and Sandip Sen and Marco Dorigo and Shahram Pezeshk and Max H. Garzon and Edmund Burke editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2001), pages 112-119, San Francisco, California, USA, 2001. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  89. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas F. McPhee. Exact GP Schema Theory for Headless Chicken Crossover and Subtree Mutation. In Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC2001, pages 1062-1069, COEX, World Trade Center, 159 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 2001. IEEE Press. details

  90. Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Riccardo Poli and Jonathan E. Rowe. A Schema Theory Analysis of Mutation Size Biases in Genetic Programming with Linear Representations. In Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC2001, pages 1078-1085, COEX, World Trade Center, 159 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 2001. IEEE Press. details

  91. Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Riccardo Poli. A schema theory analysis of the evolution of size in genetic programming with linear representations. In Julian F. Miller and Marco Tomassini and Pier Luca Lanzi and Conor Ryan and Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi and William B. Langdon editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2001, volume 2038, pages 108-125, Lake Como, Italy, 2001. Springer-Verlag. details

  92. R. Poli. Hyperschema Theory for GP with One-Point Crossover, Building Blocks, and Some New Results in GA Theory. In Riccardo Poli and Wolfgang Banzhaf and William B. Langdon and Julian F. Miller and Peter Nordin and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'2000, volume 1802, pages 163-180, Edinburgh, 2000. Springer-Verlag. details

  93. Riccardo Poli. Exact Schema Theorem and Effective Fitness for GP with One-Point Crossover. In Darrell Whitley and David Goldberg and Erick Cantu-Paz and Lee Spector and Ian Parmee and Hans-Georg Beyer editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2000), pages 469-476, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2000. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  94. Amr Radi and Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming Discovers Efficient Learning Rules for the Hidden and Output Layers of Feedforward Neural Networks. In Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99, volume 1598, pages 120-134, Goteborg, Sweden, 1999. Springer-Verlag. details

  95. Amr Radi and Riccardo Poli. Evolutionary Discovery of Learning Rules for Feedforward Neural Networks with Step Activation Function. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, volume 2, pages 1178-1183, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  96. Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Evolution of Neural Networks Using Weight Mapping. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, volume 2, pages 1170-1177, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  97. Riccardo Poli. Sub-Machine-Code GP: New Results and Extensions. In Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99, volume 1598, pages 65-82, Goteborg, Sweden, 1999. Springer-Verlag. details

  98. Riccardo Poli. Schema Theory without Expectations for GP and GAs with One-Point Crossover in the presence of Schema Creation. In Thomas Haynes and William B. Langdon and Una-May O'Reilly and Riccardo Poli and Justinian Rosca editors, Foundations of Genetic Programming, pages 61-63, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. details

  99. Riccardo Poli and Jonathan Page and W. B. Langdon. Smooth Uniform Crossover, Sub-Machine Code GP and Demes: A Recipe For Solving High-Order Boolean Parity Problems. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Jason Daida and Agoston E. Eiben and Max H. Garzon and Vasant Honavar and Mark Jakiela and Robert E. Smith editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, volume 2, pages 1162-1169, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  100. J. Page and R. Poli and W. B. Langdon. Smooth Uniform Crossover with Smooth Point Mutation in Genetic Programming: A Preliminary Study. In Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99, volume 1598, pages 39-49, Goteborg, Sweden, 1999. Springer-Verlag. details

  101. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Boolean Functions Fitness Spaces. In Riccardo Poli and Peter Nordin and William B. Langdon and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP'99, volume 1598, pages 1-14, Goteborg, Sweden, 1999. Springer-Verlag. details

  102. A. Radi and R. Poli. Discovery of backpropagation learning rules using genetic programming. In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, volume 1, pages 371-375, Anchorage, 1998. IEEE Press. details

  103. Amr Radi and Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming Can Discover Fast and General Learning Rules for Neural Networks. In John R. Koza and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Kumar Chellapilla and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max H. Garzon and David E. Goldberg and Hitoshi Iba and Rick Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pages 314-322, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1998. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  104. Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Evolving Neural Networks Using a Dual Representation with a Combined Crossover Operator. In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pages 416-421, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 1998. IEEE Press. details

  105. Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Efficient Evolution of Asymetric Recurrent Neural Networks Using a PDGP-inspired Two-dimensional Representation. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Riccardo Poli and Marc Schoenauer and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Genetic Programming, volume 1391, pages 130-141, Paris, 1998. Springer-Verlag. details

