Author Index

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Häckel, Sascha

Paper: A Multi-Objective Ant Colony Approach for Pareto-Optimization Using Dynamic Programming (Page 33)

Halliday, David M.

Late-Breaking Paper: Developing Neural Structure of Two Agents That Play Checkers Using Cartesian Genetic Programming (Page 2169)

Hanada, Yoshiko

Poster: Analysis of the Performance of Genetic Multi-Step Search in Interpolation and Extrapolation Domain (Page 1107)

Hansen, Nikolaus

Tutorial: Tutorial—Evolution Strategies and Related Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (Page 2727)

Happ, Edda

Paper: Crossover Can Provably Be Useful in Evolutionary Computation (Page 539)

Paper: Rigorous Analyses of Fitness-Proportional Selection for Optimizing Linear Functions (Page 953)

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Hara, Kenta

Paper: Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Multi-objective Route Planning with Predicted Traffic in a Real-World Road Network (Page 657)

Harding, Simon

Tutorial: Cartesian Genetic Programming (Page 2701)

Hardison, Nicholas E.

Poster: A Balanced Accuracy Fitness Function Leads to Robust Analysis Using Grammatical Evolution Neural Networks in the Case of Class Imbalance (Page 353)

Harman, Mark

Paper: Handling Dynamic Data Structures in Search Based Testing (Page 1759)

Hashimoto, Yasuhiro

Paper: An Evolvability-enhanced Artificial Embryogeny for Generating Network Structures (Page 835)

Hasircioglu, Isil

Paper: 3-D Path Planning for the Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Using Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 1499)

Hassan, Ghada

Paper: Multiobjective Robustness for Portfolio Optimization in Volatile Environments (Page 1507)

Workshop: Non-Linear Factor Model for Asset Selection Using Multi Objective Genetic Programming (Page 1859)

Hauschild, Mark

Paper: Using Previous Models to Bias Structural Learning in the Hierarchical BOA (Page 415)

Hayashi, Toshio

Late-Breaking Paper: Risk Prediction and Risk Factors Identification from Imbalanced Data with RPMBGA+ (Page 2193)

Hazell, Alex

Workshop: Towards an Objective Assessment of Alzheimer's Disease (Page 2073)

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He, Xingui

Poster: Allocation of Local and Global Search Capabilities of Particle in Canonical PSO (Page 165)

Poster: Magnifier Particle Swarm Optimization for Numerical Optimization (Page 167)

Helmi, B. Hoda

Poster: EIN-WUM: An AIS-based Algorithm for Web Usage Mining (Page 291)

Helwig, Sabine

Paper: Social Interaction in Particle Swarm Optimization, the Ranked FIPS, and Adaptive Multi-Swarms (Page 49)

Hendtlass, Tim

Paper: Collective Intelligence and Bush Fire Spotting (Page 41)

Henrici, Fabian

Poster: A GP Algorithm for Efficient Synthesis of Gm-C Filters on a Hexagonal FPAA Structure (Page 295)

Herbort, Oliver

Paper: Context-Dependent Predictions and Cognitive Arm Control with XCSF (Page 1357)

Hernandez, German

Late-Breaking Paper: A Comparison of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms with Informed Initialization and Kuhn-Munkres Algorithm for the Sailor Assignment Problem (Page 2129)

Hernández Aguirre, Arturo

Poster: The Directional EDA for Global Optimization (Page 473)

Poster: A Hybrid System Using PSO and Data Mining for Determining the Ranking of a New Participant in Eurovision (Page 1713)

Hernández Díaz, Alfredo G.

Poster: Hybridizing Surrogate Techniques, Rough Sets and Evolutionary Algorithms to Efficiently Solve Multi-Objective Optimization Problems (Page 763)

Herrmann, Frank

Paper: Evolved Bayesian Networks as a Versatile Alternative to Partin Tables for Prostate Cancer Management (Page 1547)

Heywood, Malcolm I.

