Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference


Table of Contents

Author Index

Author Index


Jackson, D.

Parsing and Translation of Expressions by Genetic Programming (Page 1681)

Dormant Program Nodes and the Efficiency of Genetic Programming (Page 1745)

Jägersküpper, J.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Rigorous Runtime Analysis of a (µ+1) ES for the Sphere Function (Page 849)

Jang, H.-Y.

Molecular Programming: Evolving Genetic Programs in a Test Tube (Page 1761)

Janikow, C. Z.

CGP Visits the Santa Fe Trail — Effects of Heuristics on GP (Page 1697)

Jansen, T.

Theoretical Analysis of a Mutation-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for a Tracking Problem in the Lattice (Page 841)

Jarvis, R. A.

From Supervised Ranking to Evoloving Behaviours of A Robotic Team (Page 1325)

Jeruschkat, R.

BeeAdHoc: An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Inspired by Bee Behavior (Page 153)

Ji, Z.

Estimating the Detector Coverage in a Negative Selection Algorithm (Page 281)

Jiao, L.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Performance Assessment of an Artificial Immune System 
Multiobjective Optimizer by Two Improved Metrics
(Page 373)

Directional Self-Learning of Genetic Algorithm (Page 1569)

An Artificial Immune System Algorithm for CDMA Multiuser Detection over Multi-Path Channels (Page 2105)

Jisong, K.

Multi-level Genetic Algorithm (MLGA) for the Construction of Clock Binary Tree (Page 1441)

Johnson, D. D.

Sub-Structural Niching in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (Page 671)

Jones, L. W.

Automated Re-Invention of Six Patented Optical Lens Systems using Genetic Programming (Page 1953)

Juhas, P.

Conformation of an Ideal Bucky Ball Molecule by Genetic Algorithm and Geometric Constraint from Pair Distance Data (Page 1565)

Julstrom, B. A.

The Blob Code is Competitive with Edge-Sets in Genetic Algorithms for the Minimum Routing Cost Spanning Tree Problem (Page 585)

Greedy, Genetic, and Greedy Genetic Algorithms for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem (Page 607)

Evolving Petri Nets to Represent Metabolic Pathways (Page 2133)

Jung, K.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Phase Transition in a Random NK Landscape Model (Page 1241)

Kagdi, H.

Hybridizing Evolutionary Algorithms and Clustering Algorithms to Find Source-Code Clones (Page 1079)

Kamel, M.

Factors Governing The Behavior of Multiple Cooperating Swarms (Page 269)

Kanno, R.

Event-driven Learning Classifier Systems for Online Soccer Games (Page 2201)

Kao, C.-Y.

Improving EAX with Restricted 2-opt (Page 1471)

Compact Genetic Algorithm for Active Interval Scheduling in Hierarchical Sensor Networks (Page 2205)

Kaufmann, M.

Evolutionary Algorithms for the Self-Organized Evolution of Networks (Page 563)

Kavka, C.

Evolution of Voronoi based Fuzzy Recurrent Controllers (Page 1385)

Keijzer, M.                                                                 (Return to Top)

The Push3 Execution Stack and the Evolution of Control (Page 1689)

Determining Equations for Vegetation Induced Resistance using Genetic Programming (Page 1999)

Kennedy, J.

Dynamic-Probabilistic Particle Swarms (Page 201)

Keymeulen, D.

Evolutionary Computation Applied to the Tuning of MEMS Gyroscopes (Page 927)

Keyser, J.

Terrain Generation Using Genetic Algorithms (Page 1463)

Kharma, N.

GATS 1.0: A Novel GA-based Scheduling Algorithm for Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Processor Nets (Page 2209)

Kicinger, R.

Parameterized versus Generative Representations in Structural Design: An Empirical Comparison (Page 2007)

Kijsirikul, B.

Evolutionary Strategies for Multi-Scale Radial Basis Function Kernels in Support Vector Machines (Page 905)

Kim, E.-Y.                                                                 (Return to Top)

The Impact of Cullular Representation on Finite State Agents for Prisoner's Dilemma (Page 59)

Kim, J. H.