  106. Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Dual Network Representation Applied to the Evolution of Neural Controllers. In V. William Porto and N. Saravanan and D. Waagen and A. E. Eiben editors, Evolutionary Programming VII: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming, volume 1447, pages 637-646, Mission Valley Marriott, San Diego, California, USA, 1998. Springer-Verlag. details

  107. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. A Review of Theoretical and Experimental Results on Schemata in Genetic Programming. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Riccardo Poli and Marc Schoenauer and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Genetic Programming, volume 1391, pages 1-15, Paris, 1998. Springer-Verlag. details

  108. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. On the Search Properties of Different Crossover Operators in Genetic Programming. In John R. Koza and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Kumar Chellapilla and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max H. Garzon and David E. Goldberg and Hitoshi Iba and Rick Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pages 293-301, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1998. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  109. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon and Una-May O'Reilly. Analysis of Schema Variance and Short Term Extinction Likelihoods. In John R. Koza and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Kumar Chellapilla and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max H. Garzon and David E. Goldberg and Hitoshi Iba and Rick Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pages 284-292, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1998. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  110. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Boolean Functions Fitness Spaces. In John R. Koza editor, Late Breaking Papers at the Genetic Programming 1998 Conference, pages 125-133, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1998. Stanford University Bookstore. details

  111. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Genetic Programming Bloat with Dynamic Fitness. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Riccardo Poli and Marc Schoenauer and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Genetic Programming, volume 1391, pages 97-112, Paris, 1998. Springer-Verlag. details

  112. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Why Ants are Hard. In John R. Koza and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Kumar Chellapilla and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max H. Garzon and David E. Goldberg and Hitoshi Iba and Rick Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pages 193-201, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1998. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  113. Brad Johanson and Riccardo Poli. GP-Music: An Interactive Genetic Programming System for Music Generation with Automated Fitness Raters. In John R. Koza and Wolfgang Banzhaf and Kumar Chellapilla and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max H. Garzon and David E. Goldberg and Hitoshi Iba and Rick Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, pages 181-186, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 1998. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  114. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Fitness Causes Bloat: Mutation. In Wolfgang Banzhaf and Riccardo Poli and Marc Schoenauer and Terence C. Fogarty editors, Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Genetic Programming, volume 1391, pages 37-48, Paris, 1998. Springer-Verlag. details

  115. Riccardo Poli and Stefano Cagnoni. Genetic Programming with User-Driven Selection: Experiments on the Evolution of Algorithms for Image Enhancement. In John R. Koza and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max Garzon and Hitoshi Iba and Rick L. Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, pages 269-277, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1997. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  116. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. A Review of Theoretical and Experimental Results on Schemata in Genetic Programming. In Chris Clack and Kanta Vekaria and Nadav Zin editors, ET'97 Theory and Application of Evolutionary Computation, pages 29-43, University College London, UK, 1997. details

  117. Riccardo Poli. Discovery of Symbolic, Neuro-Symbolic and Neural Networks with Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. In George D. Smith and Nigel C. Steele and Rudolf F. Albrecht editors, Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the International Conference, ICANNGA97, pages 419-423, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 1997. Springer-Verlag. published in 1998. details

  118. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. A New Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with One-point Crossover and Point Mutation. In John R. Koza and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max Garzon and Hitoshi Iba and Rick L. Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, pages 278-285, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1997. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  119. Riccardo Poli. Evolution of Graph-like Programs with Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. In Thomas Back editor, Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, pages 346-353, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, 1997. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  120. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. An Experimental Analysis of Schema Creation, Propagation and Disruption in Genetic Programming. In Thomas Back editor, Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, pages 18-25, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, 1997. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  121. Riccardo Poli. Evolution of Recursive Transistion Networks for Natural Language Recognition with Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. In David Corne and Jonathan L. Shapiro editors, Evolutionary Computing, volume 1305, pages 163-177, Manchester, UK, 1997. Springer-Verlag. details

  122. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. Genetic Programming with One-Point Crossover. In P. K. Chawdhry and R. Roy and R. K. Pant editors, Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing, pages 180-189, 1997. Springer-Verlag London. details

