Changes to Genetic Programing Bibliography since 2025/01/30

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  1. alharthi:2025:EuroGP Ghost Swarms: Learning Swarm Rules from Environmental Changes Alone KhuludAlharthi.html SZahraaAbdallah.html SabineHauert.html
  2. Babic:thesis Analiza kaljenih materialov s pomocjo fraktalne geometrije MatejBabic.html
  3. babic:2016:EV A new hybrid-system method of Machine Learning using a new method of fractal geometry and a new method of graph theory MatejBabic.html
  4. babic:2017:CAI New Method for Constructing a Visibility Graph-Network in 3D Space and a New Hybrid System of Modeling MatejBabic.html LadislavHluchy.html PeterKrammer.html BrankoMatovic.html RaviKumar.html PavelKovac.html
  5. babic:2022:IJQR Machine Learning Tools in the Analyze of a Bike Sharing MatejBabic.html CristianoFragassa.html DraganMarinkovic.html JanezPovh.html
  6. carlet:2025:EuroGP A Systematic Evaluation of Evolving Highly Nonlinear Boolean Functions in Odd Sizes ClaudeCarlet.html MarkoDurasevic.html DomagojJakobovic.html StjepanPicek.html LucaMariot.html
  7. DBLP:conf/pricai/ChenMZZ24 Neural Network Surrogate based on Binary Classification for Assisting Genetic Programming in Searching Scheduling Heuristic RuiqiChen.html YiMei.html FangfangZhang.html MengjieZhang.html
  8. david:2017:RSTA Program synthesis: challenges and opportunities CristinaDavid.html DanielKroening.html
  9. de-la-torre:2025:EuroGP Evolved and Transparent Pipelines for Biomedical Image Classification CamiloDeLaTorre.html GiorgiaNadizar.html YuriLavinas.html RobinSchwob.html CamilleFranchet.html HerveLuga.html DennisGWilson.html SylvainCussat-Blanc.html
  10. doquet:2025:EuroGP Unified piecewise symbolic regression GuillaumeDoquet.html
  11. durasevic:2025:EuroGP Designing Lookahead Relocation Rules for the Container Relocation Problem with Genetic Programming MarkoDurasevic.html MatejaDumic.html FranciscoJavierGilGala.html DomagojJakobovic.html
  12. farinati:2025:EuroGP Exploring the Impact of Data Scale on Mutation Step Size in SLIM-GSGP DavideFarinati.html GloriaPietropolli.html LeonardoVanneschi.html
  13. geiger:2025:EuroGP Was Tournament Selection All We Ever Needed? A Critical Reflection on Lexicase Selection AlinaGeiger.html MartinBriesch.html DominikSobania.html FranzRothlauf.html
  14. Haddadi:thesis Investigating a behaviour analysis-based early warning system to identify botnets using machine learning algorithms FaribaHaddadi.html
  15. Huang:ieeeTEC3 Fitness Landscape Optimization Makes Stochastic Symbolic Search By Genetic Programming Easier ZhixingHuang.html YiMei.html FangfangZhang.html MengjieZhang.html WolfgangBanzhaf.html
  16. hurta:2025:EuroGP Multi-Objective Evolutionary Design of Explainable EEG Classifier MartinHurta.html AnnaOvesna.html VojtechMrazek.html LukasSekanina.html
  17. kocherovsky:2025:EuroGP On the Effectiveness of Crossover Operators in Cartesian Genetic Programming MarkKocherovsky.html KianinejadMarzieh.html IllyaBakurov.html WolfgangBanzhaf.html
  18. leite:2025:GPEM Memetic semantic boosting for symbolic regression AlessandroLeiteFerreira.html MarcSchoenauer.html
  19. merzougui:2021:JIST Multi-gene Genetic Programming based Predictive Models for Full-reference Image Quality Assessment NaimaMerzougui.html LeilaDjerou.html
