Affenzeller, M.

Sets of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves and their Use in the Evaluation of Multi-Class Classification (Page 1601)

Aggarwal, V.

Filter Approximation Using Explicit Time and Frequency Domain Specifications (Page 753)

Agogino, A. M.

Design Synthesis of Microelectromechanical Systems Using Genetic Algorithms with Component-Based Genotype Representation (Page 731)

Agogino, A.

Distributed Evaluation Functions for Fault Tolerant Multi-Rover Systems (Page 1079)

Akama, K.

A Crossover for Complex Building Blocks Overlapping (Page 1337)

(Return to Top)

Akatsuka, Y.

Reward Allotment in an Event-driven Hybrid Learning Classifier System for Online Soccer Games (Page 1753)

Albarracin-Guillem, J. M.

Towards an Evolutionary Tool for the Allocation of Supermarket Shelf Space (Page 1653)

Albrecht, A. A.

Genetic Local Search for Multicast Routing (Page 615)

Alías, F.

Analyzing Active Interactive Genetic Algorithms using Visual Analytics (Page 1417)

Aliprandi, D.

A Bayesian Approach to Learning Classifier Systems in Uncertain Environments (Page 1537)

Almal, A. A.

Using Genetic Programming to Classify Node Positive Patients in Bladder Cancer (Page 239)

Al-Mourad, M. B.

Autonomous Evolutionary Music Composer (Page 1873)

Al-Sakran, S. H.

Automated Synthesis of a Human-Competitive Solution to the Challenge Problem of the 2002 International Optical Design Conference by Means of Genetic Programming and a Multi-Dimensional Mutation Operation (Page 823)

Amunrud, J.

Instance Similarity and the Effectiveness of Case Injection in a Genetic Algorithm for Binary Quadratic Programming (Page 1395)

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Ansoff, C.

Tuning Experiments with an Adaptive Computational Framework (Page 1961)

Antoniol, G.

A Novel Approach to Optimize Clone Refactoring Activity (Page 1885)

Simulated Annealing for Impriving Software Quality Prediction (Page 1893)

Archetti, F.

Genetic Programming for Human Oral Bioavailability of Drugs (Page 255)

Arndt, J.

Genetic Algorithms and Mixed Integer Linear Programs for Optimal Strategies in a Student's "Sports" Activity (Page 1853)

Arnold, D. V.

Hierarchically Organised Evolution Strategies on the Parabolic Ridge (Page 437)

Auger, A.

Reconsidering the Progress Rate Theory for Evolution Strategies in Finite Dimensions (Page 445)

Ayvaz, D.

A Comparative Study of Evolutionary Optimization Techniques in Dynamic Environments (Page 1397)

Azzini, A.

A Neural Evolutionary Approach to Financial Modeling (Page 1605)

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Bacardit, J. 

Coordination Number Prediction Using Learning Classifier Systems: Performance and interpretability (Page 247)

Smart Crossover Operator with Multiple Parents for a Pittsburgh Learning Classifier System (Page 1441)

Bäck, T.

The Complete-Basis-Functions Parameterization in ES and its Application to Laser Pulse Shaping (Page 1769)

Baker, P.

Search-Based Approaches to the Component Selection and Prioritization Problem (Page 1951)

Baranski, B.

High-Order Punishment and the Evolution of Cooperation (Page 379)

Barlow, G. J.

Robustness Analysis of Genetic Programming Controllers for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Page 135)

Barton, A. J.

Multi-objective Evolutionay Optimization for Visual Data Mining with Virtual Reality Spaces: Application to Alzheimer Gene Expressions (Page 723)

Bartz-Beielstein, T.

High-Order Punishment and the Evolution of Cooperation (Page 379)

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Battiti, R.

The Gregarious Particle Swarm Optimizer (G-PSO) (Page 67)

Beaudoin, W.

Deceptiveness and Neutrality—The ND Family of Fitness Landscapes (Page 507)

Beck, T.