Paper: Managing Team-Based Problem Solving with Symbiotic Bid-Based Genetic Programming (Page 363)

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Hidalgo, J. Ignacio

Paper: Analysis of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimize Dynamic Data Types in Embedded Systems (Page 1515)

Poster: Solving Discrete Deceptive Problems with EMMRS (Page 1139)

Workshop: Technical Market Indicators Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 1851)

Hingston, Philip

Poster: Testing Parallelization Paradigms for MOEAs (Page 755)

Hirasawa, Kotaro

Poster: Construction of Portfolio Optimization System Using Genetic Network Programming with Control Nodes (Page 1693)

Poster: Stock Trading Strategies by Genetic Network Programming with Flag Nodes (Page 1709)

Poster: Varying Portfolio Construction of Stocks Using Genetic Network Programming with Control Nodes (Page 1715)

Late-Breaking Paper: Double-deck Elevator System Using Genetic Network Programming with Genetic Operators Based on Pheromone Information (Page 2239)

Hirayama, Yoshikazu

Paper: Fault Tolerant Control Using Cartesian Genetic Programming (Page 1523)

Hiroyasu, Tomoyuki

Poster: Analysis of the Performance of Genetic Multi-Step Search in Interpolation and Extrapolation Domain (Page 1107)

Poster: Stress-based Crossover Operator for Structure Topology Optimization Using Small Population Size and Variable Length Chromosome (Page 1341)

Hitoshi, Iba

Paper: A Tree-based GA Representation for the Portfolio Optimization Problem (Page 873)

Hitotsuyanagi, Yasuhiro

Paper: Effectiveness of Scalability Improvement Attempts on the Performance of NSGA-II for Many-Objective Problems (Page 649)

Hoffmann, Karl Heinz

Late-Breaking Paper: Threshold Selecting: Best Possible Probability Distribution for Crossover Selection in Genetic Algorithms (Page 2181)

Hökelek, İbrahim

Poster: Genetic Algorithms for Self-Spreading Nodes in MANETs (Page 1141)

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Holdener, Ekaterina A.

Poster: Learning Offspring Optimizing Mate Selection (Page 1109)

Holmes, Tim

Paper: Eye on the Prize: Using Overt Visual Attention to Drive Fitness for Interactive Evolutionary Computation (Page 1531)

Honda, Nobuyoshi

Late-Breaking Paper: Risk Prediction and Risk Factors Identification from Imbalanced Data with RPMBGA+ (Page 2193)

Hong, Yi

Poster: Data Clustering Using Virtual Population Based Incremental Learning Algorithm with Similarity Matrix Encoding Strategy (Page 471)

Paper: Genetic-Guided Semi-Supervised Clustering Algorithm with Instance-Level Constraints (Page 1381)

Hongzong, Si

Poster: Prediction of Retention Times for a Large Set of Pesticides Based on Improved Gene Expression Programming (Page 1725)

Horoba, Christian

Paper: Benefits and Drawbacks for the Use of Є-Dominance in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization (Page 641)

Hougen, Dean F.

Poster: Is "Best-So-Far" a Good Algorithmic Performance Metric? (Page 1147)

Howard, Gerard David

Paper: Self-Adaptive Constructivism in Neural XCS and XCSF (Page 1389)

Workshop: On the Effects of Node Duplication and Connection-Oriented Constructivism in Neural XCSF (Page 1977)

Howden, David

Paper: Collective Intelligence and Bush Fire Spotting (Page 41)

Howe, Adele E.

Paper: Understanding Elementary Landscapes (Page 585)

Hu, Ting

Poster: Measuring Rate of Evolution in Genetic Programming Using Amino Acid to Synonymous Substitution Ratio ka/ks (Page 1337)

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Huang, Houkuan

Poster: A Coevolution Archive Based on Problem Dimension (Page 389)

Hushlak, Gerald

Paper: Evolutionary Design of Dynamic SwarmScapes (Page 827)

Hyun, Soohwan

Poster: Genetic Programming Based Automatic Gait Generation for Quadruped Robots (Page 293)

Iclănzan, David

Paper: Going for the Big Fishes: Discovering and Combining Large Neutral and Massively Multimodal Building-Blocks with Model Based Macro-Mutation (Page 423)

Late-Breaking Paper: Towards Memoryless Model Building (Page 2147)

IJzerman, Ad P.

Paper: Evolutionary Algorithms for Automated Drug Design Towards Target Molecule Properties (Page 1555)

Imada, Janine H.