  123. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. An Analysis of the MAX Problem in Genetic Programming. In John R. Koza and Kalyanmoy Deb and Marco Dorigo and David B. Fogel and Max Garzon and Hitoshi Iba and Rick L. Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1997: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, pages 222-230, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1997. Morgan Kaufmann. details

  124. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Fitness Causes Bloat. In P. K. Chawdhry and R. Roy and R. K. Pant editors, Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing, pages 13-22, 1997. Springer-Verlag London. details

  125. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Fitness Causes Bloat: Mutation. In Chris Clack and Kanta Vekaria and Nadav Zin editors, ET'97 Theory and Application of Evolutionary Computation, pages 59-77, University College London, UK, 1997. details

  126. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Fitness Causes Bloat: Mutation. In John Koza editor, Late Breaking Papers at the GP-97 Conference, pages 132-140, Stanford, CA, USA, 1997. Stanford Bookstore. details

  127. R. Poli. Some Steps Towards a Form of Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. In The 1st Online Workshop on Soft Computing (WSC1), 1996. Nagoya University, Japan. details

  128. Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming for Image Analysis. In John R. Koza and David E. Goldberg and David B. Fogel and Rick L. Riolo editors, Genetic Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, pages 363-368, Stanford University, CA, USA, 1996. MIT Press. details

Genetic Programming book chapters by Riccardo Poli

  1. Riccardo Poli and Christopher R. Stephens. Taming the Complexity of Natural and Artificial Evolutionary Dynamics. In Stefano Cagnoni and Marco Mirolli and Marco Villani editors, Evolution, Complexity and Artificial Life, pages 19-39. Springer, 2014. details

  2. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. Parsimony Pressure Made Easy: Solving the Problem of Bloat in GP. In Yossi Borenstein and Alberto Moraglio editors, Theory and Principled Methods for the Design of Metaheuristics, pages 181-204. Springer, 2013. details

  3. Leonardo Vanneschi and Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming: Introduction, Applications, Theory and Open Issues. In Grzegorz Rozenberg and Thomas Baeck and Joost N. Kok editors, Handbook of Natural Computing, volume 2, chapter 24, pages 709-739. Springer, 2012. details

  4. Riccardo Poli and Mathew Salvaris and Caterina Cinel. Evolution of an Effective Brain-Computer Interface Mouse via Genetic Programming with Adaptive Tarpeian Bloat Control. In Rick Riolo and Ekaterina Vladislavleva and Jason H. Moore editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice IX, chapter 5, pages 77-95. Springer, Ann Arbor, USA, 2011. details

  5. Riccardo Poli. Covariant Tarpeian Method for Bloat Control in Genetic Programming. In Rick Riolo and Trent McConaghy and Ekaterina Vladislavleva editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VIII, volume 8 of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, chapter 5, pages 71-90. Springer, Ann Arbor, USA, 2010. details

  6. Luca Citi and Riccardo Poli and Caterina Cinel. High-significance Averages of Event-Related Potential via Genetic Programming. In Rick L. Riolo and Una-May O'Reilly and Trent McConaghy editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VII, chapter 9, pages 135-157. Springer, Ann Arbor, 2009. details

  7. William B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli and Nicholas F. McPhee and John R. Koza. Genetic Programming: An Introduction and Tutorial, with a Survey of techniques and Applications. In John Fulcher and Lakhmi C. Jain editors, Computational Intelligence: A Compendium, volume 115 of Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI), chapter 22, pages 927-1028. Springer-Verlag, 2008. details

  8. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas F. McPhee and Leonardo Vanneschi. Analysis of the Effects of Elitism on Bloat in Linear and Tree-based Genetic Programming. In Rick L. Riolo and Terence Soule and Bill Worzel editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VI, chapter 7, pages 91-111. Springer, Ann Arbor, 2008. details

  9. Mohamed Bader-El-Den and Riccardo Poli. Evolving Effective Incremental Solvers for SAT with a Hyper-Heuristic Framework Based on Genetic Programming. In Rick L. Riolo and Terence Soule and Bill Worzel editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice VI, chapter 11, pages 163-179. Springer, Ann Arbor, 2008. details

  10. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Efficient Markov chain model of machine code program execution and halting. In Rick L. Riolo and Terence Soule and Bill Worzel editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice IV, volume 5 of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages 257-278. Springer, Ann Arbor, 2006. details