Mixed-Integer Optimization of Coronary Vessel Image Analysis using Evolution Strategies (Page 1645)

Belda, I.

Peptive Data Mining: From Virtual Design to Knowledge Extraction (Page 297)

Belford, P.

Candlestick Stock Analysis with Genetic Algorithms (Page 1851)

Bentley, P. J.

A Genetic Algorithm with a Variable-Length Genotype and Embryogeny for Microstructured Optical Fibre Design (Page 1721)

Modular Thinking: Evolving Modular Neural Networks for Visual Guidance of Agents (Page 215)

Bernadó-Mansilla, E.

Bounding XCS's Parameters for Unbalanced Datasets (Page 1561)

Berry, A.

An Efficient Approach to Unbounded Bi-Objective Archives – Introducing the Mak_ Tree Algorithm (Page 619)

Bersini, H.

How an Optimal Observer can Collapse the Search Space (Page 1273)

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Beveridge, R.

Alternative Evolutionary Algorithms for Evolving Programs: Evolution Strategies and Steady State GP (Page 919)

Bhat, A.

An Evolutionary Approach to Camera-Based Projector Calibration (Page 1871)

Bhattacharya, B. B.

Biobjective Evolutionary and Heuristic Algorithms for Intersection of Geometric Graphs (Page 1689)

Bird, S.

Adaptively Choosing Niching Parameters in a PSO (Page 3)

Blackwell, T.

Particle Swarm with Speciation and Adaptation in a Dynamic Environment (Page 51)

Blazewicz, J.

Coordination Number Prediction Using Learning Classifier Systems: Performance and interpretability (Page 247)

Blowers, M. K.

An Open-set Speaker Identification System using Genetic Learning Classifier System (Page 1597)

Blum, C.

A New Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for the k-cardinality Tree Problem (Page 515)

Bonarini, A.

A Bayesian Approach to Learning Classifier Systems in Uncertain Environments (Page 1537)

Borenstein, Y.

Classes of Problems in the Black Box Scenario (Page 1401)

Structure and Metaheuristics (Page 1087)

The No Free Lunch and Realistic Search Algorithms (Page 1399)

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Bosman, P. A. N.

Combining Gradient Techniques for Numerical Multi–Objective Evolutionary Optimization (Page 627)

The Correlation-Triggered Adaptive Variance Scaling IDEA (Page 397)

Bouktif, S.

A Novel Approach to Optimize Clone Refactoring Activity (Page 1885)

Simulated Annealing for Impriving Software Quality Prediction (Page 1893)

Bouvry, P.

Immune Anomaly Detection Enhanced with Evolutionary Paradigms (Page 119)

Bovenkamp, E. G. P.

Mixed-Integer Optimization of Coronary Vessel Image Analysis using Evolution Strategies (Page 1645)

Branke, J.

Particle Swarm with Speciation and Adaptation in a Dynamic Environment (Page 51)

Brinn, M.

Genomic Computing Networks Learn Complex POMDPs (Page 233)

Britto, Jr., A. de Souza.

Evolving Ensemble of Classifiers in Random Subspace (Page 1473)

Bucci, A.

DECA: Dimension Extracting Coevolutionary Algorithm (Page 313)

Bugde, A. C.

Comparison of Genetic Representation Schemes for Scheduling Soft Real-Time Parallel Applications (Page 523)

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Bui, T. N.

An Agent-Based Algorithm for Generalized Graph Colorings (Page 19)

An Ant-Based Algorithm for Finding Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree (Page 11)

Bulitko, V.

Genetic Algorithms for Action Set Selection Across Domains: A Demonstration (Page 1697)

Burjorjee, K.

A General Coarse-Graining Framework for Studying Simultaneous Inter-Population Constraints Induced By Evolutionary Operations (Page 1095)

Burkhart, D.

Search-Based Determination of Refactorings for Improving the Class Structure of Object-Oriented Systems (Page 1909)

Burns, D.

Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Resource Management in Sensor Networks (Page 1425)

Butter, T.