  20. These_Finale-Merzougui Metaheuristiques pour l'evaluation objective de la qualite d'images et de videos NaimaMerzougui.html
  21. nadizar:2025:EuroGP The Role of Stepping Stones in MAP-Elites: Insights from Search Trajectory Networks GiorgiaNadizar.html FrancescoRusin.html EricMedvet.html GabrielaOchoa.html
  22. pappa:2025:GPEM Editorial introduction for the special issue on highlights of genetic programming 2023 events GiseleLPappa.html MarioGiacobini.html TingHu.html DomagojJakobovic.html
  23. parada2025automatic Automatic Generation Of Algorithms VictorParada.html
  24. pietropolli:2025:EuroGP Introducing Crossover in SLIM-GSGP GloriaPietropolli.html DavideFarinati.html LucaManzoni.html MauroCastelli.html LeonardoVanneschi.html
  25. reissmann:2025:GPEM Constraining genetic symbolic regression via semantic backpropagation MaximilianReissmann.html YuanFang.html AndrewSHOoi.html RichardDSandberg.html
  26. Ritter:thesis Inferring and Analyzing Microarchitectural Performance Models FabianRitter.html
  27. rovito:2025:EuroGP Exploring the Integration of Cellular Structures in Genetic Programming-based Methods LuigiRovito.html LorenzoBonin.html DavideFarinati.html LeonardoVanneschi.html LucaManzoni.html AndreaDeLorenzo.html GloriaPietropolli.html
  28. selcuklu:2025:GPEM ``Machine learning assisted evolutionary multi- and many- objective optimization'' by Dhish Kumar Saxena, Sukrit Mittal, Kalyanmoy Deb, and Erik D. Goodman, ISBN 978-981-99-2095-2, Springer, 2024 SaltukBugraSelcuklu.html
  29. trautwein:2025:EuroGP Ant-based Metaheuristics Struggle to Solve the Cartesian Genetic Programming Learning Task JulianTrautwein.html MichaelHeider.html HenningCui.html JoergHaehner.html
  30. Zhang:2025:TAI Multiobjective Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling With Biased Objectives via Multitask Genetic Programming FangfangZhang.html GaofengShi.html YiMei.html MengjieZhang.html
  31. zhang:2025:EuroGP Micro-Step Time-Series Regression: Insights from System Identification Using Symbolic Regression HengzheZhang.html AlbertoTonda.html QiChen.html BingXue.html EvelyneLutton.html MengjieZhang.html


  1. 16 al-afandi:2021:Algorithms Adaptive Gene Level Mutation JalalAl-Afandi.html AndrasHorvath.html
  2. 3 Babic:2021:SpliTech A New Composite Method of Modeling Bicycle Traffic using Convolutional Neural Networks and Genetic programming MatejBabic.html BrankoSter.html JanezPovh.html JoelJPCRodrigues.html
  3. 1 Segota-Sandi:2023:Industry4.0 Determining normalized friction torque of an industrial robotic manipulator using the symbolic regression method SandiBaressiSegota.html MrzljakVedran.html Prpic-OrsicJasna.html ZlatanCar.html
  4. bensoussan2024acceleratingquantumeigensolveralgorithms Accelerating Quantum Eigensolver Algorithms With Machine Learning AvnerBensoussan.html ElenaChachkarova.html KarineEven-Mendoza.html SophieFortz.html ConnorLenihan.html
  5. 1 Blot_magpie:2025:GI Automated Software Performance Improvement with Magpie AymericBlot.html
  6. 26 bose:2025:GI Enhancing Software Runtime with Reinforcement Learning-Driven Mutation Operator Selection in Genetic Improvement DamienBose.html CarolHanna.html JustynaPetke.html
  7. 22 bouras:2025:GI LLM-Assisted Crossover in Genetic Improvement of Software DimitriosStamatiosBouras.html JustynaPetke.html SergeyMechtaev.html