  11. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Running Genetic Programming Backward. In Tina Yu and Rick L. Riolo and Bill Worzel editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice III, volume 9 of Genetic Programming, chapter 9, pages 125-140. Springer, Ann Arbor, 2005. details

  12. John R. Koza and Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming. In Edmund K. Burke and Graham Kendall editors, Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques, chapter 5, pages 127-164. Springer, 2005. details

  13. Christopher R. Stephens and Riccardo Poli. EC Theory -- ``In Theory'': Towards a Unification of Evolutionary Computation Theory. In Anil Menon editor, Frontiers of Evolutionary Computation, volume 11, chapter 7, pages 129-155. Kluwer, Boston, MA, USA, 2004. details

  14. Amr Radi and Riccardo Poli. Discovering efficient learning rules for feedforward neural networks using genetic programming. In Ajith Abraham and Lakhmi Jain and Janusz Kacprzyk editors, Recent advances in intelligent paradigms and applications, chapter 7, pages 133-159. Physica-Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, Germany, 2003. details

  15. Riccardo Poli. Foreword. In Rick L. Riolo and Bill Worzel editors, Genetic Programming Theory and Practice, pages xv-xvi. Kluwer, 2003. details

  16. J. C. F. Pujol and R. Poli. Synthesis of Neural Networks using a Two-Dimensional Aproach. In Lakhmi C. Jain editor, Evolution of Engineering and Information Systems and Their Applications, chapter 5, pages 163-189. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1999. details

  17. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Sub-machine-code Genetic Programming. In Lee Spector and William B. Langdon and Una-May O'Reilly and Peter J. Angeline editors, Advances in Genetic Programming 3, chapter 13, pages 301-323. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1999. details

  18. William B. Langdon and Terry Soule and Riccardo Poli and James A. Foster. The Evolution of Size and Shape. In Lee Spector and William B. Langdon and Una-May O'Reilly and Peter J. Angeline editors, Advances in Genetic Programming 3, chapter 8, pages 163-190. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1999. details

  19. Riccardo Poli. Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. In David Corne and Marco Dorigo and Fred Glover editors, New Ideas in Optimization, chapter 27, pages 403-431. McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, 1999. details

  20. Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming for Feature Detection and Image Segmentation. In Terence C. Fogarty editor, Evolutionary Computing, number 1143 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 110-125. Springer-Verlag, University of Sussex, UK, 1996. details

Genetic Programming technical reports by Riccardo Poli

  1. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas F. McPhee. Covariant Parsimony Pressure for Genetic Programming. Technical report, CES-480, Department of Computing and Electronic Systems, University of Essex, UK, 2008. details

  2. R. Poli and N. F. McPhee. A Linear Estimation-of-Distribution GP System. Technical report, CES-479, Department of Computing and Electronic Systems, University of Essex, UK, 2008. details

  3. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon and Nicholas F. McPhee and John R. Koza. Genetic Programming An Introductory Tutorial and a Survey of Techniques and Applications. Technical report, CES-475, Department of Computing and Electronic Systems, University of Essex, UK, 2007. details

  4. R. Poli and W. B. Langdon and Stephen Dignum. On the Limiting Distribution of Program Sizes in Tree-based Genetic Programming. Technical Report , CSM-464, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, 2006. details

  5. Riccardo Poli and Alden H. Wright and Nicholas F. McPhee and William B. Langdon. Emergent Behaviour, Population-based Search and Low-pass Filtering. Technical Report , CSM-446, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, 2006. details

  6. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Evolving Problems to Learn about Particle Swarm Optimisers and other Search Algorithms. Technical report, CSM-455, Computer Science, University of Essex, UK, 2006. details

  7. W. B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli. Evolutionary Solo Pong Players. Technical report, CSM-423, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2005. details

  8. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. On Turing complete T7 and MISC F-4 program fitness landscapes. Technical report, CSM-445, Computer Science, University of Essex, UK, 2005. details

  9. W. B. Langdon and Riccardo Poli and Christopher R. Stephens. Kernel methods for PSOs. Technical report, CSM-443, Computer Science, University of Essex, UK, 2005. details

  10. Alberto Moraglio and Riccardo Poli. Geometric Landscape of Homologous Crossover for Syntactic Trees. Geometric Landscape of Homologous Crossover for Syntactic Trees , CSM 430, Computer Science, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK, 2005. details

