Changes to Genetic Programing Bibliography since 2024/07/27

New and modified entries


  1. Andelic:2024:Computers Achieving High Accuracy in Android Malware Detection through Genetic Programming Symbolic Classifier NikolaAndelic.html SandiBaressiSegota.html
  2. andersen:2024:GECCOcomp Intepretable Local Explanations Through Genetic Programming HaydenAndersen.html AndrewLensen.html WillNBrowne.html YiMei.html
  3. antonov:2024:GECCO A Functional Analysis Approach to Symbolic Regression KirillAntonov.html RomanTobiasKalkreuth.html KaifengYang.html ThomasBack.html NikivanStein.html AnnaVKononova.html
  4. baeta:2024:GECCOcomp Exploring Evolutionary Generators within Generative Adversarial Networks FranciscoBaeta.html JoaoNunoGoncalvesCostaCavaleiroCorreia.html TiagoMartins.html PenousalMachado.html
  5. Brock_Baniasadi_Maryam_2013 Genetic Programming for Non-Photorealistic Rendering MaryamBaniasadi.html
  6. banzhaf:2024:GECCO On the Nature of the Phenotype in Tree Genetic Programming WolfgangBanzhaf.html IllyaBakurov.html
  7. banzhaf:2024:GECCOcomp Linear Genetic Programming WolfgangBanzhaf.html TingHu.html
  8. barbosa:2024:GECCO Semantically Rich Local Dataset Generation for Explainable AI in Genomics PedroSantosBarbosa.html RosinaSavisaar.html AlcidesFonseca.html
  9. bertschinger:2024:GECCO Evolving Form and Function: Dual-Objective Optimization in Neural Symbolic Regression Networks AmandaBertschinger.html JamesBagrow.html JoshCBongard.html
  10. bishop:2024:GECCO Evolutionary Exploration of Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces via Quality Diversity JordanTBishop.html JasonJooste.html DavidHoward.html
  11. boldi:2024:GECCOcomp3 A Comprehensive Analysis of Down-sampling for Genetic Programming-based Program Synthesis RyanBoldi.html AshleyBao.html MartinBriesch.html ThomasHelmuth.html DominikSobania.html LeeSpector.html AlexanderLalejini.html
  12. briesch:2024:GECCOcomp Improving Lexicase Selection with Informed Down-Sampling MartinBriesch.html RyanBoldi.html DominikSobania.html AlexanderLalejini.html ThomasHelmuth.html FranzRothlauf.html CharlesOfria.html LeeSpector.html
  13. brownlee:2024:GECCOcomp Genetic Improvement: Taking real-world source code and improving it using computational search methods AlexanderEIBrownlee.html SaemundurOskarHaraldsson.html JohnRWoodward.html MarkusWagner.html
  14. burlacu:2024:GECCOcomp Backend-agnostic Tree Evaluation for Genetic Programming BogdanBurlacu.html
  15. Chamani_Hooman_2021_thesis Pore Wetting in Desalination of Brine Using Membrane Distillation Process HoomanChamani.html
  16. chitty:2024:GECCOcomp Greedy Strategies to Improve Phased Genetic Programming When Applied Directly to the Traveling Salesman Problem DarrenMChitty.html EdKeedwell.html
  17. chitty:2024:GECCOcomp2 Improving the Efficiency Of Genetic Programming for Classification Tasks Using a Phased Approach DarrenMChitty.html
  18. cornejo-maceda:2024:GECCOcomp Fast Self-Learning of Turbulence Feedback Laws Using Gradient-Enriched Machine Learning Control GuyYoslanCornejoMaceda.html ZhutaoJiang.html FrancoisLusseyran.html BerndRNoack.html
  19. cranmer2023interpretablemachinelearningscience Interpretable Machine Learning for Science with PySR and SymbolicRegression.jl MilesCranmer.html