Phase Transition in a Random NK Landscape Model (Page 1241)

Normalization for Neural Network in Genetic Search (Page 1581)

Kim, Y.-H.

An Evolutionary Lagrangian Method for the 0/1 Multiple Knapsack Problem (Page 629)

New Topologies for Genetic Search Space (Page 1393)

Kimura, S.

Genetic Algorithms using Low-Discrepancy Sequences (Page 1341)

Kin, M.-H.

Compact Genetic Algorithm for Active Interval Scheduling in Hierarchical Sensor Networks (Page 2205)

Klein, J.

The Push3 Execution Stack and the Evolution of Control (Page 1689)

Knidel, H.

RABNET: A Real-Valued Antibody Network for Data Clustering (Page 371)

Knight, J. N.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Measuring Mobility and the Performance of Global Search Algorithms (Page 1209)

Kobayashi, S.

Real-coded Crossover as a Role of Kernel Density Estimation (Page 703)

Latent Variable Crossover for k-tablet Structures and its Application to Lens Design Problems (Page 1347)

Adaptive Isolation Model using Data Clustering for Multimodal Function Optimization (Page 1417)

Fitness-based Neighbor Selection for Multimodal Function Optimization (Page 1573)

Koduru, P.

A Co-evolutionary Hybrid Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization of Gene Regulatory Network Models (Page 393)

Kohl, N.

Automatic Feature Selection in Neuroevolution (Page 1225)

Neuroevolution of an Automobile Crash Warning System (Page 1977)

Kok, J.

The Molecule Evoluator: an Interactive Evolutionary Algorithm for Designing Drug Molecules (Page 1969)

Konak, A.

Designing Resilient Networks Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach (Page 1279)

Konar, A.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Improving Particle Swarm Optimization with Differentially Perturbed Velocity (Page 177)

Two Improved Differential Evolution Schemes for Faster Global Search (Page 991)

An Efficient Evolutionary Algorithm Applied to the Design of Two-dimensional IIR Filters (Page 2157)

Kovacs, T.

On the Contribution of Gene Libraries to Artificial Immune Systems (Page 313)

Koza, J. R.

Automated Re-Invention of Six Patented Optical Lens Systems using Genetic Programming (Page 1953)

Kramer, O.

A Mutation Operator for Evolution Strategies to Handle Constrained Problems (Page 917)

Kurz, M. E.

Minimizing Total Flowtime and Maximum Earliness on a Single Machine Using Multiple Measures of Fitness (Page 803)

Kwang, H. H.

Sufficiency Verification of HIV-1 Pathogenesis Based on Multi-Agent Simulation (Page 305)

Kwon, Y.-K.

Stock Prediction Based on Financial Correlation (Page 2061)

Nonlinear Feature Extraction Using a Neuro Genetic Hybrid (Page 2089)

Labiche, Y.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Stress Testing Real-Time Systems with Genetic Algorithms (Page 1021)

Lakshmi, L.

Combating User Fatigue in iGAs: Partial Ordering, Support Vector Machines, and Synthetic Fitness (Page 1363)

Lameijer, E.-W.

The Molecule Evoluator: an Interactive Evolutionary Algorithm for Designing Drug Molecules (Page 1969)

Lammermann, F.

Using Evolutionary Algorithms for the Unit Testing of Object-Oriented Software (Page 1053)

Benefits of Software Measures for Evolutionary White-Box Testing (Page 1083)

Lamont, G. B.

An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Hyper-Ellipsoid Detectors for Negative Selection (Page 337)

A Genetic Algorithm for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing (Page 1523)

MOEA Design of Robust Digital Symbol Sets (Page 2213)

Lampinen, J.

A Differential Evolution Based Incremental Training Method for RBF Networks (Page 881)

Landau, S.                                                                 (Return to Top)

ATNoSFERES revisited (Page 1867)

Langdon, W. B.

Exploring Extended Particle Swarms: A Genetic Programming Approach (Page 169)

Backward-chaining Genetic Programming (Page 1777)

Lanzi, P. L.

Extending XCSF Beyond Linear Approximation (Page 1827)

Lanzi, P. L.

XCS with Computed Prediction in Multistep Environments (Page 1859)

Lasarczyk, C. W. G.