Late-Breaking Paper: Using Feature-based Fitness Evaluation in Symbolic Regression with Added Noise (Page 2153)

Ishibuchi, Hisao

Paper: Effectiveness of Scalability Improvement Attempts on the Performance of NSGA-II for Many-Objective Problems (Page 649)

Poster: Maintaining the Diversity of Solutions by Non-Geometric Binary Crossover: A Worst One-Max Solver Competition Case Study (Page 1111)

Iwata, Koichiro

Late-Breaking Paper: Risk Prediction and Risk Factors Identification from Imbalanced Data with RPMBGA+ (Page 2193)

Jacob, Christian

Paper: Evolutionary Swarm Design of Architectural Idea Models (Page 143)

Paper: Evolution of Discrete Gene Regulatory Models (Page 307)

Paper: Evolutionary Design of Dynamic SwarmScapes (Page 827)

Poster: Cryptanalysis Using Genetic Algorithms (Page 1099)

Jacob, Jeremy

Paper: Searching for Resource-Efficient Programs: Low-Power Pseudorandom Number Generators (Page 1775)

Jaffe, Klaus

Workshop: Comparing Different Modes of Horizontal Information Transmission in Stabilizing Cooperation in Different Complex Networks (Page 1933)

Jägersküpper, Jens

Paper: Aiming for a Theoretically Tractable CSA Variant by Means of Empirical Investigations (Page 503)

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Jaimes, Antonio López

Paper: Objective Reduction Using a Feature Selection Technique (Page 673)

Jalili, Saeed

Poster: A Multi-Start Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems (Page 613)

James, Derek

Poster: A Comparison of Speciation, Extinction, and Complexification in Neuroevolution With and Without Selection Pressure (Page 529)

Jansen, Thomas

Paper: Comparing Global and Local Mutations on Bit Strings (Page 929)

Tutorial: Computational Complexity and Evolutionary Computation (Page 2417)

Jaros, Jiri

Paper: An Evolutionary Design Technique for Collective Communications on Optimal Diameter-Degree Networks (Page 1539)

Jaśkowski, Wojciech

Paper: Fitnessless Coevolution (Page 355)

Paper: On Selecting the Best Individual in Noisy Environments (Page 961)

Late-Breaking Paper: Multi-Task Code Reuse in Genetic Programming (Page 2159)

Javed, Muhammad Younus

Poster: Attack Analysis & Bio-Inspired Security Framework for IP Multimedia Subsystem (Page 161)

Late-Breaking Paper: Attack Analysis & Bio-Inspired Security Framework for IP Multimedia Subsystem (Page 2093)

Jiang, Fei

Poster: Unsupervised Learning of Echo State Networks: Balancing the Double Pole (Page 869)

Jiang, Hsin-yi

Poster: Deriving Evaluation Metrics for Applicability of Genetic Algorithms to Optimization Problems (Page 1113)

Jin, Yaochu

Paper: A Cellular Model for the Evolutionary Development of Lightweight Material with an Inner Structure (Page 851)

Johannsen, Daniel

Paper: Rigorous Analyses of Fitness-Proportional Selection for Optimizing Linear Functions (Page 953)

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Johnston, Mark

Paper: An Analysis of Multi-Sampled Issue and No-Replacement Tournament Selection (Page 1323)

Jordan, Johannes

Paper: Social Interaction in Particle Swarm Optimization, the Ranked FIPS, and Adaptive Multi-Swarms (Page 49)

Joshi, Ashwin H.

Paper: Evolution of Hyperheuristics for the Biobjective 0/1 Knapsack Problem by Multiobjective Genetic Programming (Page 1227)

Julstrom, Bryant A.

Poster: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Some Cases of the Single-Source Constrained Plant Location Problem (Page 607)

Poster: Greedy Heuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms for the Bounded Minimum-Label Spanning Tree Problem (Page 611)

Jung, Jae-Yoon

Poster: Nested Evolution of an Autonomous Agent Using Descriptive Encoding (Page 285)

Kabli, Ratiba

Paper: Evolved Bayesian Networks as a Versatile Alternative to Partin Tables for Prostate Cancer Management (Page 1547)

Kamel, Mohamed

Poster: Particle Swarm Clustering Ensemble (Page 159)

Kameya, Yoshitaka

Paper: Accelerating Genetic Programming by Frequent Subtree Mining (Page 1203)

Kanoh, Hitoshi

Paper: Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Multi-objective Route Planning with Predicted Traffic in a Real-World Road Network (Page 657)

Karray, Fakhri

Poster: Particle Swarm Clustering Ensemble (Page 159)

Kassahun, Yohannes

Paper: Accelerating Neuroevolutionary Methods Using a Kalman Filter (Page 1397)

Poster: Towards Efficient Online Reinforcement Learning Using Neuroevolution (Page 1425)

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Kattan, Ahmad

Paper: Evolutionary Lossless Compression with GP-ZIP* (Page 1211)

Katzgraber, Helmut G.