  20. custode:2024:GECCOcomp Comparing Large Language Models and Grammatical Evolution for Code Generation LeonardoLucioCustode.html ChiaraCamillaMiglioreRambaldi.html MarcoRoveri.html GiovanniIacca.html
  21. de-la-torre:2024:GECCOcomp Multimodal Adaptive Graph Evolution CamiloDeLaTorre.html KevinCortacero.html SylvainCussat-Blanc.html DennisGWilson.html
  22. de-la-torre:2024:GECCOcomp2 On Search Trajectory Networks for Graph Genetic Programming CamiloDeLaTorre.html SylvainCussat-Blanc.html DennisGWilson.html YuriLavinas.html
  23. de-sa:2024:GECCOcomp Towards Evolutionary-based Automated Machine Learning for Small Molecule Pharmacokinetic Prediction AlexGCdeSa.html DavidBAscher.html
  24. de-melo:2024:GECCOcomp Accelerating GP Genome Evaluation Through Real Compilation with a Multiple Program Single Data Approach ViniciusVelosodeMelo.html WolfgangBanzhaf.html GiovanniIacca.html
  25. dick:2024:GECCOcomp Characterising the Double Descent of Symbolic Regression GrantDick.html CaitlinAOwen.html
  26. falloon:2024:GECCO Energy-Aware Dynamic Resource Allocation and Container Migration in Cloud Servers: A Co-evolution GPHH Approach MathewFalloon.html HuiMa.html AaronChen.html
  27. Fei:2015:MPM Analysis of students perceptions of seafaring career in China based on artificial neural network and genetic programming JiangangFei.html Jian-JunLu.html
  28. fong:2024:GECCO MetaSR: A Meta-Learning Approach to Fitness Formulation for Frequency-Aware Symbolic Regression KeiSenFong.html MehulMotani.html
  29. fong:2024:GECCOcomp Enhancing Prediction, Explainability, Inference and Robustness of Decision Trees via Symbolic Regression-Discovered Splits KeiSenFong.html MehulMotani.html
  30. frazier:2024:GECCOcomp Explaining Automatically Designed Software Defined Perimeters with a Two Phase Evolutionary Computation System JamesGunderFrazier.html ThomasHelmuth.html
  31. gaylinn:2024:GECCOcomp A Meta-Evolutionary Algorithm for Co-evolving Genotypes and Genotype / Phenotype Maps NathanGaylinn.html JoshCBongard.html
  32. gharoun:2024:GECCOcomp Shadow Gene Guidance: A Novel Approach for Elevating Genetic Programming Classifications and Boosting Predictive Confidence HassanGharoun.html MohammadSadeghKhorshidi.html NavidYazdanjue.html FangChen.html AHGandomi.html
  33. GonzalezTaboada_Iris_TD_2016 Self-compacting recycled concrete: basic mechanical properties, rheology, robustness and thixotropy IrisGonzalez-Taboada.html
  34. hassan:2024:GECCO A Systematic Exploration of Evolutionary Computation for the Design of Hardware-oriented Non-cryptographic Hash Functions MujtabaHassan.html JoVliegen.html StjepanPicek.html NeleMentens.html
  35. he:2024:GECCOcomp Hypernetwork-Based Multi-Objective Optimization with NSGA-II JieHe.html YaohongZhang.html JiWang.html XiaoqingLi.html WeidongBao.html
  36. helmuth:2024:GECCO Facilitating Function Application in Code Building Genetic Programming ThomasHelmuth.html JaydenFedoroff.html EdwardRPantridge.html LeeSpector.html
  37. hernandez:2024:GECCOcomp Lexidate: Model Evaluation and Selection with Lexicase JoseGuadalupeHernandez.html AnilKumarSaini.html JasonHMoore.html
  38. herrera-sanchez:2024:GECCOcomp Shifting Color Space for Image Classification using Genetic Programming DavidHerrera-Sanchez.html Hector-GabrielAcosta-Mesa.html EfrenMezura-Montes.html AldoMarquez-Grajales.html