Total Synthesis of Algorithmic Chemistries (Page 1635)

Lee, C.

Multiplex PCR Primer Design for Gene Family Using Genetic Algorithm (Page 67)

Lee, C.-K.

Compact Genetic Algorithm for Active Interval Scheduling in Hierarchical Sensor Networks (Page 2205)

Lee, G.

GAMM: Genetic Algorithms with Meta-Models for Vision (Page 2029)

Lee, K. S.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Harmony Search for Structural Design (Page 651)

Lee, R.-G.

Compact Genetic Algorithm for Active Interval Scheduling in Hierarchical Sensor Networks (Page 2205)

Lee, S.-A.

Improving EAX with Restricted 2-opt (Page 1471)

Legg, S.

Fitness Uniform Deletion: A Simple Way to Preserve Diversity (Page 1271)

Leggett, J. J.

Terrain Generation Using Genetic Algorithms (Page 1463)

Lehmann, K. A.

Evolutionary Algorithms for the Self-Organized Evolution of Networks (Page 563)

Leigh, R.

Predicting Mining Activity with Parallel Genetic Algorithms (Page 2149)

Lemonge, A. C. C.                                                                 (Return to Top)

A Genetic Algorithm Encoding for a Class of Cardinality Constraints (Page 1193)

Lenaerts, T.

Transition Models as an Incremental Approach for Problem Solving in Evolutionary Algorithms (Page 599)

León-Barranco, A.

ARGEN + AREPO: Mixing the Artificial Genetic Engineering and Artificial Evolution of Populations to Improve the Search Process (Page 1597)

Levine, S.

Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Burnable Poison Placement in Pressurized Water Reactors (Page 1477)

Lewandowski, G.

Genetic Programming for Association Rules on Card Sorting Data (Page 1551)

Li, M.

A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Robust Design Optimization (Page 771)

Li, X.

Efficient Differential Evolution using Speciation for Multimodal Function Optimization (Page 873)

Liang, H.-L.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Multiplex PCR Primer Design for Gene Family Using Genetic Algorithm (Page 67)

Lim, C.

Production Planning in Manufacturing/Remanufacturing Environment using Genetic Algorithm (Page 2217)

Lim, M. H.

Solving Large Scale Combinatorial Optimization Using PMA-SLS (Page 621)

Lima, C. F.

Combining Competent Crossover and Mutation Operators: a Probabilistic Model Building Approach (Page 735)

Lin, F.-M.

Primer Design for Multiplex PCR Using a Genetic Algorithm (Page 475)

Lipson, H.

Evolutionary Form-Finding of Tensegrity Structures (Page 3)

'Managed Challenge' Alleviates Disengagement in Co-evolutionary System Identification (Page 531)

Liu, B.-F.

MeSwarm: Memetic Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 267)

Liu, F.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Directional Self-Learning of Genetic Algorithm (Page 1569)

Liu, J.

A Differential Evolution Based Incremental Training Method for RBF Networks (Page 881)

Llorŕ, X.

Extracted Global Structure Makes Local Building Block Processing Effective in XCS (Page 655)

Combating User Fatigue in iGAs: Partial Ordering, Support Vector Machines, and Synthetic Fitness (Page 1363)

The Compact Classifier System: Motivation, Analysis, and First Results (Page 1893)

Lobo, F. G.

Combining Competent Crossover and Mutation Operators: a Probabilistic Model Building Approach (Page 735)

Loffredo, C. A.

Particle Swarm Optimization for Analysis of Mass Spectral Serum Profiles (Page 431)

Lohn, J. D.

Toward Evolved Flight (Page 957)

Loiacono, D.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Extending XCSF Beyond Linear Approximation (Page 1827)

XCS with Computed Prediction in Multistep Environments (Page 1859)

Lokan, C.

DXCS: an XCS System For Distributed Data Mining (Page 1883)

Looks, M.

Learning Computer Programs with the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (Page 747)

Lopez-Dee, Z. P.

A Co-evolutionary Hybrid Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization of Gene Regulatory Network Models (Page 393)

Lotto, R. B.