Paper: Finding Ground States of Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glasses with Hierarchical BOA and Genetic Algorithms (Page 447)

Kaufmann, Paul

Paper: Advanced Techniques for the Creation and Propagation of Modules in Cartesian Genetic Programming (Page 1219)

Kaur, Devinder

Late-Breaking Paper: Using Quotient Graphs to Model Neutrality in Evolutionary Search (Page 2233)

Kaushal, Aishwarya

Late-Breaking Paper: A Comparison of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms with Informed Initialization and Kuhn-Munkres Algorithm for the Sailor Assignment Problem (Page 2129)

Kayani, Saheeb Ahmed

Workshop: Search for Human Competitive Results in Open Ended Automated Synthesis of a Primordial Mechatronic System (Page 1827)

Late-Breaking Paper: Bond-Graphs + Genetic Programming: Analysis of an Automatically Synthesized Rotary Mechanical System (Page 2165)

Keijzer, Maarten

Tutorial: Symbolic Regression (Page 2895)

Chair's Message: Preface

Kejun, Zhang

Poster: Prediction of Retention Times for a Large Set of Pesticides Based on Improved Gene Expression Programming (Page 1725)

Kell, Douglas B.

Paper: Rapid Prediction of Optimum Population Size in Genetic Programming Using a Novel Genotype - Fitness Correlation (Page 1315)

Keller, Robert E.

Poster: Subheuristic Search and Scalability in a Hyperheuristic (Page 609)

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Khaled, Arindam

Poster: Greedy Heuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms for the Bounded Minimum-Label Spanning Tree Problem (Page 611)

Khan, Gul Muhammad

Late-Breaking Paper: Developing Neural Structure of Two Agents That Play Checkers Using Cartesian Genetic Programming (Page 2169)

Khayam, Syed Ali

Paper: A Formal Performance Modeling Framework for Bio-inspired Ad Hoc Routing Protocols (Page 103)

Paper: Improving Accuracy of Immune-inspired Malware Detectors by Using Intelligent Features (Page 119)

Khemka, Namrata

Paper: Evolutionary Design of Dynamic SwarmScapes (Page 827)

Khosraviani, Mehrshad

Poster: Convergence Analysis of Quantum-inspired Genetic Algorithms with the Population of a Single Individual (Page 1115)

Kim, Jae-Woo

Workshop: How Social Structure and Institutional Order Co-evolve Beyond Instrumental Rationality (Page 1803)

Kim, Yong-Hyuk

Paper: Feasibility-Preserving Crossover for Maximum k-Coverage Problem (Page 593)

Poster: Linear Transformation in Pseudo-Boolean Functions (Page 1117)

Kirchner, Frank

Paper: Accelerating Neuroevolutionary Methods Using a Kalman Filter (Page 1397)

Poster: Towards Efficient Online Reinforcement Learning Using Neuroevolution (Page 1425)

Kirley, Michael

Paper: A Pareto Following Variation Operator for Fast-Converging Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 721)

Kishore, N. N.

Poster: Applicability of Genetic Algorithms to Reconstruction of Projected Data from Ultrasonic Tomography (Page 1705)

Poster: A Domain-Specific Crossover and a Helper Objective for Generating Minimum Weight Compliant Mechanisms (Page 1723)

Klamargias, A. D.

Paper: Particle Filtering with Particle Swarm Optimization in Systems with Multiplicative Noise (Page 57)

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Klein, Christian

Paper: Crossover Can Provably Be Useful in Evolutionary Computation (Page 539)

Paper: Comparing Global and Local Mutations on Bit Strings (Page 929)

Paper: Rigorous Analyses of Fitness-Proportional Selection for Optimizing Linear Functions (Page 953)

Klein, Jon

Paper: Genetic Programming for Finite Algebras (Page 1291)

Knoester, David B.