Genetic Algorithms and Mixed Integer Linear Programs for Optimal Strategies in a Student's "Sports" Activity (Page 1853)

Butz, M. V.

Hierarchical BOA on Random Decomposable Problems (Page 431)

Hyper-ellipsoidal Conditions In XCS: Rotation, Linear Approximation, and Solution Structure (Page 1457)

Studying XCS/BOA Learning in Boolean Functions: Structure Encoding and Random Boolean Functions (Page 1449)

Bylander, T.

Predicting Currency Exchange Rates by Genetic Programming with Trigonometric Functions and High-Order Statistics (Page 955)

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Caballero, R.

A New Proposal for Multi-Objective Optimzation using Differential Evolution and Rough Sets Theory (Page 675)

Cagnoni, S.

Heterogeneous Cooperative Coevolution: Strategies of Integration between GP and GA (Page 361)

Card, S. W.

Ensemble Selection for Evolutionary Learning using Information Theory and Price's Theorem (Page 1587)

Carpentieri, M.

A Genetic Model Based on Simulated Crossover of Quaternary Genes for Quadratic Fitness (Page 1403)

Castillo, F.

Pareto Front Genetic Programming Parameter Selection Based on Design of Experiments and Industrial Data (Page 1613)

Cavill, R.

A Multi-chromosome Approach to Standard and Embedded Cartesian Genetic Programming (Page 903)

Variable Length Genetic Algorithms with Multiple Chromosomes on a Variant of the Onemax Problem: Investigating Changes in Chromosome Length (Page 1405)

Cebrián, M.

GRASP-Evolution for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (Page 531)

Cervantes, J.

"Optimal" Mutation Rates for Genetic Search (Page 1313)

Chan, A.

A New Ant Colony Algorithm for Multi-Label Classification with Applications in Bioinformatics (Page 27)

Chaudhuri, S.

Towards Estimating Nadir Objective Vector Using Evolutionary Approaches (Page 643)

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Chavoya, A.

Using a Genetic Algorithm to Evolve Cellular Automata for 2D/3D Computational Development (Page 231)

Chen, C.-K.

A Unified Optimization Framework for Microelectronics Industry (Page 1875)

Chen, C.-H.

Adaptive Discretization for Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Algorithms (Page 1103)

Chen, C.-t.

Evolutionary Interactive Music Composition (Page 1863)

Chen, G.

Both Robust Computation and Mutation Operation in Dynamic Evolutionary Algorithm are Based on Orthogonal Design (Page 1437)

Chen, H.

Human Competitive Security Protocols Synthesis (Page 1855)

Chen, H.-W.

FTXI: Fault Tolerance XCS in Integer (Page 1589)

Chen, Y.-P.

Introducing Recombination with Dynamic Linkage Discovery to Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 85)

Evolutionary Interactive Music Composition (Page 1863)

Adaptive Discretization for Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Algorithms (Page 1103)

FTXI: Fault Tolerance XCS in Integer (Page 1589)

iECGA: Integer Extended Compact Genetic Algorithm (Page 1415)

Chen, Z.

A New Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving High Complex Multi-Objective Problems (Page 745)

Cheon, Y.

A Specification-Based Fitness Function for Evolutionary Testing of Object-Oriented Programs (Page 1953)

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Cherba, D. M.

Crossover Gene Selection by Spatial Location (Page 1111)

Chesher, M. R.

The Brueckner Network: An Immobile Sorting Swarm (Page 91)

Chion, C.

Genetic Programming for Agricultural Purposes (Page 783)

Cho, Y.-Y.

A Unified Optimization Framework for Microelectronics Industry (Page 1875)

Choe, Y.

Facilitating Neural Dynamics for Delay Compensation and Prediction in Evolutionary Neural Networks (Page 167)

Choi, S.-S.

A Hybrid Genetic Search for Multiple Sequence Alignment (Page 303)

Nonlinear Parametric Regression in Genetic Programming (Page 943)

Properties of Symmetric Fitness Functions (Page 1117)

Christenson, B.