Evolving Visually Guided Agents in an Ambiguous Virtual World (Page 115)

Louis, S. J.

A Scalable Parallel Genetic Algorithm for X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis (Page 811)

Predicting Mining Activity with Parallel Genetic Algorithms (Page 2149)

Lu, B.

Performance Assessment of an Artificial Immune System Multiobjective Optimizer by Two Improved Metrics (Page 373)

Luke, S.

Evolutionary Computation and the C-value Paradox (Page 91)

Lunacek, M.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Measuring Mobility and the Performance of Global Search Algorithms (Page 1209)

Alternative Implementations of The Griewangk Function (Page 1589)

Luo, X.

Evolving Recurrent Models Using Linear GP (Page 1787)

Luque, C.

Evolutionary Rule-Based System for IPO Underpricing Prediction (Page 983)

Lyman, M.

Genetic Programming for Association Rules on Card Sorting Data (Page 1551)

Machado, J. A. T.

Fractional Dynamic Fitness Functions for GA-based Circuit Design (Page 1571)

Mahdavi, K.

An Empirical Study of the Robustness of Two Module Clustering Fitness Functions (Page 1029)

Maier, H. R.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Ant Colony Optimization for Power Plant Maintenance Scheduling 
(Page 249)

Majeed, H.

Evaluating GP Schema in Context (Page 1773)

Maletic, J. I.

Hybridizing Evolutionary Algorithms and Clustering Algorithms to Find Source-Code Clones (Page 1079)

Mancini, R. C.

A Scalable Parallel Genetic Algorithm for X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis (Page 811)

Mancoridis, S.

GA-Based Parameter Tuning for Multi-Agent Systems (Page 1085)

Mann, C. J.

CGP Visits the Santa Fe Trail — Effects of Heuristics on GP (Page 1697)

Martin H, J. A.

Search Space Modulation in Genetic Algorithms: Evolving the Search Space by Sinusoidal Transformations (Page 1559)

Martin, J. G.

Subproblem Optimization by Gene Correlation with Singular Value Decomposition (Page 1507)

Massey, P.

Evolution of a Human-Competitive Quantum Fourier Transform Algorithm Using Genetic Programming (Page 1657)

Masum, H.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Statistical Analysis of Heuristics for Evolving Sorting Networks (Page 1265)

Matos, A.

Evolutionary Models for Maternal Effects in Simulated Developmental Systems (Page 149)

Matsumoto, K.

A Comparison Study between Genetic Algorithms and Bayesian Optimize Algorithms by Novel Indices (Page 1485)

Matsumura, K.

Genetic Algorithms using Low-Discrepancy Sequences (Page 1341)

Matthews, R.

Agent-Based Modelling of Product Invention (Page 129)

McCall, J.

Using a Markov Network Model in a Univariate EDA: An Empirical Cost-Benefit Analysis (Page 727)

McDonald, J. R.

A Case Study of Process Facility Optimization using Discrete Event Simulation and Genetic Algorithm (Page 2197)

McLoughlin III, J. F.

The Enhanced Evolutionary Tabu Search and Its Application to the Quadratic Assignment Problem (Page 975)

McMinn, P.

Evolutionary Testing of State-Based Programs (Page 1013)

McPartland, M.

Emergence of Communication in Competitive Multi-Agent Systems: A Pareto Multi-Objective Approach (Page 51)

McPhee, N. F.                                                                 (Return to Top)

A Theoretical Analysis of the HIFF Problem (Page 1153)

Meekhof, T.

Using Evolutionary Optimization to Improve Markov-based Classification with Limited Training Data (Page 2211)

Mehnen, J.

Using Predators and Preys in Evolution Strategies (Page 827)

Mellor, D.

A First Order Logic Classifier System (Page 1819)

Merlo, E.

Improving Network Applications Security: a New Heuristic to Generate Stress Testing Data (Page 1037)

Meth, J.

BeeAdHoc: An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Inspired by Bee Behavior (Page 153)

Mezura-Montes, E.

Promising Infeasibility and Multiple Offspring Incorporated to Differential Evolution for Constrained Optimization (Page 225)

Michelitsch, T.