  39. imai-aldeia:2024:GECCO Inexact Simplification of Symbolic Regression Expressions with Locality-sensitive Hashing GuilhermeSeidyoImaiAldeia.html FabricioOlivettideFranca.html WilliamLaCava.html
  40. imai-aldeia:2024:GECCO2 Minimum variance threshold for epsilon-lexicase selection GuilhermeSeidyoImaiAldeia.html FabricioOlivettideFranca.html WilliamLaCava.html
  41. jarmatz:2024:fbp Development of a soft sensor for fouling prediction in pipe fittings using the example of particulate deposition from suspension flow NiklasJarmatz.html WolfgangAugustin.html StephanScholl.html AlbertoTonda.html GuillaumeDelaplace.html
  42. jia:2024:GECCOcomp2 Archive-based multiple feature construction methods using adaptive Genetic Programming KaixuanJia.html JianbinMa.html Xiaoying_Sharon_Gao.html JiaxinNiu.html
  43. jorgensen:2024:GECCO Large Language Model-based Test Case Generation for GP Agents StevenPJorgensen.html GiorgiaNadizar.html GloriaPietropolli.html LucaManzoni.html EricMedvet.html Una-MayO'Reilly.html ErikHemberg.html
  44. kalkreuth:2024:GECCO CGP++: A Modern C++ Implementation of Cartesian Genetic Programming RomanTobiasKalkreuth.html ThomasBack.html
  45. kenny:2024:GECCO Using Bayesian Optimization to Improve Hyperparameter Search in TPOT AngusKenny.html TapabrataRay.html SteffenLimmer.html HemantKumarSingh.html TobiasRodemann.html MarkusOlhofer.html
  46. khorshidi:2024:GECCOcomp Enhancing Classification Through Multi-view Synthesis in Multi-Population Ensemble Genetic Programming MohammadSadeghKhorshidi.html NavidYazdanjue.html HassanGharoun.html DanialYazdani.html MohammadRezaNikoo.html FangChen.html AHGandomi.html
  47. kotanchek:2004:WTC Symbolic Regression via Genetic Programming MarkKotanchek.html
  48. kowalczykiewicz:2024:GECCOcomp Introducing vectorized cluster crossover in Grammatical Evolution MichalKowalczykiewicz.html PiotrLipinski.html
  49. lalejini:2024:GECCOcomp Runtime phylogenetic analysis enables extreme subsampling for test-based problems AlexanderLalejini.html MarcosSanson.html JackGarbus.html MatthewAndresMoreno.html EmilyDolson.html
  50. langdon:2024:icga ``Lost Gems'' ICGA 1985: Proceedings of an International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications WilliamBLangdon.html
  51. lavinas:2024:GECCOcomp2 Dynamically Sampling biomedical Images For Genetic Programming YuriLavinas.html NathanielHaut.html WilliamFPunch.html WolfgangBanzhaf.html SylvainCussat-Blanc.html
  52. leser:2024:GECCOcomp Comparing Methods for Estimating Marginal Likelihood in Symbolic Regression PatrickELeser.html GeoffreyFBomarito.html GabrielKronberger.html FabricioOlivettideFranca.html
  53. li:2024:GECCOcomp3 Multi-objective multi-population Genetic Programming for feature selection and classification to high-dimensional data QiaomanLi.html Xiaoying_Sharon_Gao.html WenyangMeng.html JianbinMa.html
  54. lipinski:2024:GECCOcomp Explaining Session-based Recommendations using Grammatical Evolution PiotrLipinski.html KlaudiaBalcer.html
  55. morris:2024:GECCO LLM Guided Evolution - The Automation of Models Advancing Models ClintMorris.html MichaelJurado.html JasonZutty.html
  56. murphy:2024:GECCOcomp EXA-GP: Unifying Graph-Based Genetic Programming and Neuroevolution for Explainable Time Series Forecasting JaredMurphy.html DevroopKar.html JoshuaKarns.html TravisDesell.html