  11. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Backward-chaining Genetic Programming. Technical Report , CSM-425, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, 2005. details

  12. Stephen Dignum and Riccardo Poli. Multi-agent Foreign Exchange Market Modelling via GP. Technical report, CSM-400, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2004. details

  13. Amr Radi and Riccardo Poli. Discovering Efficient Learning Rules for Feedforward Neural Networks using Genetic Programming. Technical report, CSM-360, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2002. details

  14. Riccardo Poli. Exact Schema Theorems and Markov Chain Models for Genetic Programming and Variable Length Genetic Algorithms. Report , 330, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2002. details

  15. Riccardo Poli and Christopher R. Stephens and Alden H. Wright and Jonathan E. Rowe. On the Search Biases of Homologous Crossover in Linear Genetic Programming and Variable-length Genetic Algorithms. Technical report, CSM-352, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2002. details

  16. Peter Martin and Riccardo Poli. Analysis of the Behavior of a Hardware Implementation of GP using FPGAs and Handel-C. Technical Report , CSM-357, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ UK., 2002. details

  17. Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Riccardo Poli. Using schema theory to explore interactions of multiple operators. Technical report, CSM-365, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2002. details

  18. Riccardo Poli and Christopher R. Stephens and Alden H. Wright and Jonathan E. Rowe. Diffusion in Linear Genetic Programming and Variable-Length Genetic Algorithms with Subtree Crossover. Technical report, CSM-350, Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 2001. details

  19. Riccardo Poli and Jon E Rowe and Nicholas F McPhee. Markov Models for GP and Variable-length GAs with Homologous Crossover. Technical report, CSRP-01-6, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2001. details

  20. Riccardo Poli. A Macroscopic Exact Schema Theorem and a Redefinition of Effective Fitness for GP with One-Point Crossover. Technical report, CSRP-00-1, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2000. details

  21. Riccardo Poli. Microscopic and Macroscopic Schema Theories for Genetic Programming and Variable-length Genetic Algorithms with One-Point Crossover, their Use and their Relations with Earlier GP and GA Schema Theories. Technical report, CSRP-00-15, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2000. details

  22. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. Exact GP Schema Theory for Headless Chicken Crossover and Subtree Mutation. Technical report, CSRP-00-23, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2000. details

  23. Riccardo Poli. On Fitness Proportionate Selection and the Schema Theorem in the Presence of Stochastic Effects. Technical report, CSRP-00-2, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2000. details

  24. Riccardo Poli. General Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with Subtree-Swapping Crossover. Technical report, CSRP-00-16, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2000. details

  25. Riccardo Poli and Nicholas Freitag McPhee. Exact Schema Theorems for GP with One-Point and Standard Crossover Operating on Linear Structures and their Application to the Study of the Evolution of Size. Technical report, CSRP-00-14, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2000. details

  26. Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Riccardo Poli and Jon E Rowe. A schema theory analysis of mutation size biases in genetic programming with linear representations. Technical report, CSRP-00-24, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2000. details

  27. Nicholas Freitag McPhee and Riccardo Poli. A schema theory analysis of the evolution of size in genetic programming with linear representations. Technical report, CSRP-00-22, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 2000. details

  28. Amr M. Radi and Riccardo Poli. Discovery of General Learning Rules for Feedforward Neural Networks with Step Activation Function using Genetic Programming. Technical report, CSRP-99-1, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1999. details

  29. Riccardo Poli. New Results in the Schema Theory for GP with One-Point Crossover which Account for Schema Creation, Survival and Disruption. Technical report, CSRP-99-18, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1999. details

  30. Riccardo Poli. Schema Theory without Expectations for GP and GAs with One-Point Crossover in the Presence of Schema Creation. Technical report, CSRP-99-13, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1999. details

  31. Riccardo Poli and Jonathan Page and William B. Langdon. Solving Even-12, -13, -15, -17, -20 and -22 Boolean Parity Problems using Sub-machine Code GP with Smooth Uniform Crossover, Smooth Point Mutation and Demes. Technical report, CSRP-99-2, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1999. details

  32. Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Evolving the Architecture and Weights of Neural Networks Using a Weight Mapping Approach. Technical Report , CSRP-99-05, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, UK, 1999. details