Using Predators and Preys in Evolution Strategies (Page 827)

Mierswa, I.

Incorporating Fuzzy Knowledge into Fitness: Multiobjective Evolutionary 3D Design of Process Plants (Page 1985)

Miikkulainen, R.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Constructing Good Learners using Evolved Pattern Generators (Page 11)

Automatic Feature Selection in Neuroevolution (Page 1225)

Efficient Credit Assignment through Evaluation Function Decomposition (Page 1309)

Evolving Neural Network Ensembles for Control Problems (Page 1379)

Learning Basic Navigation for Personal Satellite Assistant Using Neuroevolution (Page 1913)

Effective Image Compression using Evolved Wavelets (Page 1961)

Neuroevolution of an Automobile Crash Warning System (Page 1977)

Miki, M.

Multi-Objective Optimization of Diesel Engine Emissions and Fuel Economy Using SPEA2+ (Page 2195)

Miller, J. F.

Investigating the Performance of Module Acquisition in Cartesian Genetic Programming (Page 1649)

Minhas, M.

Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement using Distributed Genetic Algorithm (Page 1585)

Minqiang, L.

Multi-level Genetic Algorithm (MLGA) for the Construction of Clock Binary Tree (Page 1441)

Mitchell, M.

Investigating the Success of Spatial Coevolution (Page 523)

Mohr, P.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Is Negative Selection Appropriate for Anomaly Detection? (Page 321)

Monson, C. K.

Bayesian Optimization Models for Particle Swarms (Page 193)

Exposing Origin-Seeking Bias in PSO (Page 241)

Montana, D.

Optimizing Parameters of a Mobile Ad Hoc Network Protocol with a Genetic Algorithm (Page 1993)

Moon, B.-R.

An Evolutionary Lagrangian Method for the 0/1 Multiple Knapsack Problem (Page 629)

Computing the Epistasis Variance of Large-Scale Traveling Salesman Problems (Page 1169)

New Topologies for Genetic Search Space (Page 1393)

Normalization for Neural Network in Genetic Search (Page 1581)

Genetic Fuzzy Discretization with Adaptive Intervals for Classification Problems (Page 2037)

Stock Prediction Based on Financial Correlation (Page 2061)

Nonlinear Feature Extraction Using a Neuro Genetic Hybrid (Page 2089)

Moore, F. W.

A Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Reconstruction of Quantized One-dimensional Signals (Page 1599)

Mori, N.                                                                 (Return to Top)

A Comparison Study between Genetic Algorithms and Bayesian Optimize Algorithms by Novel Indices (Page 1485)

Mueller, C.

BeeAdHoc: An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Inspired by Bee Behavior (Page 153)

Muńoz Zavala, A. E.

Constrained Optimization via Particle Evolutionary Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PESO) (Page 209)

Murata, T.

Neighboring Crossover to Improve GA-Based Q-Learning Method for Multi-Legged Robot Control (Page 145)

Genetic Network Programming with Automatically Defined Groups for Assigning Proper Roles to Multiple Agents (Page 1705)

Mytkowicz, T.

Evolving Cooperative Strategies for UAV Teams (Page 1721)

Nag, S.

A Pareto Archive Evolutionary Strategy Based Radial Basis Function Neural Network Training Algorithm for Failure Rate Prediction in Overhead Feeders (Page 2127)

Nakamura, M.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Parallel Genetic Algorithms on Line Topology of Heterogeneous Computing Resources (Page 1447)

Nakamura, T.

Genetic Network Programming with Automatically Defined Groups for Assigning Proper Roles to Multiple Agents (Page 1705)

Nakayama, S.

Multi-Objective Optimization of Diesel Engine Emissions and Fuel Economy Using SPEA2+ (Page 2195)

Narukawa, K.

Comparison of Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization with Reference Solution-Based Single-Objective Approach (Page 787)

An Empirical Study on the Handling of Overlapping Solutions in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (Page 817)

Nashvili, M.

Morphing Methods in Evolutionary Design Optimization (Page 897)

Nassu, B. T.

A Comparison of Evolutionary Algorithms for System-Level Diagnosis (Page 2053)

Natarajan, B.