  57. nadizar:2024:GECCO Searching for a Diversity of Interpretable Graph Control Policies GiorgiaNadizar.html EricMedvet.html DennisGWilson.html
  58. newbold:2024:GECCOcomp Evolving Quantum Logic Gate Circuits in Qiskit ThomasRobertNewbold.html AlbertoMoraglio.html
  59. nguyen:2024:GECCO Genetic-based Constraint Programming for Resource Constrained Job Scheduling SuNguyen.html DhananjayThiruvady.html YuanSun.html MengjieZhang.html
  60. ni:2024:GECCO Effective Adaptive Mutation Rates for Program Synthesis AndrewNi.html LeeSpector.html
  61. rabuge:2024:GECCOcomp A Comparison of Feature Engineering Techniques for Hearing Loss MiguelRabuge.html NunoLourenco.html
  62. radwan2024comparisonrecentalgorithmssymbolic A Comparison of Recent Algorithms for Symbolic Regression to Genetic Programming YousefARadwan.html GabrielKronberger.html StephanMWinkler.html
  63. raghav:2024:GECCOcomp Interactive Symbolic Regression - A Study on Noise Sensitivity and Extrapolation Accuracy SSanjithRaghav.html STejeshKumar.html RishiikeshBalaji.html MSanjay.html CShunmugaVelayutham.html
  64. reyes-fernandez-de-bulnes:2024:GECCOcomp Feature Encapsulation by Stages Using Grammatical Evolution DarianReyesFernandezdeBulnes.html AllanDeLima.html AidanMurphy.html DouglasMotaDias.html ConorRyan.html
  65. russeil:2024:GECCO Multiview Symbolic Regression EtienneRusseil.html FabricioOlivettideFranca.html KonstantinMalanchev.html BogdanBurlacu.html EmilleIshida.html MarionLeroux.html ClementMichelin.html GuillaumeMoinard.html EmmanuelGangler.html
  66. Samore:2013:SJOST Artificial Intelligence and the Patent System: Can a New Tool Render a Once Patentable Idea Obvious? WilliamJSamore.html
  67. Samore:2018:rhlAI Artificial Intelligence and the Patent System: Can a New Tool Render a Once Patentable Idea Obvious? WilliamJSamore.html
  68. schlender:2024:GECCO Improving the efficiency of GP-GOMEA for higher-arity operators ThaleaSchlender.html MafaldaMalafaia.html TanjaAlderliesten.html PeterANBosman.html
  69. shahbandegan:2024:GECCO On the robustness of lexicase selection to contradictory objectives ShakibaShahbandegan.html EmilyDolson.html
  70. sijben:2024:GECCO Function Class Learning with Genetic Programming: Towards Explainable Meta Learning for Tumor Growth Functionals EviSijben.html JeroenJansen.html PeterANBosman.html TanjaAlderliesten.html
  71. stanovov:2024:GECCOcomp Designing Black-Box Optimizers with PushGP VladimirStanovov.html
  72. tonelli:2024:GECCOcomp Genetic Programming for the Reconstruction of Delay Differential Equations in Economics TeresaTonelli.html GloriaPietropolli.html GabrieleSbaiz.html LucaManzoni.html
  73. ul-ain:2024:GECCO Feature Extraction with Automated Scale Selection in Skin Cancer Image Classification: A Genetic Programming Approach QurratUlAin.html HarithAl-Sahaf.html BingXue.html MengjieZhang.html
  74. vella-zarb:2024:GECCOcomp Synergistic Utilization of LLMs for Program Synthesis DavidVellaZarb.html GeoffParks.html TimoleonKipouros.html
  75. wang:2024:GECCOcomp5 Multi-task Genetic Programming with Semantic based Crossover for Multi-output Regression ChunyuWang.html QiChen.html BingXue.html MengjieZhang.html