Pareto Front Genetic Programming Parameter Selection Based on Design of Experiments and Industrial Data (Page 1613)

Chusanapiputt, S.

Selective Self-Adaptive Approach to Ant System for Solving Unit Commitment Problem (Page 1729)

Cicirello, V. A.

Non-Wrapping Order Crossover: An Order Preserving Crossover Operator that Respects Absolute Position (Page 1125)

Ciesielski, V. .

Analysis of the Difficulty of Learning Goal-Scoring Behaviour for Robot Soccer (Page 1569)

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Clack, C. D.

Behavioural GP Diversity for Dynamic Environments: an application in hedge fund investment (Page 1817)

gLINC: Identifying Composability using Group Perturbation (Page 1133)

Clark, J.

Human Competitive Security Protocols Synthesis (Page 1855)

Clark, J. A.

The State Problem for Test Generation in Simulink (Page 1941)

Clergue, M.

Anisotropic Selection in Cellular Genetic Algorithms (Page 559)

Clergue, M.

Measuring the Evolvability Landscape to Study Neutrality (Page 613)

Cliff, D.

Evolutionary Optimization of ZIP60: A Controlled explosion in hyperspace (Page 1621)

Coello Coello, C.

A New Proposal for Multi-Objective Optimzation using Differential Evolution and Rough Sets Theory (

Page 675)

Coello Coello, C. A.

Dynamic Fitness Inheritance Proportion For Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 89)

A Comparative Study of Differential Evolution Variants for Global Optimization (Page 485)

Coffin, D. J.

gLINC: Identifying Composability using Group Perturbation (Page 1133)

Cohen, M.

Clustering the Heap in Multi-Threaded Applications for Improved Garbage Collection (Page 1901)

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Collard, P.

A Quantitative Study of Neutrality in GP Boolean Landscapes (Page 895)

Anisotropic Selection in Cellular Genetic Algorithms (Page 559)

Deceptiveness and Neutrality—The ND Family of Fitness Landscapes (Page 507)

Measuring the Evolvability Landscape to Study Neutrality (Page 613)

Collins, J.

Improving Genetic Algorithm Performance with Intelligent Mappings from Chromosomes to Solutions (Page 1407)

Correa, E. S.

A New Discrete Particle Swarm Algorithm Applied to Attribute Selection in a Bioinformatics Data Set (Page 35)

Cote, R. J.

Using Genetic Programming to Classify Node Positive Patients in Bladder Cancer (Page 239)

Crawford, R. L.

Genetic Algorithms are Suitable for Driving Microbial Ecosystems in Desirable Directions (Page 309)

Da Costa, L. E. 

Genetic Programming for Agricultural Purposes (Page 783)

Relaxed Genetic Programming (Page 937)

da Motta Salles Baretto, A.

Alternative Evolutionary Algorithms for Evolving Programs: Evolution Strategies and Steady State GP (Page 919)

Daida, J. M.

Characterizing the Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking in Genetic Programming (Page 799)

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Dallery, J.

A Computational Theory of Adaptive Behavior Based on an Evolutionary Reinforcement Mechanism (Page 175)

Dandass, Y. S.

Comparison of Genetic Representation Schemes for Scheduling Soft Real-Time Parallel Applications (Page 523)

Dasgupta, D.

Applicability Issues of the Real-Valued Negative Selection Algorithms (Page 111)

Comparative Analysis of the Sailor Assignment Problem (Page 1881)

Datar, R. H.

Using Genetic Programming to Classify Node Positive Patients in Bladder Cancer (Page 239)

Daughdrill, G. W.

String Transformation-Based Bayesian Classification or Proteins (Page 301)

de Back, W.

Red Queen Dynamics in a Predator-prey Ecosystem (Page 381)

de Boer, B.

Multi-Objective Diversity Maintenance (Page 1429)

de Brito, F. H.

Game Theory as a New Paradigm for Phenotype Characterization of Genetic Algorithms (Page 1431)

de Garis, H.