  8. 5 brameier:1999:PMCGP Parallel Machine Code Genetic Programming MarkusBrameier.html FrankHoffmann.html PeterNordin.html WolfgangBanzhaf.html FrankDFrancone.html
  9. 17 B2005OLGP On Linear Genetic Programming MarkusBrameier.html
  10. 12 chan:2025:GI A Three-Stage Genetic Algorithm for Compiler Flag and Library Version Selection to Minimize Execution Time ChiHoChan.html SpyroNita.html
  11. 1 Christodoulaki:thesis Fundamental, Sentiment and Technical analysis for Algorithmic Trading using Novel Genetic Programming algorithms EvaChristodoulaki.html
  12. 10 Coletti:2020:GECCOcomp Library for Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (LEAP) MarkAColetti.html EricOScott.html JeffreyKBassett.html
  13. 20 Cui:2023:FOGA Weighted Mutation of Connections To Mitigate Search Space Limitations in Cartesian Genetic Programming HenningCui.html DavidPaetzel.html AndreasMargraf.html JoergHaehner.html
  14. 13 eurogp07:DiChio Group-Foraging with Particle Swarms and Genetic Programming CeciliaDiChio.html PaoloDiChio.html
  15. 3 dzeroski:1995:dsiml Dynamical System Identification with Machine Learning SasoDzeroski.html LjupcoTodorovski.html IgorPetrovski.html
  16. 1 Fattah:thesis Volatile Oil and Gas Condensate Fluid Behavior for Material Balance Calculations and Reservoir Simulation KhaledAbdelFattahElshreef.html
  17. 22 Fillon:2007:cec Symbolic Regression of Discontinuous and Multivariate Functions by Hyper-Volume Error Separation (HVES) CyrilFillon.html AlbertoBartoli.html
  18. 2 Garcia-Almanza_2006_CEC Simplifying Decision Trees Learned by Genetic Programming AlmaLiliaGarciaAlmanza.html EdwardPKTsang.html
  19. 24 GHAZOUANI:2021:CBM Towards non-data-hungry and fully-automated diagnosis of breast cancer from mammographic images HaythemGhazouani.html WalidBarhoumi.html
  20. 14 hart:thesis Automatic control program creation using concurrent Evolutionary Computing JohnHart.html
  21. 1 Hasan:2024:evoapplications Interpretable Solutions for Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Grammatical Evolution and Data Augmentation YumnahHasan.html AllanDanilodeLima.html FatemehAmerehi.html DarianReyesFernandezdeBulnes.html PatrickHealy.html ConorRyan.html
  22. 22 hauptman:2023:Bioengineering Machine Learning Diffuse Optical Tomography Using Extreme Gradient Boosting and Genetic Programming AmiHauptman.html GaneshMBalasubramaniam.html ShlomiArnon.html
  23. 32 Hemberg:thesis An Exploration of Grammars in Grammatical Evolution ErikHemberg.html
  24. 2 Hornby:2006:space Automated Antenna Design with Evolutionary Algorithms GregorySHornby.html AlGlobus.html DerekSLinden.html JasonLohn.html
  25. 2 Ivanchik:2023:CEC Directed differential equation discovery using modified mutation and cross-over operators ElizavetaIvanchik.html AlexanderAHvatov.html
  26. 24 Kavita:2023:CONIT Metaheuristic Evolutionary Algorithms: Types, Applications, Future Directions, and Challenges ShelkeKavita.html SubhashKShinde.html
  27. 2 DBLP:journals/evi/KhalidKA24 Extrinsically evolved system for breast cancer detection ZahraKhalid.html GulMuhammadKhan.html ArbabMasoodAhmad.html
  28. 4 Kim2014-ID904 Rapid and reactive robot control framework for catching objects in flight SeungsuKim.html
  29. 1 Langdon:1998:bloatMUTegp Fitness Causes Bloat: Mutation WilliamBLangdon.html RiccardoPoli.html