  76. wang:2024:GECCOcomp6 A Preliminary Counterfactual Explanation Method for Genetic Programming-Evolved Rules: A Case Study on Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problem ShaolinWang.html YiMei.html MengjieZhang.html
  77. wen:2024:GECCO Sign Change Detection based Fitness Evaluation for Automatic Implicit Equation Discovery JiahaoWen.html JunlanDong.html JinghuiZhong.html
  78. wyrwinski:2024:GECCOcomp Guiding Genetic Programming with Graph Neural Networks PiotrWyrwinski.html KrzysztofKrawiec.html
  79. xu:2024:GECCO3 Genetic Programming Empowered Feature Construction towards Energy Efficient BVI Wearables PeijieXu.html AndySong.html KeWang.html
  80. yan:2024:GECCO2 Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Genetic Programming Hyper Heuristic Approach to Location-Aware Dynamic Online Application Deployment in Clouds LongfeiFelixYan.html HuiMa.html GangChen.html
  81. zhang:2024:GECCO2 Bias-Variance Decomposition: An Effective Tool to Improve Generalization of Genetic Programming-based Evolutionary Feature Construction for Regression HengzheZhang.html QiChen.html BingXue.html WolfgangBanzhaf.html MengjieZhang.html
  82. zhang:2024:GECCOcomp A Semantic-based Hoist Mutation Operator for Evolutionary Feature Construction in Regression [Hot off the Press] HengzheZhang.html QiChen.html BingXue.html WolfgangBanzhaf.html MengjieZhang.html
  83. zhang:2024:GECCOcomp5 Decomposition-based Multi-objective Genetic Programming for Feature Learning in Image Classification TuoZhang.html YingBi.html JingLiang.html BingXue.html MengjieZhang.html


  1. 1 Akbarzadeh:1998:wcci Soft computing paradigms for hybrid fuzzy controllers: experiments and applications Mohammad-RAkbarzadeh-Totonchi.html EdwardWTunstel.html KishanKumarKumbla.html MohammadJamshidi.html
  2. 1 Al-Afeef:2010:ISDA Image reconstruction of a metal fill industrial process using Genetic Programming AlaaAl-Afeef.html AlaaSheta.html AdnanAl-Rabea.html
  3. 1 alfonseca:2004:GPEM Book Review: Grammatical Evolution: Evolutionary Automatic Programming in an Arbitrary Language ManuelAlfonseca.html AlfonsoOrtegadelaPuente.html
  4. 8 an:2024:GI 13th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement @ICSE 2024 GabinAn.html AymericBlot.html VesnaNowack.html OliverKrauss.html JustynaPetke.html
  5. 1 Androutsopoulos:2019:GPEM Evelyne Lutton, Nathalie Perrot, Alberto Tonda: Evolutionary algorithms for food science and technology KellyAndroutsopoulos.html
  6. 1 Asonitis:2023:GPEM SonOpt: understanding the behaviour of bi-objective population-based optimisation algorithms through sound TasosAsonitis.html RichardAllmendinger.html MattBenatan.html RicardoCliment.html
  7. 1 Atmosukarto:2011:GPEM GPLAB: software review IndriyatiAtmosukarto.html
  8. 1 Azad:2008:geccocomp Gecco 2008 grammatical evolution tutorial RMuhammadAtifAzad.html ConorRyan.html
  9. 1 Azad:2017:GPEM Krzysztof Krawiec: Behavioral program synthesis with genetic programming RMuhammadAtifAzad.html
  10. 3 Babic:2021:SpliTech A New Composite Method of Modeling Bicycle Traffic using Convolutional Neural Networks and Genetic programming MatejBabic.html BrankoSter.html JanezPovh.html JoelJPCRodrigues.html
  11. 4 Babu:2007:EL Genetic Programming for Symbolic Regression of Chemical Process Systems BVBabu.html SKarthik.html