Both Robust Computation and Mutation Operation in Dynamic Evolutionary Algorithm are Based on Orthogonal Design (Page 1437)

(Return to Top)

de Jong, E. D.

Combining Gradient Techniques for Numerical Multi–Objective Evolutionary Optimization (Page 627)

DECA: Dimension Extracting Coevolutionary Algorithm (Page 313)

Multi-Objective Diversity Maintenance (Page 1429)

Red Queen Dynamics in a Predator-prey Ecosystem (Page 381)

De Jong, K.

The Effects of Interaction Frequency on the Optimization Performance of Cooperative Coevolution (Page 353)

de Jong, E. D.

The Parallel Nash Memory for Asymmetric Games (Page 337)

de la Fuente, D.

A Case-Study about Shift Work Managemetnt at a Hospital Emergency Department with Genetic Algorithms (Page 1867)

Genetic Algorithms to Optimise the Time to Make Stock Market Investment (Page 1857)

de Oliveira, R. C.L.

Game Theory as a New Paradigm for Phenotype Characterization of Genetic Algorithms (Page 1431)

Deb, K.

Comparison of Multi-Modal Optimization Algorithms Based on Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 1305)

Innovization: Innovating Design Principles Through Optimization (Page 1629)

Multi-Objective Test Problems, Linkages, and Evolutionary Methodologies (Page 1141)

Reference Point Based Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 635)

Towards Estimating Nadir Objective Vector Using Evolutionary Approaches (Page 643)

(Return to Top)

Delahaye, D.

3D Airspace Sectoring by Evolutionary Computation: Real-World Applications (Page 1637)

Delgado, D.

Evolutionary Design of Pseudorandom Sequence Generators based on Cellular Automata and Its Applicability in Current Cryptosystems (Page 1859)

Devgan, T. S.

The Brueckner Network: An Immobile Sorting Swarm (Page 91)

Diaz-Gomez, P. A.

The Snake in the Box Problem: Mathematical Conjecture and a Genetic Algorithm Approach (Page 1409)

Dickerson, D.

Pareto Front Genetic Programming Parameter Selection Based on Design of Experiments and Industrial Data (Page 1613)

Dijkstra, J.

Mixed-Integer Optimization of Coronary Vessel Image Analysis using Evolution Strategies (Page 1645)

Dilger, W.

A Dynamic Approach to Artificial Immune Systems Utilizing Neural Networks (Page 131)

Properties of the Bersini Experiment on Self-Assertion (Page 95)

Ding, L.

Both Robust Computation and Mutation Operation in Dynamic Evolutionary Algorithm are Based on Orthogonal Design (Page 1437)

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Doi, T.

Incorporation of Decision Maker's Preference into Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms (Page 741)

Dotú, I.

GRASP-Evolution for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (Page 531)

Dragovich, J.

Leveraging Domain-Expert Knowledge in a Genetic Algorithm for Civil Engineering Design Optimization (Page 1433)

Droste, S.

Convergence to Global Optima for Genetic Programming Systems with Dynamically Scaled Operators (Page 879)

Dudek, S. M.

Alternative Cross-Over Strategies and Selection Techniques for Grammatical Evolution Optimized Neural Networks (Page 947)

Duthen, Y.

Genetically Programmed Strategies for Chess Endgame (Page 831)

Using a Genetic Algorithm to Evolve Cellular Automata for 2D/3D Computational Development (Page 231)

Edge, K. S.

A Retrovirus Inspired Algorithm for Virus Detection & Optimization (Page 103)

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Eggermont, J.

Mixed-Integer Optimization of Coronary Vessel Image Analysis using Evolution Strategies (Page 1645)

Ehlers, R.

High-Order Punishment and the Evolution of Cooperation (Page 379)

Eiben, A. E.

A Method for Parameter Calibration and Relevance Estimation in Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 183)

Emmerich, M. T. M.

Mixed-Integer Optimization of Coronary Vessel Image Analysis using Evolution Strategies (Page 1645)

Eppstein, M. J.

Emergent Mating Topologies in Spatially Structured Genetic Algorithms (Page 207)

Ermis, M.