A Multi-objective Algorithm for DS-CDMA Code Design Based on the Clonal Selection Principle (Page 2015)

An Ant Colony Algorithm for Multi-user Detection in Wireless Communication Systems (Page 2121)

Nathan, P.

Breeding Swarms: A New Approach to Recurrent Neural Network Training (Page 185)

Naudts, B.

Walsh Transforms, Balanced Sum Theorems and Partition Coefficients over Multary Alphabets (Page 1303)

Naval, Jr., P. C.

An Effective Use of Crowding Distance in Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 257)

Neal-Sturgess, C.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Optimization of Passenger Car Design for the Mitigation of Pedestrian Head Injury Using a Genetic Algorithm (Page 2113)

Neumann, F.

Minimum Spanning Trees Made Easier Via Multi-Objective Optimization (Page 763)

Nguyen, D.

Evolving Cooperative Strategies for UAV Teams (Page 1721)

Nino, F.

Towards a Self-Stopping Evolutionary Algorithm Using Coupling From The Past (Page 615)

Nojima, Y.

An Empirical Study on the Handling of Overlapping Solutions in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (Page 817)

Nolfi, S.

Emergence of Communication in Competitive Multi-Agent Systems: A Pareto Multi-Objective Approach (Page 51)

Noman, N.

Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks Using S-system and Differential Evolution (Page 439)

Enhancing Differential Evolution Performance with Local Search for High Dimensional Function Optimization (Page 967)

Nowe, A.                                                                 (Return to Top)

A Model Based on Ant Colony System and Rough Set Theory to Feature Selection (Page 275)

Nummela, J.

Evolving Petri Nets to Represent Metabolic Pathways (Page 2133)

Nunez, A. S.

MOEA Design of Robust Digital Symbol Sets (Page 2213)

Nunn, I.

The Application of Antigenic Search Techniques to Time Series Forecasting (Page 353)

Oh, S.

On the Practical Genetic Algorithms (Page 1583)

Ohnishi, K.

Evolutionary Change in Developmental Timing (Page 1561)

Oks, B.

Evolutionary Computation Applied to the Tuning of MEMS Gyroscopes (Page 927)

Olhofer, M.

Morphing Methods in Evolutionary Design Optimization (Page 897)

Ondas, R.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Scalability of Genetic Programming and Probabilistic Incremental Program Evolution (Page 1785)

O'Neill, M.

Agent-Based Modelling of Product Invention (Page 129)

meta-Grammar Constant Creation with Grammatical Evolution by Grammatical Evolution (Page 1665)

Ong, T. J.

Terrain Generation Using Genetic Algorithms (Page 1463)

Ong, Y. S.

Solving Large Scale Combinatorial Optimization Using PMA-SLS (Page 621)

Oppacher, F.

Statistical Analysis of Heuristics for Evolving Sorting Networks (Page 1265)

Orvisky, E.

Particle Swarm Optimization for Analysis of Mass Spectral Serum Profiles (Page 431)

Ostfeld, A.

Water Distribution Systems Optimal Design Using Cross Entropy (Page 647)

Pache, G.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Search-based Improvement of Subsystem Decompositions (Page 1045)

Pahwa, A.

A Pareto Archive Evolutionary Strategy Based Radial Basis Function Neural Network Training Algorithm for Failure Rate Prediction in Overhead Feeders (Page 2127)

Pakhira, M. K.

A Hardware Pipeline for Function Optimization using Genetic Algorithms (Page 949)

Pannenbaecker, T.

BeeAdHoc: An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Inspired by Bee Behavior (Page 153)

Pardoe, D.

Evolving Neural Network Ensembles for Control Problems (Page 1379)

Parker, G.

Evolution of Multi-Loop Controllers for Fixed Morphology with a Cyclic Genetic Algorithm (Page 147)

Paszynska, A.

An Extension of Vose's Markov Chain Model for Genetic Algorithms (Page 1553)

Paul, C.

Evolutionary Form-Finding of Tensegrity Structures (Page 3)

Paul, T. K.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Extraction of Informative Genes from Microarray Data (Page 453)

Paxton, J.