  12. 1 Barbudo:2021:SoCPaR Grammar-Based Evolutionary Approach for Automatic Workflow Composition with Open Preprocessing Sequence RafaelBarbudoLunar.html SebastianVentura.html JoseRaulRomeroSalguero.html
  13. 1 Barrett:2006:GPEM Intelligent Bioinformatics: The Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Bioinformatics Problems John Wiley \& Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK, Keedwell, Edward and Narayanan, Ajit, 2005, 280 p., Hardcover, ISBN 0-470-02175-6 SJBarrett.html
  14. 1 Batenkov:2011:GPEM Open BEAGLE: a generic framework for evolutionary computations DmitryBatenkov.html
  15. 1 Baxter:2024:GI Genetic Improvement for DNN Security HunterBaxter.html YuHuang.html KevinLeach.html
  16. 1 beaulieu:2002:gecco Lens System Design And Re-engineering With Evolutionary Algorithms JulieBeaulieu.html ChristianGagne.html MarcParizeau.html
  17. 9 Bellanger:2024:GGP Directed Acyclic Program Graph Applied to Supervised Classification ThibautBellanger.html MatthieuLeBerre.html ManuelClergue.html Jin-KaoHao.html
  18. 2 blickle:1995:css A Comparison of Selection Schemes Used in Genetic Algorithms TobiasBlickle.html LotharThiele.html
  19. 3 Blot:2024:GI Automated Software Performance Improvement with Magpie AymericBlot.html
  20. 1 Blum:2013:GECCOcomp GECCO '13 Companion: Proceeding of the fifteenth annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion ChristianBlum.html EnriqueAlba.html ThomasBartz-Beielstein.html DanieleLoiacono.html FranciscoLunaValero.html JornMehnen.html GabrielaOchoa.html MikePreuss.html EmiliaTantar.html LeonardoVanneschi.html KentMcClymont.html EdKeedwell.html EmmaHart.html KevinSim.html StevenMGustafson.html Ekaterina_Katya_Vladislavleva.html AnneAuger.html BerndBischl.html DimoBrockhoff.html NikolausHansen.html OlafMersmann.html PetrPosik.html HeikeTrautmann.html MuhammadIqbal.html KamranShafi.html RyanJUrbanowicz.html StefanWagner.html MichaelAffenzeller.html DavidWalker.html RichardEverson.html JonathanEFieldsend.html ForrestStonedahl.html WilliamMichaelRand.html StephenLSmith.html StefanoCagnoni.html RobertMPatton.html GiseleLPappa.html JohnRWoodward.html JerrySwan.html KrzysztofKrawiec.html Alexandru-AdrianTantar.html PeterANBosman.html MiguelVega-Rodriguez.html JoseMChaves-Gonzalez.html DavidLGonzalez-Alvarez.html SergioSantander-Jimenez.html LeeSpector.html MaartenKeijzer.html KennethLHolladay.html TeaTusar.html BorisNaujoks.html
  21. 1 Bonifaci:2013:GPEM Andrew Adamatzky: Physarum Machines: Computers from Slime Mould VincenzoBonifaci.html
  22. 1 bonin:2024:GPEM Cellular geometric semantic genetic programming LorenzoBonin.html LuigiRovito.html AndreaDeLorenzo.html LucaManzoni.html
  23. 1 Boumaza:2012:GPEM Cameron Browne: Evolutionary game design, Springer briefs in computer science series AmineMBoumaza.html
  24. 1 caetano:2023:GECCO Symbolic Regression Trees as Embedded Representations V_ctordeSouzaCaetano.html MatheusCandidoTeixeira.html GiseleLPappa.html
  25. 15 Cambronero:thesis Mining Software Artifacts for use in Automated Machine Learning JosePabloCambroneroSanchez.html
  26. 1 GECCO2003-PartI Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO 2003, Part I ErickCantu-Paz.html JamesAFoster.html KalyanmoyDeb.html LawrenceDavis.html RajkumarRoy.html Una-MayO'Reilly.html Hans-GeorgBeyer.html RussellKStandish.html GrahamKendall.html StewartWWilson.html MarkHarman.html JoachimWegener.html DipankarDasgupta.html MitchellAPotter.html AlanCSchultz.html KathrynADowsland.html NatashaJonoska.html JulianFMiller.html