Genetic Algorithms for Positioning and Utilizing Sensors in Synthetically Generated Landscapes (Page 1801)

Escazut, C.

Deceptiveness and Neutrality—The ND Family of Fitness Landscapes (Page 507)

Esparcia-Alcázar, A. I.

Towards an Evolutionary Tool for the Allocation of Supermarket Shelf Space (Page 1653)

(Return to Top)

Essam, D.

ORDERTREE: A New Test Problem for Genetic Programming (Page 807)

Estébanez, C.

Evolving Hash Functions by Means of Genetic Programming (Page 1861)

Farías Zárate, C. J.  

A GA-Based Method to Produce Generalized Hyper-heuristics for the 2D-Regular Cutting Stock Problem (Page 591)

Fedullo, V.

A Genetic Model Based on Simulated Crossover of Quaternary Genes for Quadratic Fitness (Page 1403)

Ficici, S. G.

A Game-Theoretic Investigation of Selection Methods in Two-Population Coevolution (Page 321)

Filipic, B.

Evolutionary Search for Optimal Combinations of Markers in Clothing Manufacturing (Page 1661)

Fiorentino, S.

Multi-Objective Optimisation of the Protein-Ligand Docking Problem in Drug Discovery (Page 1793)

(Return to Top)

Fister, I.

Evolutionary Search for Optimal Combinations of Markers in Clothing Manufacturing (Page 1661)

Flores, C. X.

Hybrid Search for Cardinality Constrained Portfolio Optimization (Page 1865)

Folino, G.

Improving Cooperative GP Ensemble with Clustering and Pruning for Pattern Classification (Page 791)

Foster, J. A.

Estimating the Destructiveness of Crossover on Binary Tree Representations (Page 1427)

Freitas, A. A.

A New Ant Colony Algorithm for Multi-Label Classification with Applications in Bioinformatics (Page 27)

A New Discrete Particle Swarm Algorithm Applied to Attribute Selection in a Bioinformatics Data Set (Page 35)

A New Version of the Ant-Miner Algorithm Discovering Unordered Rule Sets (Page 43)

Freitas, A.

Estimating Photometric Redshifts with Genetic Algorithms (Page 1593)

Fry, D. W.

Using Genetic Programming to Classify Node Positive Patients in Bladder Cancer (Page 239)

Fu, T.-y.

Evolutionary Interactive Music Composition (Page 1863)

(Return to Top)

Galván-López, E.

An Empirical Investigation of How and Why Neutrality Affects Evolutionary Search (Page 1149)

Gao, J.

A Hybrid of Genetic Algorithm and Bottleneck Shifting for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (Page 1157)

Garder, L. M.

Robot Gaits Evolved by Combining Genetic Algorithms and Binary Hill Climbing (Page 1165)

Garibay, I. I.

Mating Networks in Steady State Genetic Algorithms are Scale Free (Page 1423)

Garrett, D.

Comparative Analysis of the Sailor Assignment Problem (Page 1881)

Garrido, A.

Genetic Algorithms to Optimise the Time to Make Stock Market Investment (Page 1857)

Gen, M.

A Hybrid of Genetic Algorithm and Bottleneck Shifting for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (Page 1157)

A New Approach for Shortest Path Routing Problem by Random Key-based GA (Page 1411)

Effective Genetic Approach for Optimizing Advanced Planning and Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing System (Page 1841)

Geng, X.

Solving Identification Problem for Asynchronous Finite State Machines Using Genetic Algorithms (Page 1413)

George, A.

Improving GP Classifier Generalization Using a Cluster Separation Metric (Page 939)

(Return to Top)

Ghosh, P.

Segmentation of Medical Images Using a Genetic Algorithm (Page 1171)

Giel, O.

Maximum Cardinality Matchings on Trees by Randomized Local Search (Page 539)

On The Effect of Populations in Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization (Page 651)

Gielen, G.

Canonical Form Functions as a Simple Means for Genetic Programming to Evolve Human-Interpretable Functions (Page 855)

Giralt, E.