  33. Amr M. Radi and Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming Can Discover Fast and General Learning Rules for Neural Networks. Technical report, CSRP-98-3, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. details

  34. Amr M. Radi and Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming Discovers Efficient Learning Rules for the Hidden and Output Layers of Feedforward Neural Networks. Technical report, CSRP-98-15, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. details

  35. Riccardo Poli. Efficient Evolution of Parallel Binary Multipliers and Continuous Symbolic Regression Expressions with Sub-Machine-Code GP. Technical report, CSRP-98-19, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. details

  36. Riccardo Poli and William B Langdon. Sub-machine-code Genetic Programming. Technical report, CSRP-98-18, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. details

  37. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. On the Ability to Search the Space of Programs of Standard, One-point and Uniform Crossover in Genetic Programming. Technical report, CSRP-98-7, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. Presented at GP-98. details

  38. Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon and Una-May O'Reilly. Short Term Extinction Probability of Newly Created Schemata, and Schema Variance and Signal-to-Noise-Ratio Theorems in the Presence of Schema Creation. Technical report, CSRP-98-6, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. Presented at GP-98. details

  39. Jonathan Page and Riccardo Poli and William B. Langdon. Smooth Uniform Crossover with Smooth Point Mutation in Genetic Programming: A Preliminary Study. Technical report, CSRP-98-20, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. details

  40. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Why Ants are Hard. Technical report, CSRP-98-4, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. Presented at GP-98. details

  41. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Better Trained Ants for Genetic Programming. Technical report, CSRP-98-12, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. details

  42. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Why ``Building Blocks'' Don't Work on Parity Problems. Technical report, CSRP-98-17, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. details

  43. Bradley E Johanson and Riccardo Poli. GP-Music: An Interactive Genetic Programming System for Music Generation with Automated Fitness Raters. Technical report, CSRP-98-13, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1998. details

  44. Amr M. Radi and Riccardo Poli. Discovery of Neural Network Learning Rules Using Genetic Programming. Technical report, CSRP-97-21, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1997. details

  45. Riccardo Poli and Stefano Cagnoni. Evolution of Psuedo-colouring Algorithms for Image Enhancement with Interactive Genetic Programming. Technical Report , CSRP-97-5, School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK, 1997. Presented at GP-97. details

  46. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. A Review of Theoretical and Experimental Results on Schemata in Genetic Programming. Technical Report , CSRP-97-27, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK, 1997. Presented at ET-97. details

  47. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. A New Schema Theory for Genetic Programming with One-Point Crossover and Point Mutation. Technical Report , CSRP-97-3, School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK, 1997. Presented at GP-97. details

  48. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. Genetic Programming with One-Point Crossover and Point Mutation. Technical report, CSRP-97-13, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK, 1997. details

  49. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Genetic Programming Bloat with Dynamic Fitness. Technical report, CSRP-97-29, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1997. details

  50. Joao Carlos Figueira Pujol and Riccardo Poli. Evolution of the Topology and the Weights of Neural Networks using Genetic Programming with a Dual Representation. Technical report, CSRP-97-7, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1997. details

  51. Riccardo Poli and W. B. Langdon. An Experimental Analysis of Schema Creation, Propagation and Disruption in Genetic Programming. Technical Report , CSRP-97-8, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1997. Presented at ICGA-97. details

  52. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Fitness Causes Bloat. Technical report, CSRP-97-09, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK, 1997. details

  53. W. B. Langdon and R. Poli. Price's Theorem and the MAX Problem. Technical report, CSRP-97-4, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1997. details

  54. Riccardo Poli. Evolution of Recursive Transistion Networks for Natural Language Recognition with Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. Technical Report , CSRP-96-19, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK, 1996. Presented at AISB-97 workshop on Evolutionary Computation. details

  55. Riccardo Poli. Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. Technical Report , CSRP-96-15, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK, 1996. details

  56. Riccardo Poli. Genetic Programming for Image Analysis. Technical Report , CSRP-96-1, University of Birmingham, UK, 1996. details

  57. Riccardo Poli. Discovery of Symbolic, Neuro-Symbolic and Neural Networks with Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. Technical report, CSRP-96-14, University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, 1996. Presented at 3rd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, ICANNGA'97. details

Genetic Programming other entries for Riccardo Poli

Genetic Programming etc Riccardo Poli