  27. 1 GECCO2003-PartII Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO 2003, Part II ErickCantu-Paz.html JamesAFoster.html KalyanmoyDeb.html LawrenceDavis.html RajkumarRoy.html Una-MayO'Reilly.html Hans-GeorgBeyer.html RussellKStandish.html GrahamKendall.html StewartWWilson.html MarkHarman.html JoachimWegener.html DipankarDasgupta.html MitchellAPotter.html AlanCSchultz.html KathrynADowsland.html NatashaJonoska.html JulianFMiller.html
  28. 7 Casadei:2019:BRACIS A Multi-objective Approach for Symbolic Regression with Semantic Genetic Programming FelipeCasadei.html JoaoFranciscoBSMartins.html GiseleLPappa.html
  29. 2 Edgar_Enrique_Casasola_Murillo Desarrollo de un modelo computacional para la especificacion de sistemas de analisis de sentimiento con comentarios de redes sociales en espanol EdgarEnriqueCasasolaMurillo.html
  30. 1 Cerny:2008:gecco Using differential evolution for symbolic regression and numerical constant creation BrianMCerny.html PeterCNelson.html ChiZhou.html
  31. 1 chambers:2001:GPEM Book Review: Genetic Programming and Data Structures: Genetic Programming+Data Structures=Automatic Programming LanceDChambers.html
  32. 2 Chittilappilly:2023:ACCAI A Comparative Analysis of Optimizing Medical Insurance Prediction Using Genetic Algorithm and Other Machine Learning Algorithms RoseMaryChittilappilly.html SanjanaSuresh.html ShanthiniShanmugam.html
  33. 1 chlebik:2023:GECCOcomp Evolutionary Optimization of a Focused Ultrasound Propagation Predictor Neural Network JakubChlebik.html JiriJaros.html
  34. 1 cho:1996:mNNeGP Modular Neural Networks Evolved by Genetic Programming SungBaeCho.html KatsunoriShimohara.html
  35. 1 Ciesielski:2008:GPEM Linear genetic programming, Springer Science+Business Media, Markus Brameier and Wolfgang Banzhaf, 2007, 315 pp, Book Series: Genetic Programming, Hard Cover, 62.95, ISBN 0-387-31029-0 VictorCiesielski.html
  36. 1 Collet:2009:GPEM Husbands, Holland, and Wheeler (eds): Review of the book "The Mechanical Mind in History" MIT Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-262-08377-5 PierreCollet.html
  37. 1 corno:2002:emctpi Efficient Machine-Code Test-Program Induction FulvioCorno.html GianlucaCumani.html MatteoSonzaReorda.html GiovanniSquillero.html
  38. 3 Corso:2020:ITSC Interpretable Safety Validation for Autonomous Vehicles AnthonyCorso.html MykelJKochenderfer.html
  39. 4 Cortacero:2023:NatCommun Evolutionary design of explainable algorithms for biomedical image segmentation KevinCortacero.html BrienneMcKenzie.html SabinaMueller.html RoxanaKhazen.html FannyLafouresse.html GaelleCorsaut.html NathalieVanAcker.html Francois-XavierFrenois.html LaurenceLamant.html NicolasMeyer.html BeatriceVergier.html DennisGWilson.html HerveLuga.html OskarStaufer.html MichaelLDustin.html SalvatoreValitutti.html SylvainCussat-Blanc.html
  40. 1 cranmer:2005:CPC PhysicsGP: A Genetic Programming approach to event selection KyleSCranmer.html RSeanBowman.html
  41. 1 CUEVAS:2018:ESA A selection method for evolutionary algorithms based on the Golden Section ErikCuevas.html LuisEnriquez.html DanielZaldivar.html MarcoPerez-Cisneros.html