Paper: Cooperative Network Construction Using Digital Germlines (Page 217)

Kobayashi, Shigenobu

Paper: Functionally Specialized CMA-ES: A Modification of CMA-ES Based on the Specialization of the Functions of Covariance Matrix Adaptation and Step Size Adaptation (Page 479)

Kobe, Sigismund

Paper: Finding Ground States of Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glasses with Hierarchical BOA and Genetic Algorithms (Page 447)

Koch, Patrick

Paper: AMGA: An Archive-based Micro Genetic Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization (Page 729)

Kodali, Shyam P.

Poster: Applicability of Genetic Algorithms to Reconstruction of Projected Data from Ultrasonic Tomography (Page 1705)

Koduru, Praveen

Paper: The Gene Regulatory Network: An Application to Optimal Coverage in Sensor Networks (Page 1461)

Kohl, Nate

Paper: Evolving Neural Networks for Fractured Domains (Page 1405)

Komatsu, Hidenori

Paper: An Evolvability-enhanced Artificial Embryogeny for Generating Network Structures (Page 835)

Koppel, Moshe

Paper: Genetic Algorithms for Mentor-Assisted Evaluation Function Optimization (Page 1469)

Korani, Wael

Workshop: Bacterial Foraging Oriented by Particle Swarm Optimization Strategy for PID Tuning (Page 1823)

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Kotłowski, Wojciech

Paper: On Selecting the Best Individual in Noisy Environments (Page 961)

Kovalchuk, Jenya

Paper: On the Genetic Programming of Time-Series Predictors for Supply Chain Management (Page 1163)

Kowaliw, Taras

Paper: Measures of Complexity for Artificial Embryogeny (Page 843)

Koza, John R.

Tutorial: Introduction to Genetic Programming (Page 2299)

Krasnogor, Natalio

Paper: A Multi-scaled Approach to Artificial Life Simulation With P Systems and Dissipative Particle Dynamics (Page 249)

Paper: Structure and Parameter Estimation for Cell Systems Biology Models (Page 331)

Poster: Fast Rule Representation for Continuous Attributes in Genetics-Based Machine Learning (Page 1421)

Workshop: Learning Classifier Systems for Optimisation Problems: A Case Study on Fractal Travelling Salesman Problem (Page 2039)

Krawiec, Krzysztof

Paper: Fitnessless Coevolution (Page 355)

Late-Breaking Paper: Multi-Task Code Reuse in Genetic Programming (Page 2159)

Late-Breaking Paper: Potential Fitness for Genetic Programming (Page 2175)

Krčah, Peter

Poster: Towards Efficient Evolution of Morphology and Control (Page 287)

Kristoffersen, Stein

Paper: Multi-Resistant Radar Jamming Using Genetic Algorithms (Page 1595)

Kruisselbrink, Johannes W.

Paper: Evolutionary Algorithms for Automated Drug Design Towards Target Molecule Properties (Page 1555)

Kumagai, Junichi

Paper: Accelerating Genetic Programming by Frequent Subtree Mining (Page 1203)

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Kumar, Rajeev

Paper: Enhancing Solution Quality of the Biobjective Graph Coloring Problem Using Hybridization of EA (Page 547)

Paper: Evolution of Hyperheuristics for the Biobjective 0/1 Knapsack Problem by Multiobjective Genetic Programming (Page 1227)

Tutorial: Evolutionary Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization (EMCO) (Page 2805)

Kurata, Yoshiaki

Paper: Accelerating Genetic Programming by Frequent Subtree Mining (Page 1203)

Kuruoglu, Ercan E.

Poster: Levy Walk Evolution for Global Optimization (Page 537)

Kwong, Sam

Poster: Data Clustering Using Virtual Population Based Incremental Learning Algorithm with Similarity Matrix Encoding Strategy (Page 471)

Paper: Genetic-Guided Semi-Supervised Clustering Algorithm with Instance-Level Constraints (Page 1381)

L. Junior, Aranildo R.

Poster: A Hybrid Method for Tuning Neural Network for Time Series Forecasting (Page 531)

Workshop: A Study for Multi-Objective Fitness Function for Time Series Forecasting with Intelligent Techniques (Page 1843)

Lakhotia, Kiran

Paper: Handling Dynamic Data Structures in Search Based Testing (Page 1759)

Lamb, Luis C.