Peptive Data Mining: From Virtual Design to Knowledge Extraction (Page 297)

Goldberg, D. E.

Analyzing Active Interactive Genetic Algorithms using Visual Analytics (Page 1417)

Classifier Prediction based on Tile Coding (Page 1497)

Conquering Hierarchical Difficulty by Explicit Chunking: Substructural Chromosome Compression (Page 1385)

Evaluation Relaxation Using Substructural Information and Linear Estimation (Page 419)

Fluctuating Crosstalk, Deterministic Noise, and GA Scalability (Page 1361)

Hierarchical BOA on Random Decomposable Problems (Page 431)

Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms for Multiscaling Excited State Direct Dynamics in Photochemistry (Page 1745)

Prediction Update Algorithms for XCSF: RLS, Kalman Filter, and Gain Adaptation (Page 1505)

Sporadic Model Building for Efficiency Enhancement of Hierarchical BOA (Page 405)

Gomez, M. A.

Hybrid Search for Cardinality Constrained Portfolio Optimization (Page 1865)

Gómez, A.

A Case-Study about Shift Work Managemetnt at a Hospital Emergency Department with Genetic Algorithms (Page 1867)

Genetic Algorithms to Optimise the Time to Make Stock Market Investment (Page 1857)

(Return to Top)

Gordo, S.

Peptive Data Mining: From Virtual Design to Knowledge Extraction (Page 297)

Grahl, J.

Genetic Algorithms and Mixed Integer Linear Programs for Optimal Strategies in a Student's "Sports" Activity (Page 1853)

The Correlation-Triggered Adaptive Variance Scaling IDEA (Page 397)

Greene, W. A.

A Tree-Based Genetic Algorithm for Building Rectilinear Steiner Arborescences (Page 1179)

Grimme, C.

Inside a Predator-Prey Model for Multi-Objective Optimization: A Second Study (Page 707)

Gruber, M.

Neighbourhood Searches for the Bounded Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Embedded in a VNS, EA, and ACO (Page 1187)

Gurgen, F.

A Comparative Study of Evolutionary Optimization Techniques in Dynamic Environments (Page 1397)

Gwaltney, D. A.

Evolutionary Design of Fault-Tolerant Analog Control for a Piezoelectric Pipe-Crawling Robot (Page 761)

Habib, S. J.  

Exploring Network Topology Evolution Through Evolutionary Computations (Page 779)

Hahn, L. W.

Alternative Cross-Over Strategies and Selection Techniques for Grammatical Evolution Optimized Neural Networks (Page 947)

Handa, H.

Fitness Function for Finding out Robust Solutions on Time-Varying Functions (Page 1195)

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Handl, J.

On Semi-Supervised Clustering via Multiobjective Optimization (Page 1465)

Hansen, N.

A Computational Efficient Covariance Matrix Update and a (1+/,1)-CMA Evolution Strategies (Page 453)

Reconsidering the Progress Rate Theory for Evolution Strategies in Finite Dimensions (Page 445)

Harada, K.

Hybridization of Genetic Algorithm and Local Search in Multiobjective Function Optimization: Recommendation of GA then LS (Page 667)

Local Search for Multiobjective Function Optimization: Pareto Descent Method (Page 659)

Harman, M.

Search-Based Approaches to the Component Selection and Prioritization Problem (Page 1951)

Harmanci, E.

Pairwise Sequence Comparison for Fitness Evaluation in Evolutionary Structural Software Testing (Page 1959)

Harrison, J. F.

Archive-based Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms (Page 345)

Hassis, N.

Comparing Mathematical Models on the Problem of Network Inference (Page 279)

Hatzakis, I.

Dynamic Multi-Objective Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms: A Forward-Looking Approach (Page 1201)

Heckendorn, R. B.

String Transformation-Based Bayesian Classification or Proteins (Page 301)

(Return to Top)

Hernandez, G.