EA Models and Population Fixed-Points Versus Mutation Rates for Functions of Unitation (Page 1233)

Payne, J. L.

A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with Pattern Search for Finding Heavy Atoms in Protein Crystals (Page 377)

Peay, C.

Evolutionary Computation Applied to the Tuning of MEMS Gyroscopes (Page 927)

Pelikan, M.

Extracted Global Structure Makes Local Building Block Processing Effective in XCS (Page 655)

Multiobjective hBOA, Clustering, and Scalability (Page 663)

Scalability of Genetic Programming and Probabilistic Incremental Program Evolution (Page 1785)

Pennachin, C.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Learning Computer Programs with the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (Page 747)

Perelman, L.

Water Distribution Systems Optimal Design Using Cross Entropy (Page 647)

Pérez Pérez, E.

Constructive Induction and Genetic Algorithms for Learning Concepts with Complex Interaction (Page 1811)

Peterson, G. L.

An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Hyper-Ellipsoid Detectors for Negative Selection (Page 337)

Peterson, M. R.

GA-Facilitated Classifier Optimization with Varying Similarity Measures (Page 1549)

Petricoin, E. F.

Particle Swarm Optimization for Analysis of Mass Spectral Serum Profiles (Page 431)

Peysakhov, M.

GA-Based Parameter Tuning for Multi-Agent Systems (Page 1085)

Pfeiffer, J.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Classification of Human Decision Behavior: Finding Modular Decision Rules with Genetic Algorithms (Page 2021)

Pham, Q. T.

Evolutionary Optimization of Dynamic Control Problems Accelerated by Progressive Step Reduction (Page 2181)

Phienthrakul, T.

Evolutionary Strategies for Multi-Scale Radial Basis Function Kernels in Support Vector Machines (Page 905)

Philemotte, C.

Intrinsic Emergence Boosts Adaptive Capacity (Page 559)

Pillay, N.

An Investigation into Using Genetic Programming as a Means of Inducing Solutions to Novice Procedural Programming Problems (Page 1781)

Pitt, G.

Isolating the Benefits of Respect (Page 1601)

Pizzimenti, M.

Parameter Sweeps for Exploring GP Parameters (Page 1791)

Poladian, L.                                                                 (Return to Top)

A GA for Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic Inference using Neighbour-Joining as a Genotype to Phenotype Mapping (Page 415)

Poli, R.

Exploring Extended Particle Swarms: A Genetic Programming Approach (Page 169)

Information Landscapes and the Analysis of Search Algorithms (Page 1287)

Information Landscapes and Problem Hardness (Page 1425)

Information Landscapes (Page 1515)

Backward-chaining Genetic Programming (Page 1777)

Pollack, J.

Automated Assembly as Situated Development: Using Artificial Ontogenies to Evolve Buildable 3-D Objects (Page 99)

Pollack, J. B.

On Identifying Global Optima in Cooperative Coevolution (Page 539)

Poon, P. W.

A Genetic Algorithm Approach to the Selection of Near-Optimal Subsets from Large Sets (Page 2203)

Popovici, E.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Understanding Cooperative Co-evolutionary Dynamics via Simple Fitness Landscapes (Page 507)

Potter, M. A.

Applying Price's Equation to Survival Selection (Page 1371)

Pozo, A. T. R.

A Comparison of Evolutionary Algorithms for System-Level Diagnosis (Page 2053)

Preuss, M.

Counteracting Genetic Drift and Disruptive Recombination in (µ+,λ)-EA on Multimodal Fitness Landscapes (Page 865)

Prodan, L.

Multiple-Level Concatenated Coding in Embryonics: A Dependability Analysis (Page 941)

Pujals, E.

Intransitivity Revisited Coevolutionary Dynamics of Numbers Games (Page 515)

Pulavarty, S. V. P. M. S.

On the Convergence of an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based on Linkage Discovery and Factorization (Page 695)

Punch, W.

Conformation of an Ideal Bucky Ball Molecule by Genetic Algorithm and Geometric Constraint from Pair Distance Data (Page 1565)

Qi, Z.-q.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Flight Midcourse Guidance Control Based On Genetic Algorithm (Page 1501)

Quintana, D.