Poster: Distributed Problem Solving by Memetic Networks (Page 599)

Lamont, Gary

Workshop: Evolving Better Satellite Image Compression and Reconstruction Transforms (Page 1901)

Workshop: Emergent Architecture in Self Organized Swarm Systems for Military Applications (Page 1913)

Workshop: Autonomous Agent Behavior Generation Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization (Page 1961)

Lancet, Doron

Paper: A Multi-scaled Approach to Artificial Life Simulation With P Systems and Dissipative Particle Dynamics (Page 249)

Lanchares, Juan

Poster: Solving Discrete Deceptive Problems with EMMRS (Page 1139)

Paper: Analysis of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimize Dynamic Data Types in Embedded Systems (Page 1515)

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Langton, John T.

Workshop: Applications of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms to Air Operations Mission Planning (Page 1879)

Lanzi, Pier Luca

Paper: An Analysis of Matching in Learning Classifier Systems (Page 1349)

Paper: Self-Adaptive Mutation in XCSF (Page 1365)

Workshop: Recursive Least Squares and Quadratic Prediction in Continuous Multistep Problems (Page 1985)

Paper: Self-Adaptive Constructivism in Neural XCS and XCSF (Page 1389)

Laramee, Craig B.

Workshop: SSNNS - A Suite of Tools to Explore Spiking Neural Networks (Page 1787)

Laredo, J. L. J.

Poster: Automatic Generation of XSLT Stylesheets Using Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 1701)

Larock, Curt

Late-Breaking Paper: Opportunistic Evolution: Efficient Evolutionary Computation on Large-Scale Computational Grids (Page 2227)

Lässig, Jörg

Late-Breaking Paper: Threshold Selecting: Best Possible Probability Distribution for Crossover Selection in Genetic Algorithms (Page 2181)

LaTorre, Antonio

Paper: Voronoi-Initializated Island Models for Solving Real-Coded Deceptive Problems (Page 993)

Poster: Using Multiple Offspring Sampling to Guide Genetic Algorithms to Solve Permutation Problems (Page 1119)

Lattaud, Claude

Paper: On Hopeful Monsters, Neutral Networks and Junk Code in Evolving L-Systems (Page 193)

Le, Minh Nghia

Poster: Optinformatics for Schema Analysis of Binary Genetic Algorithms (Page 1121)

Ledezma, Agapito

Poster: Protein-Protein Functional Association Prediction Using Genetic Programming (Page 347)

Lee, Jeong-eun

Poster: Designing a Multistage Reverse Logistics Network Problem by Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (Page 1707)

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Leigh, Ryan

Paper: Using Coevolution to Understand and Validate Game Balance in Continuous Games (Page 1563)

Leng, Gareth

Paper: Rapid Evaluation and Evolution of Neural Models Using Graphics Card Hardware (Page 299)

León, Coromoto

Poster: Parallel Hyperheuristic: A Self-Adaptive Island-Based Model for Multi-Objective Optimization (Page 757)

Paper: Metaheuristics for Solving a Real-World Frequency Assignment Problem in GSM Networks (Page 1579)

Lepping, Joachim

Paper: Discovering Performance Bounds for Grid Scheduling by Using Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (Page 1491)

Lewis, Tony E.

Poster: TREAD: A New Genetic Programming Representation Aimed at Research of Long Term Complexity Growth (Page 1339)

Li, Cuimin

Poster: Stress-based Crossover Operator for Structure Topology Optimization Using Small Population Size and Variable Length Chromosome (Page 1341)

Li, Xiaodong

Paper: Integrating User Preferences with Particle Swarms for Multi-objective Optimization (Page 745)

Li, Zhenhua

Poster: A Practical Search Index and Population Size Analysis Based on the Building Block Hypothesis (Page 1123)

Lichodzijewski, Peter

Paper: Managing Team-Based Problem Solving with Symbiotic Bid-Based Genetic Programming (Page 363)

Lim, Meng Hiot

Paper: Non-genetic Transmission of Memes by Diffusion (Page 1017)

Lim, Yow Tzu

Paper: MLS Security Policy Evolution with Genetic Programming (Page 1571)

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Lima, Claudio F.