  30. 3 Langdon:2025:EuroGP Population Diversity, Information Theory and Genetic Improvement WilliamBLangdon.html DavidClark.html
  31. 1 langdon:2025:GI The gem5 C++ glibc Heap Fitness Landscape WilliamBLangdon.html BobbyRBruce.html
  32. 2 Luke2009Metaheuristics Essentials of Metaheuristics SeanLuke.html
  33. 1 Madic:2022:FUME Mathematical modelling of the CO2 laser cutting process using genetic programming MilosMadic.html MarinGostimirovic.html DraganRodic.html MiroslavRadovanovic.html MargaretaCoteata.html
  34. 8 DBLP:conf/iqsp/MerzouguiD22 Multi-gene Genetic Programming based Predictive Models for Full-reference Image Quality Assessment NaimaMerzougui.html LeilaDjerou.html
  35. 4 molnar:1996:bits Genetic Programming: Will Bill Gates become Billy Appleseed? DarinRMolnar.html
  36. 21 ni:2024:GECCO Effective Adaptive Mutation Rates for Program Synthesis AndrewNi.html LeeSpector.html
  37. 2 ieee94:perkis Stack-Based Genetic Programming TimPerkis.html
  38. 20 piszcz:gecco05ws Genetic Programming: Parametric Analysis of Structure Altering Mutation Techniques AlanPiszcz.html TerenceSoule.html
  39. 4 Purohit:2013:ICTACT a new mutation operator in genetic programming AnuradhaPurohit.html NarendraSChoudhari.html ArunaTiwari.html
  40. 1 ryan:1997:eppp The Evolution of Provable Parallel Programs ConorRyan.html PaulJWalsh.html
  41. 6 Scalco:2022:EMBC Automatic Feature Construction Based on Genetic Programming for Survival Prediction in Lung Cancer Using CT Images ElisaScalco.html GiovannaRizzo.html WilfridoGomez-Flores.html
  42. 4 1277400 Controller design based on genetic programming IvanSekaj.html JurajPerkacz.html TomasPalenik.html
  43. 21 SONG:2021:SEC A genetic programming hyper-heuristic for the distributed assembly permutation flow-shop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times Hong-BoSong.html JianLin.html
  44. 15 songpetchmongkol:2025:GI Empirical Comparison of Runtime Improvement Approaches: Genetic Improvement, Parameter Tuning, and Their Combination ThanatadSongpetchmongkol.html AymericBlot.html JustynaPetke.html
  45. 25 stanovov:2021:Algorithms Difference-Based Mutation Operation for Neuroevolution of Augmented Topologies VladimirStanovov.html ShakhnazAkhmedova.html EugeneSemenkin.html
  46. 5 Tanev:2007:AASOS Learning Mutation Strategies for Evolution and Adaptation of a Simulated Snakebot IvanTTanev.html
  47. 21 Tseng:2022:EuroGP Synthesizing Programs from Program Pieces using Genetic Programming and Refinement Type Checking SabrinaTseng.html ErikHemberg.html Una-MayO'Reilly.html
  48. 7 Vafaee:thesis Controlling Genetic Operator Rates in Evolutionary Algorithms FatemehVafaee.html
  49. 23 wang:2025:GI Large Language Model based Code Completion is an Effective Genetic Improvement Mutation JingyuanWang.html CarolHanna.html JustynaPetke.html
  50. 2 whigham:1995:GBGP Grammatically-based Genetic Programming PeterAlexanderWhigham.html
  51. 13 Xiong:2003:WUJNS Point-tree structure genetic programming method for discontinuous function's regression ShengwuXiong.html WeiwuWang.html
  52. 2 shengwu:2003:anhsgpisr A new hybrid structure genetic programming in symbolic regression ShengwuXiong.html WeiwuWang.html
  53. 17 Xue:2025:GP EuroGP 2025: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Genetic Programming BingXue.html LucaManzoni.html IllyaBakurov.html

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