Evolutionary Rule-Based System for IPO Underpricing Prediction (Page 983)

Rahman, M.

Multi-Niche Crowding in the Development of Parallel Genetic Simulated Annealing (Page 1555)

Raines, G. L.

Predicting Mining Activity with Parallel Genetic Algorithms (Page 2149)

Ramakrishna, R. S.

On the Practical Genetic Algorithms (Page 1583)

Rand, W.                                                                 (Return to Top)

The Problem with a Self-Adaptive Mutation Rate in Some Environments: A Case Study using the Shaky Ladder Hyperplane-Defined Functions (Page 1493)

Ranjithan, S. R.

Multipopulation Cooperative Coevelutionary Programming (MCCP) to Enhance Design Innovation (Page 1641)

Raquel, C. R.

An Effective Use of Crowding Distance in Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization (Page 257)

Rasheed, K.

MDGA: Motif Discovery Using A Genetic Algorithm (Page 447)

Improving GA Search Reliability Using Maximal Hyper-Rectangle Analysis (Page 1185)

Ravichandran, B.

XCS for Robust Automatic Target Recognition (Page 1803)

Raymer, M. L.

GA-Facilitated Classifier Optimization with Varying Similarity Measures (Page 1549)

Redi, J.

Optimizing Parameters of a Mobile Ad Hoc Network Protocol with a Genetic Algorithm (Page 1993)

Reis, C.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Fractional Dynamic Fitness Functions for GA-based Circuit Design (Page 1571)

Ren, Q.

Genetic Drift in Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (Page 745)

Ressom, H.

Particle Swarm Optimization for Analysis of Mass Spectral Serum Profiles (Page 431)

Rettinger, A.

Intelligent Exploration for Genetic Algorithms Using Self-Organizing Maps in Evolutionary Computation (Page 1531)

Reyes, C. A.

ARGEN + AREPO: Mixing the Artificial Genetic Engineering and Artificial Evolution of Populations to Improve the Search Process (Page 1597)

Richards, M. D.

Evolving Cooperative Strategies for UAV Teams (Page 1721)

Richter, J. N.

EA Models and Population Fixed-Points Versus Mutation Rates for Functions of Unitation (Page 1233)

Ridder, J. P.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Mission Planning for Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses Using a Genetic Algorithm (Page 1929)

Rieffel, J.

Automated Assembly as Situated Development: Using Artificial Ontogenies to Evolve Buildable 3-D Objects (Page 99)

Riolo, R.

The Problem with a Self-Adaptive Mutation Rate in Some Environments: A Case Study using the Shaky Ladder Hyperplane-Defined Functions (Page 1493)

Rocha, L. M.

Tracking Extrema in Dynamic Environments using a Coevolutionary Agent-based Model of Genotype Edition (Page 545)

Rockett, P. I.

Evolving Optimal Feature Extraction using Multi-objective Genetic Programming: A Methodology and Preliminary Study on Edge Detection (Page 795)

Roe, J. L.

A Co-evolutionary Hybrid Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization of Gene Regulatory Network Models (Page 393)

Roggero, P.

Evolution of Voronoi based Fuzzy Recurrent Controllers (Page 1385)

Rojas, D. A.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Discriminating and Visualizing Anomalies Using Negative Selection and Self-Organizing Maps (Page 297)

Romay, M. G.

Introducing a Watermarking with a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (Page 2219)

Rome, D.

Evolving Cooperative Strategies for UAV Teams (Page 1721)

Rosenberg, R. C.

Design of Air Pump System Using Bond Graph and Genetic Programming Method (Page 2215)

Ross, P.

Hyper-heuristics and Classifier Systems for Solving 2D-Regular Cutting Stock Problems (Page 637)

Rothlauf, F.

Classification of Human Decision Behavior: Finding Modular Decision Rules with Genetic Algorithms (Page 2021)

Russell, M. A.

A Genetic Algorithm for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing (Page 1523)

Ryan, C.                                                                 (Return to Top)

Evaluating GP Schema in Context (Page 1773)

Ryoo, M.

Evolving Neural Network Ensembles for Control Problems (Page 1379)