Paper: UMDAs for Dynamic Optimization Problems (Page 399)

Paper: From Mating Pool Distributions to Model Overfitting (Page 431)

Paper: Investigating Restricted Tournament Replacement in ECGA for Non-Stationary Environments (Page 439)

Lin, Wei-Kai

Paper: Optimal Sampling of Genetic Algorithms on Polynomial Regression (Page 1089)

Lindsay, Iain A. B.

Paper: Rapid Evaluation and Evolution of Neural Models Using Graphics Card Hardware (Page 299)

Lindsay, Ian

Paper: Genetic Programming for Finite Algebras (Page 1291)

Liou, Jiun-Jiue

Paper: Adaptive Discretization on Multidimensional Continuous Search Spaces (Page 977)

Liu, Kun

Poster: Allocation of Local and Global Search Capabilities of Particle in Canonical PSO (Page 165)

Poster: Magnifier Particle Swarm Optimization for Numerical Optimization (Page 167)

Liu, Xiyang

Paper: Fitness Calculation Approach for the Switch-Case Construct in Evolutionary Testing (Page 1767)

Liu, Yabin

Poster: A Coevolution Archive Based on Problem Dimension (Page 389)

Lizárraga, Giovanni Lizárraga

Paper: G-Metric: an M-ary Quality Indicator for the Evaluation of Non-dominated Sets (Page 665)

Poster: On the Possibility to Create a Compatible–Complete Unary Comparison Method for Evolutionary Multiobjective Algorithms (Page 759)

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Llorŕ, Xavier

Paper: Graph-Theoretic Measure for Active iGAs: Interaction Sizing and Parallel Evaluation Ensemble (Page 985)

Paper: An Analysis of Matching in Learning Classifier Systems (Page 1349)

Paper: Speeding Online Synthesis via Enforced Selecto-Recombination (Page 1635)

Workshop: A New Approach for Multi-label Classification Based on Default Hierarchies and Organizational Learning (Page 2017)

Lobo, Fernando G.

Paper: From Mating Pool Distributions to Model Overfitting (Page 431)

Paper: Investigating Restricted Tournament Replacement in ECGA for Non-Stationary Environments (Page 439)

Loiacono, Daniele

Paper: An Analysis of Matching in Learning Classifier Systems (Page 1349)

Workshop: Recursive Least Squares and Quadratic Prediction in Continuous Multistep Problems (Page 1985)

Loiseau, Irene

Workshop: Learning Classifier Systems for Optimisation Problems: A Case Study on Fractal Travelling Salesman Problem (Page 2039)

Lopez-Orozco, Jose A.

Paper: Evolutionary Path Planner for UAVs in Realistic Environments (Page 1477)

Louis, Sushil J.

Paper: Using Coevolution to Understand and Validate Game Balance in Continuous Games (Page 1563)

Poster: IGAP: Interactive Genetic Algorithm Peer to Peer (Page 1719)

Lu, Zhenyu

Workshop: Informative Sampling for Large Unbalanced Data Sets (Page 2047)

Lucas, Simon M.

Paper: Learning to Recognise Mental Activities: Genetic Programming of Stateful Classifiers for Brain-Computer Interfacing (Page 1155)

Paper: On the Genetic Programming of Time-Series Predictors for Supply Chain Management (Page 1163)

Luga, Hervé

Poster: Genetic Algorithms and Grid Computing for Artificial Embryogeny (Page 281)

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Luke, Sean

Late-Breaking Paper: Opportunistic Evolution: Efficient Evolutionary Computation on Large-Scale Computational Grids (Page 2227)

Luna, Francisco

Paper: Metaheuristics for Solving a Real-World Frequency Assignment Problem in GSM Networks (Page 1579)

Lung, Rodica I.

Workshop: An Agent-Based Collaborative Evolutionary Model for Multimodal Optimization (Page 1969)

Lungeanu, Diana

Workshop: Interactive Search of Rules in Medical Data Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 2065)

Lust, Thibaut

Poster: Speed-up Techniques for Solving Large-scale bTSP with the Two-Phase Pareto Local Search (Page 761)

Lutton, Evelyne

Poster: Behavior-based Speciation for Evolutionary Robotics (Page 297)

Paper: Multiobjective Design of Operators that Detect Points of Interest in Images (Page 1299)