  42. 1 DANGELO:2020:FGCS Knowledge elicitation based on genetic programming for non destructive testing of critical aerospace systems GianniD'Angelo.html FrancescoPalmieri.html
  43. 33 DASHTI:2023:seppur Biochar performance evaluation for heavy metals removal from industrial wastewater based on machine learning: Application for environmental protection AmirDashti.html MojtabaRaji.html HosseinRiasatHarami.html JohnLZhou.html MortezaAsghari.html
  44. 1 dautenhahn:2002:GPEM Book Review: Swarm Intelligence KerstinDautenhahn.html
  45. 1 deCarvalho:2011:ieeeTKDE A Genetic Programming Approach to Record Deduplication MoisesGdeCarvalho.html AlbertoHFLaender.html MarcosAndreGoncalves.html AltigranSdaSilva.html
  46. 1 deLima:2022:GECCO Lexi2: Lexicase Selection with Lexicographic Parsimony Pressure AllanDanilodeLima.html SamuelCarvalho.html DouglasMotaDias.html EnriqueNaredo.html JoeSullivan.html ConorRyan.html
  47. 2 Dempster:2000:QF A real-time adaptive trading system using genetic programming MichaelDempster.html ChrisMJones.html
  48. 1 Dempster:2001:trading Computational learning techniques for intraday FX trading using popular technical indicators MichaelDempster.html TomWPayne.html YazannRomahi.html GilesWPThompson.html
  49. 1 deng:2023:GECCOcomp Learning Behavior Trees by Evolution-Inspired Approaches ChuanshuaiDeng.html ChenjingZhao.html ZhenghuiLiu.html JiexinZhang.html YunlongWu.html YanzhenWang.html HongCheng.html XiaodongYi.html
  50. 1 Deschaine:2008:GPEM Tina Yu, David Davis, Cem Baydar, Rajkumar Roy (eds): Evolutionary Computation in Practice: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2008, 322 pp, ISBN 978-3-540-75770-2 LarryMDeschaine.html
  51. 1 dolin:2002:GPEM Resource Review: A Web-Based Tour of Genetic Programming BradDolin.html JuanJulianMerelo.html
  52. 1 Dolson:2022:GPEM Book Review: the evolution of complexity EmilyDolson.html
  53. 1 doValleSimoes_2007_GPEM Evolvable hardware, Springer, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Series, edited by Tetsuya Higuchi, Yong Liu and Xin Yao, 224 pp, ISBN 0-387-24386-0 EduardodoValleSimoes.html
  54. 1 Downing:GPEM:review Alain Petrowski and Sana Ben-Hamida: Evolutionary Algorithms KeithLDowning.html
  55. 19 Durasevic:2016:ASC Adaptive scheduling on unrelated machines with genetic programming MarkoDurasevic.html DomagojJakobovic.html KarloKnezevic.html
  56. 2 Easton:2021:evomusart Axial Generation: A Concretism-Inspired Method for Synthesizing Highly Varied Artworks EdwardEaston.html AnikoEkart.html UlyssesBernardet.html
  57. 19 Easton:2024:evomusart Modelling Individual Aesthetic Preferences of 3D Sculptures EdwardEaston.html UlyssesBernardet.html AnikoEkart.html
  58. 1 ebner:2003:GPEM Book Review: Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica MarcEbner.html
  59. 1 edmonds:2000:aigp A Review of the ``Advances in Genetic Programming'' Series (Volumes 1, 2 and 3) BruceEdmonds.html
  60. 1 Eggermont:2009:GPEM Juan Romero and Penousal Machado (eds): The Art of Artificial Evolution: A Handbook on Evolutionary Art and Music Natural Computing Series, Springer Science+Business Media, 2008, 460 pp, 169 illustrations, 91 in colour, Hard Cover with DVD, ISBN: 978-3-540-72876-4 JeroenEggermont.html
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