Evolutionary Design of Pseudorandom Sequence Generators based on Cellular Automata and Its Applicability in Current Cryptosystems (Page 1859)

Hernandez-Castro, J. C.

Evolving Hash Functions by Means of Genetic Programming (Page 1861)

Hernández-Díaz, A. G.

A New Proposal for Multi-Objective Optimzation using Differential Evolution and Rough Sets Theory (Page 675)

Hess, T. F.

Genetic Algorithms are Suitable for Driving Microbial Ecosystems in Desirable Directions (Page 309)

Heywood, M. I.

Improving GP Classifier Generalization Using a Cluster Separation Metric (Page 939)

Heywood, M.

MOGE: GP Classification Problem Decomposition using Multi-objective Optimization (Page 863)

On Evolving Buffer Overflow Attacks Using Genetic Programming (Page 1667)

Pareto-coevolutionary Genetic Programming Classifier (Page 945)

Hien, N. T.

ORDERTREE: A New Test Problem for Genetic Programming (Page 807)

(Return to Top)

Hildenbrand, T.

Genetic Algorithms and Mixed Integer Linear Programs for Optimal Strategies in a Student's "Sports" Activity (Page 1853)

Hiley, A.

The Quadratic Multiple Knapsack Problem and Three Heuristic Approaches to It (Page 547)

Hinkemeyer, B.

A Genetic Algorithm for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem (Page 609)

Hirst, J. D.

Coordination Number Prediction Using Learning Classifier Systems: Performance and interpretability (Page 247)

Hoai, N. X.

ORDERTREE: A New Test Problem for Genetic Programming (Page 807)

Hoang, T.-H.

ORDERTREE: A New Test Problem for Genetic Programming (Page 807)

Holland, J. H.

The Effect of Crossover on the Behavior of the GA in Dynamic Environments: A Case Study using the Shaky Ladder Hyperplane-Defined Functions (Page 1289)

Hollinger, G. A.

Evolutionary Design of Fault-Tolerant Analog Control for a Piezoelectric Pipe-Crawling Robot (Page 761)

(Return to Top)

Holzhauer, D.

Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Resource Management in Sensor Networks (Page 1425)

Hornby, G. S.

ALPS: The Age-Layered Population Structure for Reducing the Problem of Premature Convergence (Page 815)

Hougen, D. F.

The Snake in the Box Problem: Mathematical Conjecture and a Genetic Algorithm Approach (Page 1409)

Høvin, M. E.

Robot Gaits Evolved by Combining Genetic Algorithms and Binary Hill Climbing (Page 1165)

Howe, A.

PSO and Multi-Funnel Landscapes: How cooperation might limit exploration (Page 75)

Hung, P.-C.

iECGA: Integer Extended Compact Genetic Algorithm (Page 1415)

Hwang, I.

Multi-Attractor Gene Reordering for Graph Bisection (Page 1209)

Iba, H.

A New Generation Alternation Model for Differential Evolution (Page 1265)

Evolutionary Motion Design for Humanoid Robots (Page 1825)

Identification of Weak Motifs in Multiple Biological Sequences using Genetic Algorithm (Page 271)

Inference of Genetic Networks using S-system: Information Criteria for Model Selection (Page 263)

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Igel, C.

A Computational Efficient Covariance Matrix Update and a (1+/,1)-CMA Evolution Strategies (Page 453)

Ikeda, K.

Hybridization of Genetic Algorithm and Local Search in Multiobjective Function Optimization: Recommendation of GA then LS (Page 667)

Ikehira, S.

Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms for Pipe Arrangement Design (Page 1869)

Iorio, A. W.

Incorporating Directional Information within a Differential Evolution Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization (Page 691)

Rotated Test Problems for Assessing the Performance of Multi-objective Optimization Algorithms (Page 683)

Isasi, P.

Evolving Hash Functions by Means of Genetic Programming (Page 1861)

Ishibuchi, H.

Incorporation of Decision Maker's Preference into Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms (Page 741)

Multiobjective Genetic Rule Selection as a Data Mining Postprocessing Procedure (Page 1591)